Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 815: You guys should struggle a little longer. Please vote for me (〃▽〃)

Chapter 815: You guys should struggle a little longer. Please vote o(〃'▽'〃)o

At the same time, Jiang Xia was at his feet.

Tomura Yuji gradually woke up from the pain, and then rationally realized that he might not be able to move to the rifle.

Fortunately, as an outlaw, besides the gun that was kicked away, he actually had a knife hidden on his body.

At this time, he found that Jiang Xia was attracted by the naughty children at the door. Tomura Yuji felt happy, reluctantly changed his hand, pulled out the knife, and stabbed Jiang Xia's calf with the knife.

The three children were close to the ground and saw this scene clearly.

They pointed at Jiang Xia's feet and exclaimed, "He drew his sword!"

At the same time as the voice sounded, there was a muffled sound. The knife spun and flew out.

Immediately afterwards, there were continuous banging sounds, and Tomura Yuji's continuous wailing.

——Jiang Xia kicked off the knife skillfully. After completing the work of removing the weapon, he began to beat it skillfully.

After banging the stick a few times, he remembered something and looked towards the door.

I saw three children huddled together instantly, looking very scared.

Jiang Xia hesitated for a moment, feeling that as a mature adult, he should say something to comfort the child.

He thought for a while: "Don't be afraid, these bad guys who don't follow the rules..." Yuji Tomura suddenly counterattacked, Jiang Xia paused slightly, used some force to knock back the man in black who was struggling halfway, and then continued seriously, "You will definitely be punished accordingly."

——Jiang Xia always remembers the sad news that "the young detective team is afraid of murder" from two fake children not long ago. Although now, he feels that the three children are still quite bold, Haibara Ai's conversation with Conan should not be groundless.

Therefore, if children are now taught that "justice will prevail", they should feel that they are being supported by justice and return to their original state.

The three children did not respond. They huddled together silently, trying their best to reduce their presence.

Until Jiang Xia looked away and continued to focus on knocking people.

The three of them slowly retreated into the corridor, moving carefully and out of Jiang Xia's sight.

After that, the three of them looked at each other tremblingly and tried their best to communicate with their eyes: That sentence just now was a threat, it must be! Unruly people = bad people, bad people = will be punished by being "trampled under their feet and knocked until their souls leave the body"... And the three of them sometimes actually "unruly" in order to find out the truth of the case - such as just now , this building to be demolished was marked "no entry", but they came in anyway.

Separated by a wall, sticks kept beating on the human body.

In the terrifying background sound, the children blinked their big, bright eyes, trying to communicate: Will we be silenced by Brother Jiang Xia?

Although they are just a group of children, their observation skills are already outstanding among their peers. They can see the difference between Jiang Xia at this time and the usual "high school student detective Jiang Xia".

——The handsome detective brother obviously has two faces. Sadly, no one else seems to know except them...

Yuantai looked longingly at the entrance of the corridor: How about running away now.

Mitsuhiko thought of Jiang Xia's legs, then thought about the distance needed to run out of the building, and finally shook his head firmly:

It's okay, the three of them are children and their testimony doesn't count. No one believed him when he said, "Brother Jiang Xia beat someone up." Brother Jiang Xia is so smart and must know this, so they will not be silenced. perhaps……

The three children had different opinions, and because of some terrible external force, they gathered together and hugged each other tightly. It was difficult to reach a consensus for a while, and they didn't know whether to run or stay.

I am planning to have a game of rock-paper-scissors to decide my destination and destiny.

At this time, a shadow suddenly fell above his head.

——A person, covered by the noise, walked up to them.

The three children looked up blankly and saw a typical villain's face - the villain's face was dressed in black, wearing sunglasses, with a shiny bald head, and the top of his head reflected the sunlight coming from the corridor window.

The naughty kids: “?!”

Ten seconds ago.

Maybe it was because he struck too hard at the beginning, or maybe it was the eternal distance between him and the gun bag that caused Yuji Tomura to lose his fighting spirit in despair.

——Not long after Jiang Xia knocked, all the chicken-flavored murderous aura fell off and fell gently to the ground in a big fluffy ball.

He picked it up and put it away. Jiang Xia was about to say, "Don't worry, I can help you finish eating" when Jiang Xia heard a few ghosts whispering next to them, discussing whether this pleasant smell of murder would make them fat. But before joining in the pleasant conversation, Jiang Xia suddenly felt something.

He glanced at the door, thought for a moment, then leaned down to pick up the collapsed Yuuji Tomura, and put it in front of him like a blast shield.

The next second, a shiny bald head appeared at the door.

The bald man held a frightened Ayumi Yoshida in the crook of his left arm. He raised a gun in his right hand and originally wanted to shout something.

However, seeing Yuji Tomura's miserable appearance, the bald man's momentum froze, and his voice lowered unconsciously: "Let go, big brother..."

Halfway through, he came back to his senses and felt that he should not be overwhelmed in terms of momentum, so he forcibly raised his voice and said fiercely: "...or I'll beat you to death!"

After all, he was one of the few members who stayed after the Ghost Tiger Society collapsed. He has courage and the audacity to kill.

Although the bald man was frightened the first time he met him. But he quickly stabilized... But at this time, the detective on the opposite side picked up his elder brother and used it as a shield, so he did not dare to shoot easily.

Yoshida Ayumi glanced at Tomura Yuji's face, and she was obviously a little extra frightened.

Think about it now, she is being used to threaten Jiang Xia...

Ayumi Yoshida stumbled, closed her eyes and shouted, "Yes, I'm sorry!"

She was so afraid that even if she was rescued, she would be beaten like Yuji Tomura...

Hearing this sentence with her bald head, she was slightly startled.

...At this time, as a hostage, shouldn't you scream for help?

But this kid apologized first... he seemed to be a very sensible and moral child. Although I don’t know why she came here, after using her, I might not kill her. After all, children have bad memories and their testimonies are ineffective and will not hinder them... But the detective opposite must be dealt with - Shan You can't let him leave peacefully without beating Brother Xiong'er into a pig's head at him!

Jiang Xia looked at the man in black holding hostages opposite him, and then secretly glanced at Yuji Tomura, who had lost all his murderous aura in his hands.

Tomura Yuji was unconscious at this time and did not notice the change in the situation at all.


Jiang Xia sighed inwardly, and while continuing to confront the bald man opposite him in a decent manner, he poked Yuji Tomura in his hand from behind.

After a few pokes, Yuji Tomura slowly regained consciousness.

Because Jiang Xia lifted him into a standing position. As soon as he came to his senses, he immediately saw his younger brother opposite, holding a hostage.

Tomura Yuji: "...!" Well done! !

He was refreshed and suddenly had the will to resist again.


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