Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 811 The Jiangxia virus is so terrifying (more updates with monthly tickets)

The three children sighed inwardly at the same time, feeling very sorry.

At this time, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya suddenly saw something.

He was startled, pulled the two people to hide aside, and lowered his voice at the same time: "There are footsteps over there, it seems like someone is coming out!"

The three children skillfully found a hidden place and settled down.

With their petite and relatively petite bodies, they were like three mushrooms of different heights, fatness and thickness, huddled in the corner.

It wasn't long after it was hidden.

A burly man in a black suit and sunglasses walked out of this abandoned building.

He pushed up the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, looked left and right, then quickly turned right and disappeared from the sight of the three of them.

The three children watched the man in black leave silently, and then thought about the man in black's dress and behavior just now.

Although there was no evidence, a piece of information emerged intuitively in their minds.

——This is a bad guy!

... Mainly because he looks like a bad guy.

Still hiding in this suspicious building.

The three of them gathered together and murmured: "Could this be the bad guys with guns by the river that day?"

When they were catching fish together by the river before, although only Conan directly saw Yamabe Koichi and the man in black on the roof of the building across the river.

But when the children asked Conan "What's wrong?", Conan, a detective who is willing to answer questions, also unreservedly described the scene he saw and his related speculation that "the shooter was held hostage."

At this time, combined with all the information that was known in advance and later obtained from Haibara Ai without giving up.

The three children expectedly made some associations.

——Maybe there is someone hiding in this building that the police, Jiang Xia and Conan have been looking for.

"You have to tell them as soon as possible..." Yoshida Ayumi took out her small mobile phone, hesitated for a moment, and found Conan's contact information.

Although she also wanted to go to Jiang Xia directly, she was a little scared when she thought of Jiang Xia's appearance when he beat someone.

Plus the conversation I just had with my classmates. Yoshida Ayumi was worried that if she was in a hurry to find Jiang Xia now, she might also be stamped with a "dog leg" badge by the two companions next to her - although looking at Conan who was freely investigating the case, she did briefly think about being a pawn for Jiang Xia's brother. It's a happy life with no legs, but elementary school students also want to save face. Just think about these things and don't show them.

However, before Yoshida Ayumi dialed Conan's number.

The two little boys reached over at the same time and pressed her phone firmly.

"This is our opportunity to make a contribution, we must seize it!" Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya shook his fist in a very encouraging manner, "Ayumi doesn't want to be looked down upon by Conan and the adults all the time. Moreover, if brother Jiangxia thinks that we are more capable than Conan, Uh..." Ahem, accidentally, I almost said what I wanted to say as a dog leg...

He cleared his throat, changed the topic nonchalantly, and pretended that nothing happened just now: "In short, the Young Detective Team cannot always ask others for help when encountering problems. We must work hard ourselves first! Prove our own worth!"

The other two children felt excited when they heard this. They nodded vigorously and entered the working state that the detective team used to have.

"I'll sneak in from the main entrance, Genta from the east, and Ayumi from the west. Spread out and target smaller targets. Once we enter the building, we'll meet in the middle." Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya took out the detective that had been in his possession for a long time but had never been put to much use. Badge, open to the public channel.

Then, like those fancy agents on TV, he waved his hand downwards: "Action!"

The other two inspired children nodded gracefully. He began to use various covers to sneak towards the building.

The robbers did not hear the roar of the motor and were not alert. I only glanced out the window when Conan's skateboard passed by just now. When he discovered that there were a few first-grade students chatting and playing outside, he looked away without interest.

The three children managed to sneak into the building unnoticed.

Ayumi Yoshida jumped into the building nervously and excitedly, heading towards the meeting place mentioned by Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya.

On the way, when passing by the corridor, she accidentally glanced to the side and saw something she cared about.

"..." Yoshida Ayumi stopped and walked closer.

After observing for a while, she pressed the communication button on the badge and whispered: "I am Ayumi, I am Ayumi. I found something strange on the first floor - there is a broken motorcycle here." After a pause , she couldn't help but add, "It's very similar to Brother Jiang Xia's car..."

The holder of another badge, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya, touched his chin, a little alert, and suspected that the terrible brother Jiang Xia had sneaked in here secretly.

But soon, he thought of the man in black who had left safely just now, and felt that things were not like that:

If Brother Jiang Xia was here, how could he let him go? The man in black just now had a muscular body, a tight body, and looked like he was easy to knock... huh? No, why are you thinking about such terrible things! !

There was a snap, and Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko slapped his face in fear and calmed down.

Then she cleared her throat and wanted to tell Ayumi Yoshida calmly that she must have misunderstood - motorcycles, these on the market are originally mass-produced motorcycles of the same style. It is very normal to encounter a similar one by chance.

But before he spoke.

Hui Yuan Ai's voice actually sounded from the badge.

Haihara Ai sounded a little alert. She seemed to have captured certain keywords and realized that something was wrong with the children. She asked: "What motorcycle? Where are you?"

The three children were startled.

...I almost forgot, Xiao Ai seems to be following the police to help, so she is probably not too far away from here.

In this way, if she happens to notice the badge, she can hear their conversation from the badge.

Ayumi Yoshida heard her friend's question and instinctively wanted to answer.

But at this time, two children who had also sneaked into the building quickly came to her side and pressed out the badge.

"If you tell Xiao Ai, she will definitely tell Conan and Brother Jiang Xia." The three children who entered the detective mode quickly reached a consensus, "You have to work hard! Slowly investigate up and find their den. It's best. Can you think of a way to catch the man in black..."


Although Jiang Xia covered the man in black's mouth in time before taking action. But after all, it's hard to do things like knocking people without making any noise.

The fluffy murderous aura that had been beaten evenly was gradually peeled off from the man in black.

Jiang Xia was planning to give it a final blow and find the next person.

However, before the swinging stick could fall, he suddenly felt someone in his peripheral vision move in fear.

Jiang Xia was startled, turned around and looked over, and found that it was Masuo Eri who was tied up in the corner.

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