Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 806 Gin: There is no perfect subordinate (supplementary update)

The outskirts of Tokyo.

Gin is checking the information he just received.

He felt his phone vibrate and glanced down at the screen.

After recognizing the call number above, the corners of his eyes twitched.

...It's Uzo's phone number.

A while ago, after refusing to give Uzo the task list, Gin had been harassed with various excuses.

So now, when he was busy, he suddenly received this call, and his fingers instinctively moved to the hang up button.

"..." But when I thought about it, Uzo was already gradually changing.

Although judging from the frequency of "Jiang Xia" appearing in newspapers, Wu Zuo has not written less fancy scripts at all. But he at least began to consider the interests of the organization, and also sent some funds to the organization one after another... Not to mention the amount of money, the main change in attitude is commendable.

In addition, Gin recalled the reports he had seen recently.

In the past few days, Wu Zuo has been surprisingly calm and has not created any cases for several days in a row.

Although Gin hopes that this is because Uzo is preparing to assassinate President Sindora and has no time to do anything else...

But another possibility cannot be ruled out.

——Uzo hasn't met any interesting people recently, and he can't come up with a "script" that satisfies him.

……if the latter one. Uzo loves to cause trouble when he is free, especially if he goes without "solving a case" for a while, which makes him even more dangerous.

Gin glanced at his cell phone that was constantly vibrating.

I won't answer the phone at this time, just in case...

He was silent for two seconds, and finally stopped what he was doing, picked up the phone, and asked coldly: "What's the matter?"

"It's not a big deal..." Uzo's tone was quite brisk and he sounded in a good mood. He suddenly said in a tone as if he was gossiping with a friend, "Do you know Yota Yoshino? He is a very powerful prosecutor."

Gin snorted coldly to show his disdain for the question - of course he knew. They are not just a killer organization. The cadres in Tokyo must have heard about those characters in Tokyo to some extent. Uzo, who has been immersed in the atmosphere of the organization since childhood, should know this very well.

So...why did Uzo suddenly bring this up?

This thought flashed through Gin's mind, and he subconsciously sat up a little straighter.

Sure enough, the next second, Uzuo's voice in the receiver became attentive and positive: "It's nothing, I just want to ask, do we have any plans to silence him in the near future?"

Gin: "..."

He just knew...

Fortunately, I answered the phone.

"Leave him alone." Gin exhaled silently, "He has no direct interest in us, but he can suppress those groups of gophers who don't know the heights of the earth."

Jiang Xia: "...?" Rats generally refer to undercover agents or disgusting people. He knows this...

But what is a gopher?

Are you talking about the Ghost Tiger Society, a small organization that doesn’t see much publicity and is a bit clumsy compared to other organizations?

Jiang Xia silently studied the new terms, and was a little surprised at the same time.

Speaking of which, the prosecutor arrested the leader and key members of the Ghost Tiger Association, which led to the dissolution of the Ghost Tiger Association and the collapse of the deal with the organization. This should be regarded as something that damaged the organization. But the organization didn't care...

However, when I thought about it, when the organization dealt with this stuck transaction, it just regarded it as a task that any peripheral member could complete independently, and threw it away at will... It can be seen that the transaction with the Ghost Tiger Society was not an important item. , the organization probably just felt that it was a pity to lose that batch of goods, or that its value was at least equal to that of a peripheral member, so it sent the task.

On the other side of the phone, Ginjiu heard Jiang Xia's silence and obviously misunderstood the meaning of his silence.

Gin gradually began to suspect that Uzo was actually inspired when he met Prosecutor Yoshino by chance, and came up with his preferred death script and laid out all the conditions. But before taking action, Wu Zuo suddenly remembered that the prosecutor might be related to the organization, so he politely called him to inquire. Fortunately, he would be more confident when killing the prosecutor and show the organization that he was a calm person. Reliable cadres...

If that's the case, Gin thought, Uzo's murder against Prosecutor Yoshino was almost on the line. With Uzo's persistence in those so-called "dramas", it's no wonder that he suddenly stopped and the man fell into silence - maybe Uzo didn't expect to get the answer "don't kill" from him, so now, instinctively Plan to pretend not to hear.

"..." Thinking of this, Gin silently lit a cigarette. A genius with too much energy... Fortunately, he is strong enough and is gradually heading towards the right path... At least this time, before taking action, Uzo called to ask.

Gin exhaled a puff of cigarette smoke, and with a rare bit of patience, added: "For us, at that level, the change of positions of people like Yoshino can be regarded as affecting the whole body - let's send them there The chess piece has just stabilized and is still adapting to work. If the environment changes too quickly, those cunning 'colleagues' may catch the flaw. In short, don't attack him for at least half a year."

"...Okay." Uzo's response sounded a bit perfunctory.

After a pause, Jiang Xia came to his senses and changed his words sincerely: "You may not believe it, but in fact it's not that I want to kill him, it's just that he happened to be involved in a case..."



Jiang Xia paused and looked at the phone.

The call was hung up.

Gin seemed to have judged his subsequent truths as "meaningless and untrue nonsense", so in order to save time, he directly filtered them out physically.

In a hidden corner of Tokyo, among a black Porsche.

Vodka tilted his ears and eavesdropped on the whole conversation of the elder brother next to him.

Gin put down his cell phone and happened to see the driver's honest look. He lowered his hand to knock off the ashes of his cigarette and his forehead jumped twice.

Although this time, Uzo almost killed someone who didn't need to be killed.

But thinking about it on the other hand, if one day, when I was preparing to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to plan an assassination, the target happened to "accidentally die" because of Uzo, it would be a surprise.

Everything has two sides.

Gin can always keep Vodka by his side to do odd jobs, which shows that he is also a tolerant person in some aspects.

...And on the bright side, in terms of organization and discipline, Uzo has made significant progress recently. Not only has he begun to actively raise funds, but he also knows to tell the organization before taking action. If you think about it this way, the future is bright.

Gin quickly regained his composure and continued to check the materials he had just received.

the other side.

After Jiang Xia inquired about the situation, he hung up the phone. Look at an advertisement on the bulletin board next to you.

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