Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 805 The Shark Man seems to want to report

"And this calculator looks relatively clean, and there is no accumulation of dust in the gaps. Although there is some on the casing, it should be all new - there is no need for the robbers to hide such things. This may be the hijacked sniper Signs left by hands.”

Conan nodded, pointed to the ground next to him, and added: "There are still traces of friction here. The hostage probably pretended to fall and stuffed the calculator into the cracks of the bricks."

Jiang Xia had the consciousness to be a good detective, so she raised her cell phone and took a few photos over there as evidence.

Although they still destroyed the scene, they just have to be better than other detectives...

Jiang Xia put away her phone, as if she suddenly remembered something, and asked Conan, who had seen the situation on the roof: "What does the kidnapped person look like?"

Conan thought for a while: "There is a bit of backlight, so I can't see his specific appearance... He is about 20 or 30 years old, and he still feels very young. He has a hedgehog head and a tall build."

"That's it..." Jiang Xia also imitated his example and thought for a while, "Let me go to the police first and ask them about the situation - this may be related to the disappearance case I just encountered."

"...disappearance case?"

There are currently not many useful clues in the abandoned building.

The two tomboys then followed Jiang Xia back to the city and came to Masuo Eri's house.

——The police are still collecting traces here, trying to find the whereabouts of the missing people.

"...That's just the way it is."

Jiang Xia repeated what she just heard from the children to Sato Miwako:

"Since he disappeared while preparing for his honeymoon, and no one called the police before today, it means that the newlywed husband is probably related to this disappearance case - either an accomplice of the kidnapper, or a victim.

"Now it seems that the latter is the case."

Conan is looking at the picture frame nearby.

After watching for a while, he nodded and agreed with Jiang Xia: "Although it was far away at the time and I couldn't see clearly, judging from the body shape and general outline, the sniper being held hostage should be this person."

"Yes, we have verified the identity of the new husband."

Mumu Police Department jumped out of nowhere and looked at his brothers with a serious look on his face:

"His name is Yamabe Koichi. He is a colleague of our Search Section 4. He used to be an Olympic shooter. After retiring, he became a policeman... This is exactly what you saw. If so, those gangsters The clothes man must be planning some huge conspiracy!"

As he said that, he touched the heads of the two children: "You have done a great job." Jiang Xia really knows how to take care of children... The only question is, are these two children also infected with the incident constitution? This doesn't seem to be the first time...

The police department is a little worried about the future of society.

But then I thought about it, there were more urgent things to worry about right now than this.

——Those men in black kidnapped Yamabe Koichi and his wife at the same time, and took Yamabe Koichi at gunpoint to practice sniping. This is probably because the kidnappers are using Masao Eri as a hostage, coercing Yamabe Koichi to shoot an assassination target in accordance with their requirements.

This is undoubtedly a murder about to happen.

Moreover, by deliberately using this method of sniping, some big shots might be killed.

The most worrying thing is that even if they learned about the other party's conspiracy, they now have no clue.

Thinking of this, Mumu Police Department looked at Jiang Xia and the calculator he brought back with expectation. This is probably a clue left by Yamabe Koichi: "Did you see anything?"

Jiang Xia glanced at the calendar and found that the assassination was still some time away.

I thought about the number of robbers, the fluffy feel of their knocks, and the people who might be involved in this case.

Jiang Xia did not fast forward this time, but looked thoughtful and shook his head:

"This string of numbers may refer to the scheduled sniper location, the date of the attack, or the place where the couple is currently imprisoned... There is no interval between the numbers, and there are too many combinations. There are several commonly used ones at present. None of the cracking methods can be applied. It may be the code that Mr. Yamabe came up with in a flash. In this case, it is better to start from another angle - since it is a practice, the terrain of the shooting location is likely to be the same as the 'S' The shape of the river is similar to that of the building."

"Could it be this?" Next to her, Hui Yuan Ai was quietly listening to Jiang Xia's "reasoning" while already taking out her phone and clicking on the map.

A quick glance revealed that there was indeed an "S" shaped road, and it happened to be on National Highway 162 - the last few digits of the code "3135134162" on the calculator happened to be "162".

Conan was also looking at the map and shook his head: "Since it is a hijacking sniper, the sniper should not be held too far away from the official shooting point - the location you pointed to is already close to Kyoto. Compared with it, More likely it's a major local road... maybe County Road 162? It has an 'S' on it too."

The Mumu Police Department heard the reasoning with sharp ears, and with a skillful wave of his hand, he commanded his subordinates: "Go to this location and take a look. Be careful not to expose yourself!"

Except for a few people who continued to collect evidence at Masuo's house, and those who went to the building to collect evidence secretly.

Other police officers got into police cars and prepared to go and observe.

Conan also jumped into the car.

"You guys go over there, I want to go somewhere else." Jiang Xia seemed to be thinking about something. Instead of joining them, she walked in another direction. "I always feel that something is not quite right..."

He says the Riddler lines that detectives often use and puts on his helmet.

Before anyone else comes to their senses, disappear around the corner and head straight to the parking lot, ready to be a normal detective lone ranger.

On the way, Conan gradually realized something was wrong.

——Many roads that appear to be straight lines on the map are actually S-shaped when you walk on them. And it is far more consistent with the shape of the river used for practice than the one marked "S" on the map.

The police also noticed the problem and were a little confused - what should they do? Do they have to keep looking along the road?

...Before the code is cracked, this seems to be the only way. Take your time, after all, it is a human life, nothing is too much trouble or not.

the other side.

Jiang Xia found a corner and stopped the car, took out her mobile phone, pressed Ginjiu's number, and dialed.

In my mind, this was an assassination that was not very impressive. Although it was a little rough, it was indeed related to a person who was neither big nor small.

Thinking of the organization's messy network of connections, Jiang Xia felt that facing such people, she should perhaps have some awareness of being an organizational cadre.

...For example, make a phone call before the incident. Lest the case be related to any organization's plan and then take the blame yourself.

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