Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 818 Subordinates and Subordinates

This time the organization sent it to "Uzuo", and "Uzuo" gave Jiang Xia the task of helping the organization's picker to get back the batch of illegal materials purchased from the Ghost Tiger Association.

The supplies are currently stored in a bank safe.

Jiang Xia felt that the plan for completing this task, in addition to the "bank robbery" favored by peripheral members, actually included "getting back the seal kept by Yuji Tomura, and seizing the time to get it out before his arrest was announced." Goods” option.

Now, since you have got the seal, of course you have to get it to the picker as soon as possible. Sending it by mail is risky, and it will be troublesome if it gets lost. According to regulations, it is best to deliver it manually.

However, now, the main body must go to the police station first. And after all, it was an "assassination" that was quite explosive. Maybe a reporter he knew would come over and grab him for a chat, making him unable to leave for a while.

If you let a puppet deliver it... each of the Z's would be too obvious, or it would be inconvenient to appear on the street in broad daylight.

Matsuda Jinpei's vest is more concealed, but of course a cadre of "Uzo" should not run errands for a peripheral member...

Originally, Jiang Xia planned to ignore the rules of the organization, put the seal in a box, pretend to be a courier, and let the puppet fall on the dealer's table while no one was around.

But now, since Okiya Subaru is here...

Jiang Xia then randomly grabbed a lucky boy and used him to run errands.

...Anyway, if part of the tasks of "Jiang Xia" are transferred to Subaru Okiya, no one else will know except him, the "boss" responsible for assigning tasks. As a peripheral member, Subaru Okiya has no authority to check the work of his peers. past tasks.

Even if Subaru Okiya discovers that Jiang Xia is also Usa's subordinate in the future, or accidentally sees the relevant files, then "Usa"'s behavior today can be easily explained - Jiang Xia can't get away, and the "detective" is a very social person As a professional, I have to go out and socialize frequently. If the "criminal" element is exposed, most of the detective's advantages will be lost. It's not like a hacker or something. If a hacker is exposed one day, he can just hide himself and still be able to work as usual.

Next to the car in front.

After Jiang Xia spoke, another second passed before the unlucky little boy finally turned around slowly.

Subaru Okiya's turning movements showed a trace of caution, like those unlucky hostages or robbers in police movies who are pointed at a gun and asked to "turn around!"

While the body is moving.

Okiya Subaru finally recovered from the shock of "Usa's sudden appearance" and remembered what Usa had just said.

"..." It sounds like Uzo came to find him just to release a new mission?

Okiya Subaru breathed a silent sigh of relief - just after he finished doing good things for a good person, Uzo appeared behind him like a ghost. Just now, Subaru Okiya thought he was going to die and felt extremely guilty.

Fortunately, Uzo seemed to be just passing by. I didn't pay attention to or care about him, a peripheral member who was also "passing by"...

Okiya Subaru came back to his senses and saw his new boss's polite manner of waiting patiently. His scalp felt numb and he hurriedly responded to what Usa had just said: "Okay, we will definitely do it."

Just as he was saying this, Okiya Subaru suddenly felt a flexible shadow passing by him.

——Looking closely, he saw the cat with dark clouds and snow jumping off the hood of his car and trotting straight towards Uzuo.

"..." Okiya Subaru moved his fingers, trying to stop him.

But the cat moved too fast, and the person opposite was the terrifying Uzo...

In the end, he could only watch helplessly as the cat, who was very friendly to strangers, ran all the way to Uzo and jumped into the arms of the terrible man.

Okiya Subaru watched with bated breath, feeling a little nervous: he was worried that the cat would have its neck snapped in the next second.

——After all, in his current concept, "Uzo = pervert" and "cat abuse = pervert". Rounding it off...

But no.

The smart cat landed smoothly in Uzo's arms.

Uzo caught the cat and even touched its head deftly. Then he looked up at Subaru Okiya, who was staring at his hand, and started chatting with interest: "What did you call it just now?"

"..." Subaru Okiya was startled. Thinking about what happened just now, he had a vague premonition in his heart.

He didn't dare not answer, so he had to repeat the name he just casually called: "...Xiao Hei."

Uzo nodded: "It does have that name."

Okiya Subaru: "...?" Wait, could it be true...

The next second, he heard Uzo say calmly: "This is my cat."



Subaru Okiya thought of those happy days spent with cats, and the pile of cat equipment in his home not only did not decrease, but actually increased...

a bolt from the blue.

Uzuo glanced at him, then withdrew his gaze indifferently, touched the cat, and said: "But it likes to run around in Tokyo and doesn't see him more than a few times a week. It's almost free-range." ——In short, if you happen to encounter it, remember to listen to it."

Okiya Subaru: "..." Listen to the cat?

It's like Uzo can read minds: "It's very smart and has its own ideas. I'm usually busy and don't have time to spend more time with the cat. If it comes to find you, remember to treat it well."

Okiya Subaru: "..." Wait, this statement... maybe Blackie is not Usa's cat at all. It's just that when the cat was trying to live in other people's homes, it also entered Uzuo's house. Then Uzuo felt that this cat was destined to him, so he made a free cat his own...

Okiya Subaru briefly wandered off.

When he came to his senses, Uzo and the cat were gone. He probably left as quietly as he came.

He looked around and then at the hard seal in his hand.

If the seal with "Toramura Yuji" hadn't been there, I would have suspected that what just happened was just a nightmare...

Okiya Subaru sighed, and after the police and ambulances left one after another, he also drove away, working overtime bitterly.

The next day, relevant reports appeared in the newspapers.

Faced with this case that included keywords such as "detective", "hostage", and "assassination" at the same time, the reporters were very active, and the causes and consequences were quite clear. In addition to the heroic performance of the young detective, they also focused on the ghost story. Tiger will be exposed in the assassination plot.

Okiya Subaru saw the keyword "Ghost Tiger Society" and vaguely felt that he had seen it somewhere before.

There is not much secrecy in this small organization.

He searched for keywords and quickly found relevant reports - not long ago, the leader and a large number of backbones of the Ghost Tiger Society were arrested and forced to disband.

Okiya Subaru stared at the screen, pushed up his glasses, and fell silent for a moment: "..."

...Uzo just broke up an organization for such a small seal?

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