Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 820 Something’s wrong with you

Gin shook the messy associations out of his mind.

"..." It seems that from now on, even the tasks assigned to Brother Wuzuo will have to be considered more carefully.

First of all, you can’t get involved with those people that the organization doesn’t want to move for the time being. No involvement at all will do - this is as dangerous as leaving fragile items on the table. For normal people, a task is just a task, and a piece of porcelain is just placed there, and no one will think much about it. If you meet a careful person, you may push it to a place where it is less likely to fall to maintain stability and avoid accidents.

But Uzo is different.

This "detective" with a somewhat problematic mental state will probably immediately notice the danger contained in it, and begin to look forward to the bloody and brilliant appearance when the danger blooms.

...Judging from the languid looks of the Ghost Tiger Club members in the newspaper, and the information that Uzo personally ran away and became a "hostage". The remnants of the Ghost Tiger Society probably received a lot of beatings yesterday - after all, the assassination that was supposed to happen was forcibly aborted, and all of Uzo's dissatisfaction was probably transferred to them.

Rice flower town.

Jiang Xia didn't know that her image had been misinterpreted without authorization.

After he finished his daily routine of acting bravely, he continued to deal with entrusted matters that seemed ordinary at first glance.

During this period, it may be because he did become a dangerous hostage, or it may be because there was no dead person in this incident... The elusive Toru Amuro appeared again.

Toru Amuro briefly observed Jiang Xia, expressed some condolences, added some new health tea to the store, and then left silently while Jiang Xia was not paying attention.

Jiang Xia: "..."

He looked at the empty detective office and sighed quietly.

After all, Toru Amuro has a "bourbon" identity.

If Bourbon had a sudden idea and wanted to check Jiang Xia's current situation in the organization, it would not be difficult for him to find that this "peripheral member" now has a new "boss".

In order to maintain corresponding harmony when stepping on two "bosses".

Jiang Xia originally planned to talk more to Amuro Toru in the past few days, bring out a little bit about Uzuo, and push the blame on "Uzuo" in advance - after all, this kind of personnel transfer will definitely not be an "ordinary" one. Peripheral member Jiang Xia's opinion must be that "Wu Zuo" took a fancy to his talent and potential and took the initiative to hire someone.

...Unexpectedly, Toru Amuro, a busy undercover agent, didn't give him any chance to stop talking. He kept coming and going in a hurry, and at most he asked a few questions about unexpected cases out of his detective nature. After asking, he would quickly take advantage of Jiang Xia's attention to the client and disappear secretly.

Except for Toru Amuro's phantom-like condolences.

Jiang Xia also received many other greetings.

He replied one by one, thanking the other party for their concern, and tactfully stated that he was not injured in the accident, so the detective agency is still open for business and you can come to him at any time if you need anything.

After dealing with the detective's troublesome but sweet network.

Jiang Xia put down her mobile phone, found the newspapers she had accumulated, and prepared to cut out the recent relevant reports and put them into a collection of solved crimes to make it easier for the guests who came here to spend time.

As soon as I picked up the scissors on the table, my phone suddenly vibrated.

——This time, the one who received the message turned out to be the organization's special machine.


Jiang Xia did not pause, and continued to wield the scissors as if nothing had happened, clicking and cutting out a piece of newspaper, as if he had not received any information just now.

——Toru Amuro may be in hiding, but this is still the "Amuro Detective Agency" after all.

And Toru Amuro is a private detective, a police undercover agent, or an intelligence agent of a mysterious organization... No matter which identity he is, he will inevitably like to throw things like bugs and transmitters everywhere. A fixed office, where guests often come and go, must have a lot of surveillance installed.

Currently, Jiang Xia has a lot of bosses. Anyway, the vibration just now made no sound and would not be observed. Jiang Xia simply finished cutting a newspaper slowly, then as if he remembered something, he went outside and looked at his phone where the surveillance camera could not capture it.

The email was from Belmode:

[I heard that you have been feeling bored a lot lately. Why don't you come to me? I know that a bar has launched a new type of liqueur with an exclusive recipe, which is only sold in the current season. There is also a good resident band there, why don’t you come and experience it~]

"..." Jiang Xia glanced at it and turned off the screen: Boring, what's the point of a bar? There's no murderous intent.

He put away his cell phone and took two steps towards the detective agency.

Then he paused hesitantly.

After a while, Jiang Xia took out her phone again and replied to the email: "Time and place?"

...not for any bar.

The main reason is that wherever Belmode is, there is apple-flavored high-end murderous aura. I haven't seen her in a while and need to replenish my inventory.

...In addition, regarding the mission to assassinate President Sindora, she may also need her help.

the other side.

In a large bathtub newly installed in the clinic.

Belmode was trimming her nails while enjoying a bubble bath. The mobile phone in the waterproof case was placed casually next to it.

——In order not to look out of place when approaching the high school students, and because I was actually a little concerned about Uzo's condition. She insisted on sending Uzo a message every once in a while. Most of the time it's just flirting when there's nothing to talk about, but sometimes I'll also send out invitations to some interesting places.

Yet Uzzo rarely responded.

Unexpectedly, today, not long after the message was sent out, the cell phone next to me rang.

What's even more bizarre is that when he pressed the button to view the content, Bermod was surprised to find that Uzo actually asked about the time and place, as if he really wanted to agree.


...Why did she ignore her no matter how she made an appointment before, but now she suddenly agreed?

Something was a little abnormal, which made Belmod instinctively alert.

She quickly recalled Uzo's meticulous insight, especially his understanding of people's hearts. Think again about your special feelings for Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan. He felt secretly guilty: Could it be that Wuzuo noticed something was wrong? But they obviously haven't had contact with each other a few times...

Belmod fell into deep thought for a moment.

Maybe it was because her first meeting with Uzo was not a pleasant one. In addition, after coming to Japan, she has been watched by the annoying FBI, and it is often inconvenient to meet people in the organization. Therefore, many of the messages she sent to Uzo fell into disarray. Occasionally, when she meets Uzo outside, she has to follow her on her own.

Why this time...

Belmode touched his chin that was stained with moisture. Uzo's horrific assassination files flashed through his mind unconsciously, and he thought carefully: There must be no fraud.

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