Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 817 Uzo: This is my cat. Please vote for me (づど)

"I didn't expect that I would follow this group of gangsters directly to their den. Fortunately, they were not very vigilant and misjudged our status. Only then did I have the opportunity to let the other two hostages go."

"As for that shot... I don't know who fired it. I thought it was Ms. Masuo who found the police, and then you called in snipers... If not, maybe it was an enemy of the Ghost Tiger Club?" Jiang Xia He sighed as he thought about it, as if he was reviewing it seriously:

"The situation at that time was really dangerous. I originally wanted to stay and observe the whereabouts of the Ghost Tiger Club. Although Mr. Yamabe has successfully escaped from their control, if this group of men in black wants to assassinate someone, with their control With weapons, there is always a chance to strike... Speaking of which, I didn’t expect these guys to take children as hostages.”

Speaking of this, Jiang Xia glanced at the "rescued" children next to him and reached out to touch their heads: "It was too dangerous. Fortunately, nothing happened in the end."

Three naughty kids: "..."

Although Brother Jiang Xia was already beating people before they went upstairs, and he was very happy... But just now, the detective brother put the two things together, although there was no word indicating sequence or cause and effect in between. , but I don’t know why, the whole thing sounds like the three of them naughtily ran upstairs and were unfortunately caught by gangsters. This led to Jiang Xia, who was observing secretly, and had no choice but to show up and take the risk of knocking down the gangsters...

Although I feel like a heavy pot is slowly falling on my young back.

But for various reasons: for example, what Jiang Xia said is indeed true when viewed separately; for example, Jiang Xia’s swinging stick was not closed, and the tip was vaguely exposed from his pocket... They are like three silent wooden stakes, honest and honest They stood in a heap on the ground, not daring to make a sound.

When the police officers transferred from various places heard this, they were somewhat moved by Jiang Xia's determination and bravery.

Miwako Sato and Wataru Takagi, two policemen who often dealt with Jiang Xia, had a big "?" in their hearts. I always felt that the real reason why Jiang Xia beat the prisoner was not this.

However, after looking at the prisoners, I found that except for the man in black who was shot, the others did not have any injuries that were too difficult to recover from. Maybe they would have recovered on their own on the way to the police station... Therefore, compared to doing this in front of others, Many people asked Jiang Xia not to hit the prisoner, and the attention of several insiders gradually shifted to the sniper who shot from a distance.

——Although it is also an act of righteousness in a certain sense, it is compared to beating the criminal without causing any harm. Shooting is something that deserves more attention than anything else.

Tens of meters away.

Okiya Subaru looked at the police who arrived in time, Jiang Xia and the child who walked out of the building and got into the car, and pushed up his glasses to hide his merit and fame.

The only thing that surprised him was that the police's rescue operation was so efficient: not long after entering the building, without much movement, they picked up Jiang Xia and a group of children, and took out the black-clad man who was armed with dangerous weapons. People tied them up and carried them away...

From this point of view, it seems that the police are not as bad as their colleagues in the organization say.

After finding out this was over.

Okiya Subaru left silently, returned to his car, and closed the door softly.

However, there was no fire, nor did they drive away immediately.

——The alley in front of the building is very narrow. Only a few of the police cars that came were squeezed under the building, while the others were all on the road between here and the main road.

If he drives out in a swaggering manner now, he will easily be seen by the police, and even left for questioning, and then some well-informed organization cadres will get the news - after all, almost no one passes by here, and there are not many cars, and he appears here. It's actually a bit abrupt.

...Fortunately, the matter has been resolved smoothly, Okiya Subaru thought, he had better not move until the police car left. Wait for these people to leave, then sneak away in a low profile.

With this in mind, he opened the laptop next to him and began to think about the topics to be presented at the next academic session.

Before I could start typing, something suddenly moved in my peripheral vision.

Okiya Subaru was startled for a moment and raised his head.

I saw a black cat on the front hood of the car.

The familiar black cat with white paws walked closer, raised its paw politely, and knocked on the front window of his car.

Okiya Subaru was surprised: "...Xiao Hei!"

Hiss, good people are rewarded. After doing a good deed, the cat that could never be found appeared...

He threw the notebook aside, opened the door and got out of the car, and walked to the cat.

I just stretched out my hand and wanted to touch the cat's head. The other party suddenly raised his paw and stopped his hand that was about to move.

Then he placed the long and slender object on the car hood.

It was a cylindrical object the size of a pinky finger. As soon as it landed on the front hood of the car, it rolled down due to the tilted arc.

Okiya Subaru held it down reflexively. He originally thought it was a gift from the cat after a long separation. But when I picked it up and looked at it, I found that it was a neat name stamp with "Toramura Yuji" engraved on it.

Okiya Subaru: "...?"

...When he usually watched other people's cat videos online, he heard that cats gave gifts to humans, including mice, birds, and even leaves.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Hei was so different that he just sent him a seal... He is indeed a smart and cultural cat, and he is really good.

I just don’t know if the unlucky owner of the seal is in a hurry right now...

Okiya Subaru hesitated for a moment, strangled his conscience, and planned to put the seal away for collection.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind:

"Before 3:30 this afternoon, deliver it to Hirano Pharmacy in Matsubara Town and give it to Kentaro Yamanaka - hand it over to him personally."

"!" Subaru Okiya froze.

...The voice of the person speaking sounded a little strange. Because Okiya Subaru didn't listen to him very often.

But at the same time, because the impression was so profound, the sound was firmly imprinted on his mind like a soldering iron. The moment the person behind him spoke, Subaru Okiya seemed to see the female corpse that had been buried in the ground and rotted quietly for a month, and the lingering horror of the corpse seemed to linger on the tip of his nose. smell.

...This is Uzo's voice!

Jiang Xia put on Matsuda Jinpei's vest, stood under the tree, and pushed up the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

Two seconds had passed since the conversation started.

The new subordinate was still frozen in place and did not turn around.

The psychic has no mind-reading skills. Jiang Xia didn't know that Subaru Okiya had already added a large number of dynamic back figures, BGM, and even smells to his appearance... He just felt that the reaction of this movie was a bit slow.

However, considering that Okiya Subaru may be considered a civilian, his usual use is just to take the blame or to catch Akai Shuichi.

Jiang Xia magnanimously ignored his flaws and waited patiently.

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