Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 816 Passing Gin

Jiang Xia was pleased to see that after his brother came to the rescue, Yuji Tomura once again had a murderous aura that smelled like chicken rolls.

Although it is much thinner than before, the quantity is not small after all was collected.

The Young Detective Team is so useful...

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia touched the swing stick, which was a pity - the attack just now was too heavy, and the other men in black might not be able to get up for a while. Otherwise, three boys in black and three naughty kids might be able to explode three times in a row...

Although the men in black have guns in their hands. But as long as Jiang Xia doesn't face too many guns in a short period of time, only faces one at the same time, or faces many for a long time... he can use puppet clay to seal the inside of the gun so that the man in black can't pull the trigger. . Then catch them when they are stunned and knock them down as soon as possible. The people in black will think that there is something wrong with the gun due to their nervousness.

Of course, in order to prevent anyone from discovering the problem that "the gun will definitely malfunction when pointed at Jiang Xia at close range".

Blocking the clay is just an insurance measure. A safer way is to act like a normal person and avoid enemies shooting - such as using their boss as a shield.

After squeezing out Tomura Yuji's murderous intent.

The bald guy at the door is useless.

While Jiang Xia was thinking about whether the other boys would have a chance to wake up, she planned to use the "shield" to knock out the murderous aura of the bald brother.

But just as he took a step towards the door, the window on the side suddenly shattered.

At the same time as the crisp sound exploded, the arm of the bald man in black, which reached into the house from the door and raised the gun, suddenly exploded into a cloud of blood mist. Almost at the same time, a deep hole was cut into the inner corner of the wall - a bullet flew from the window and pierced his forearm.

...The last healthy man in black screamed and fell down.

Jiang Xia was startled, dropped the chicken roll in his hand, dodged into the corridor, and carried the three precious children who were still brave enough to cause trouble into a blind corner.

The gunfire stopped. The unknown attacker outside fired a shot and made no other moves.

Before Yoshida Ayumi could recover, her body was spattered with blood belonging to the man in black. She stared blankly at the blood, pursed her lips, and felt like crying. But at this moment, Jiang Xia suddenly thought of something and looked towards her.

"...!" Yoshida Ayumi remembered her delaying action just now, and instinctively covered her mouth, not wanting to make any sound that might attract the enemy or a beating.

Under her anxious gaze, Jiang Xia reached out and fumbled in her pocket, took out a small round mirror, placed the mirror in the corner, adjusted its direction, and looked in the direction where the bullet had just flown.

Then Jiang Xia adjusted the angle of the mirror at will while temporarily shifting his vision to the ghost. Then let the ghost who cannot be shot float out and observe the direction over there through the corridor window.

In addition, as early as when the gunfire sounded, the two fastest flying ghosts, the foggy dog ​​and the mermaid, had already skillfully floated towards the source of the bullet - anyone who dared to shoot at a human should have some Be murderous.

in the corridor.

Jiang Xia used a ghost's perspective to float around and observe for a long time, but he didn't see anything like "an unknown reflection" that indicated the sniper's position.

After a while, the foggy dog ​​and mermaid that chased them flew back without finding anything.

Then he regretfully expressed that when he was looking for the direction just now, the person who made the cold shot had already left in a car, coming and going in a hurry, as if he was passing by.

The good news is that they smelled the murderous aura of the shooter—the familiar high-end murderous aura of alcohol. Two days ago, Jiang Xia just drove a cat to Gin's car to pick up a bunch of people. Now the murderous aura wrapped around Gin's body is not that much. If you miss it, you will miss it. At worst, you will find an excuse to see her again in a few days, and put it together. Those who didn't get it will be replaced.

Jiang Xia sighed a little disappointedly while comforting herself.

He returned the mirror to Yoshida Ayumi, returned to the room just now, and picked up the murderous look of the two men in black who were completely frightened away.

Then he glanced at the bald head next to him who was covering his arm and bleeding profusely.

Thinking about the action patterns of other high school detectives, Jiang Xia pulled out a roll of bandages from the man in black's bag, intending to stop the bleeding of the unlucky bald man in black.

…Anyway, it’s hard to pick up the shikigami killed by Gin, and it’s of no use if the bald brother bleeds to death. It would not be good if Jiang Xia refused to save him. After all, the organization does not have many requirements for "Wu Zuo", a cadre who is still growing. The only fixed long-term task is probably to "manage a perfect detective identity and keep climbing up." ...It is necessary to maintain reputation.

After dealing with the man in black perfunctorily.

While Jiangxia waited for Masao Eri and Yamabe Koichi to call the police, he glanced at the broken window.

He thought about recent events and found that the probability of him meeting Gin seemed to have increased... After hanging out with Conan for a long time, it was indeed easy to get a strange event constitution.

Speaking of which, Gin is already here, why not let yourself get in the car and take a ride before the police arrive? Or at least stop by and let the cat get in the car for a ride...

Although it can be obtained after murderous intent. But after such a long time, when I passed by gin or was passed by gin without picking up a handful, I always felt that something was missing... And if I shot it from a distance like just now, I couldn't get anything at all.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia touched the foggy dog ​​that flew back with nothing and was flapping its wings lonely. One person and one ghost sighed at the same time.

As for the mermaid... this optimistic fish has obviously forgotten the previous failure and started to watch the murderous smell of the newly acquired chicken rolls.

After waiting for a while, the police car arrived.

I don’t know why, but there was an ambulance following behind.

Jiang Xia: "..." The ambulance should have been called to him by the hostage couple. That's so polite... It's a pity that I can't use it, but it just happened to be able to kill the unlucky guy next to him who was shot by Gin who was passing by. The man in black was transported to the hospital.

He stood by the window and looked down from the fourth floor of the abandoned building.

Looking at it, Jiang Xia glanced at the corner of the alley in the distance and paused for a moment.

...He saw a familiar light-colored head.

——Okiya Subaru was hiding in an inconspicuous corner, secretly looking in the direction of the building with a pair of squinted eyes, looking like a passing turtle.

A few minutes later.

"I'm lucky." Facing Officer Sato's worried and suspicious gaze, Jiang Xia leaned on the back of the car seat and described the previous situation, "I was not driving very fast at the time, and I was protected by a helmet when I fell, so nothing happened. ...It’s just that during the car accident, I suddenly saw the men in black in the car, who looked a bit like the ones Conan described. If I looked closely, they seemed to be carrying guns, so I thought of a way to go with them to see what was going on. "

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