Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 810 The invincible aura is not afraid of car accidents

Soon, a black cat with white paws took shape in the corner.

The cat poked its head out from the gap in the curtains that hung to the ground and took a furtive look.

There were only three people in the room at this time.

——Jiang Xia, Masuo Eri who was tied up and sleeping in a corner, and a man in black who was responsible for guarding the hostages.

The man in black in the room obviously didn't think that the two unconscious and tied hostages had a chance to resist.

He didn't keep staring at Jiangxia and Masao Eri. He was leaning on the sofa and playing Tetris on his mobile phone. After a while, maybe because he was sleepy from playing, he walked to the table in a homely manner and started boiling water to prepare instant coffee.

Behind the man in black.

Jiang Xia possessed the cat puppet that he had just kneaded out, drove the cat, and silently walked towards his own body - he was not sure about letting this work cat do delicate work. When a person becomes a ghost, he will lose his brain and part of his memory and thinking ability, let alone a cat. Although a dry cat is considered smart among cats...

Jiang Xia quickly drove the cat puppet, walked up behind him, popped out the nails reinforced with murderous energy and clay, carefully avoided clothes and skin, and scratched towards the rope.

The rope, a finger thick, broke in response to the blow, as if it had been cut by a sharp blade.

Jiang Xia glanced at Cat Claw with satisfaction and felt that if someone needed to punish someone's tires again, this new ghost would undoubtedly be the most suitable. If it's a thick tire that a cat can't chew or scratch, then use that gigantic skill to turn into a leopard. If you put a claw down, the car will probably split open - this way, even if it is witnessed by others, it will not be associated with ghosts. The witness will more likely feel that the magical nature has mutated into some magical new species.

After easily breaking free from the rope.

Jiang Xia's consciousness returned to his body, touched his pocket, and found the stick.

The cat was not taken back either, it will be useful for a while.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia thought of something and looked down at the puppet cat.

Although this cat with unique colors often appears next to the main body, it may lead to a connection between Jiang Xia and "Uzuo".

But thinking about it on the other hand, as long as we work harder and hook up the cat with all the main characters, then this will no longer be a doubt.

Anyway, driving the cat out consumes very little murderous energy. In a few days, I will first go to the Mori Detective Agency to get familiar with it, and then I will go around Belmode and Toru Amuro a few more times. The Metropolitan Police Department will not let it go... It is a pity that once the puppet leaves the body too far, even if it is a cat, It will still consume a lot of murderous energy. If you want to live a small account life as you please, you really need to stock up on more murderous energy...

At the same time, in the other corner of the room.

The man in black who was responsible for guarding the two hostages obviously did not expect that the unconscious hostages would suddenly rise from the ground like a corpse.

The gurgling sound of boiling water covered up the sound of the hemp rope sliding off the body and the friction of the clothing material.

It wasn't until the unconcealed footsteps approached behind him that the man in black noticed it.

He didn't feel nervous at all, he just turned around, thinking that his accomplice who went to the convenience store to buy food came back: "The food has arrived?...!!"

A hand was pinched around his neck, cutting off all sounds, and at the same time, he was hit hard on the knee. When he came back to his senses, he was already lying on the ground in a slightly awkward posture, and he didn't make much noise the whole time.

"Sorry, the meal hasn't arrived yet." The detective's voice above him was very low, sounding creepy and friendly. He asked warmly like a waiter in a restaurant, "Why don't you eat something else first?"

For example, a severe beating that can create murderous intent...

The man in black stared with a pair of frightened little eyes, looking at the detective who stepped firmly on him and ejected the stick. There are questions in my head.

——Didn’t the boss say that this person was seriously injured in a car accident? Even if he didn’t die, Jiang Xia should at least look like a dead dog who was lucky enough to survive... But he didn’t at all. At this time, the detective looked directly at him. There was no weakness or force in his eyes, only a light that contained burning interest.

Man in black:"……"

Not sure what happened though.


Help, help! ! !

the other side.

The police are looking for an "S"-shaped road close to the riverside practice point.

We did find several possible sniper locations, but precisely because there were so many that met the conditions, we couldn't determine which ones they were.

Considering that the assassination is a big deal after all, before the assassination officially begins, the people in black may bring hostages over to warm up the venue before it is too late to stop them.

So the police stationed two people each at the suspected sniper spots. It just so happened that there hadn't been any murders these days, so they had plenty of manpower.

While Conan was thinking about the complicated series of digital codes, he was running around asking about suspicious situations under the guise of "Brother Jiang Xia asked me to help ask about the situation."

However, after more than a day, nothing was found.

I wanted to ask Jiang Xia if she had any clues, but Jiang Xia didn't answer the phone either. Maybe the suspicious boss hired him to take over again.

Thinking of this, Conan sighed and passed by on his skateboard through the old streets.

As he passed a street corner, a mini-bike team saw him and his eyes lit up.


Yoshida Ayumi waved to him and shouted.

However, there was too much wind in the narrow alley, and Conan's skateboard was extremely fast. He slipped away on his skateboard. When the children rushed out from the street corner, they only got a mouthful of dust floating to the sky.

"Cough cough cough——"

The three children coughed in the ashes and looked at Conan's back. They guessed that Conan was busy now and must be looking for those suspicious men in black who were sniping across the river.

Moto Kojima sighed and scratched his head:

"Why aren't Conan and Xiaoai afraid of brother Jiang Xia?"

Conan's behavior of taking the initiative to call Jiang Xia, involve Jiang Xia in the case, and then solve the case under the eyes of this devil made him very puzzled.

Ayumi Yoshida also sighed: "They are better behaved."

Kojima Mota was even more confused: "Xiao Ai really doesn't like to cause trouble and can be regarded as a 'good boy' in the eyes of adults, but Conan..."

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya sighed sadly and indignantly: "Because Conan is Brother Jiang Xia's dog-leg, the dog-leg will be protected."

"Hey..." The other two children made disgusted sounds.

But besides the disgust, there is also a hint of envy.

——Although Brother Jiang Xia is a bit cruel sometimes, if you are his friend, then this is not really a big problem. After all, Brother Jiang Xia only beat people, but did not seriously injure them to death... This kind of Which elementary school student wouldn’t want reliable high school teammates, especially detectives like them who often put themselves in danger.

It's a pity that they are a little naughty sometimes. In Jiang Xia's eyes, they may not be considered "friends"...

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