Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 821 Belmode: Uzo, go to Shark Bourbon. Please give me your monthly ticket.

Chapter 821 Belmod: Uzo, go to Shark Bourbon. Please give me your monthly pass.(〃'▽'〃)o

Belmode: "..." No, probably not.

Uzo is not a person who likes to give up halfway. On the contrary, he has a daunting persistence when facing certain aspects of things.

According to Gin and Vodka, the person Uzzo wants to kill the most right now is probably the Bourbon who had doubted the identity of "Jiang Xia" and took Uzzo out for several days of travel.

Although Belmode felt that her hatred value might not be low...but after thinking for a moment, she quickly replied to the email and set a time to go to the bar.

——Let’s go as soon as we can. It’s tonight.

...You should be cautious, but if you are too cautious, you will be no different from a mole hiding deep in the ground.

And although Uzo is mysterious and dangerous many times, in the final analysis, he is a human being after all, and a young man who seems to have a lot of ideas... Maybe the reason why Uzo agreed to the invitation is not as complicated as he thought.

In short, it was rare that Uzo agreed. I definitely have to go...

I have been soaking for quite a while today.

Belmode stood up from the water with a splash, washed away the foam on his body, put on his bathrobe and walked to the tool room, and began to think about what disguise to use for today's appointment.

Others have to choose clothes when they go out, but when she goes out, she has to choose an extra look.

It was soon evening.

Jiang Xia also went back home, then got on his new motorcycle and prepared to go to the appointment - the previous one was damaged by the men in black yesterday.

On the way, when passing Mihua Middle School, he suddenly felt something and turned his head to look at a car parked in the corner.

He looked at the location of the vehicle and then at the name of the apartment next to it.

Jiang Xia's memory bank moved vaguely, and the car slowed down slightly.

But think about it carefully. It's still early...

He hesitated for a moment, but without stopping, he continued to turn off the accelerator, stuck on the edge of the speed limit, and drove to the place he had made an appointment with Belmode before.

Belmode is still being watched by the FBI.

However, since she can detect those gazes from the dark, it is not difficult for Belmode, the "Thousand-faced Witch", to get rid of them.

The two agreed to meet at a lively square in Shibahama Town.

This time, Belmode chose an outfit that was completely opposite to her own temperament: silver-gray highlighted hair, ragged loose denim shorts, and tight black fishnet stockings underneath. The upper body is a light blue shirt, which is about the same as ripped jeans. The hems on both sides of the shirt are lifted up and tied in a loose knot above the navel.

Behavior is of course also fully matched by clothing.

When he arrived at the square, Belmode went straight to the arcade machine in the corner of the square and started to operate it. Occasionally, he would hit the innocent machine due to operating errors.

"..." With this look, Wu Zuo probably wouldn't be able to recognize him for a while.

Belmode nodded secretly, intending to take this opportunity to observe the surrounding environment to see if there was any "Uzo's trap". If not, then play a little game of “guess where I am” with Uzo…

Soon, she caught a glimpse of the person waiting out of the corner of her eye.

——Uzo parked his motorcycle in a nearby parking lot, walked into the square, raised his head among the dense crowd, and glanced around casually.

Belmode was waiting for Jiang Xia to send a message, asking her about her dress so that she could recognize her easily.

Unexpectedly, he didn't even touch the phone in his pocket. His glance quickly stopped at her side, and then he walked straight over.

Belmod: "...?"

...what a coincidence.

She only paid attention to Jiang Xia with her peripheral vision, and continued to control the game console pretending to be attentive.

Then I saw Uzo getting closer and closer...

Finally, this person passed by several girls dressed in the same fancy clothes and stopped next to her accurately.

"..." Belmode's palm slipped, and the small plane with residual blood in the screen crashed into the frame. Jiang Xia reached out to take the control stick, skillfully corrected it back to the track, and then followed a set of moves engraved in his DNA. The supply of gold coins passing by was not missed at all, and the small plane was able to navigate the increasingly dense bombs with ease, and finally, accompanied by a burst of gorgeous special effects, it crashed across the finish line.

Amidst the screams and applause of the machine, a glittering settlement popped up on the screen.

Jiang Xia retracted his gaze from the screen, looked at Belmode, and then took another look.

Then he stopped talking with a hint of disgust: "...don't you have a more elegant look?"

Belmode: "..."

Now, if you try to hypnotize yourself that "it's just a coincidence", you're just like an ostrich burying its head in the sand.

...Uzo's "casual sweep" when he walked into the square just now was not a polite observation, but actually caught her out of the crowd at a glance.

"..." How on earth was this accomplished?

Belmode was shocked.

But considering Uzo's terrifying ability to "manipulate murders"...compared to that, seeing through her disguise at a glance doesn't seem to be something worth fussing about.

After all, theoretically speaking, no matter how disguised she is, no matter how deliberately she disguises her behavior, the core of the "bad girl" is still her, Belmode. In this way, it is actually, well, probably quite reasonable to deduce the person under the disguise from certain clues...

"..." Detectives are really the enemy of disguisers... Of course, they especially refer to detectives like Uzo who can tell the difference at a glance.

Belmod secretly memorized Uzo's endless new skills.

At the same time, she pretended to have forgotten her "guess where I am" plan and said nonchalantly: "Let's go."

As she said that, she originally wanted to hold Jiang Xia's arm.

But then he suddenly thought of something and smiled maliciously: "Will the headline in the newspaper tomorrow be something like 'A famous detective hangs out with a bad girl late at night, and their explosive love affair is exposed!'"

"It's not late at night yet. And the headlines are usually murder cases. If you pretend to be a corpse and lie on the ground for a while, you might be able to get a copy of it." Jiang Xia thinks it's not a big problem, "And even if you tell reporters in person that you are talking to me I'm afraid they won't believe it when you talk about 'hot love'... The detectives have to come into contact with a variety of people. Although your clothes are a bit torn, they seem to be big names. People who see them are more likely to think that you are someone of mine. A willful client."

Belmod: "..." He even's really hard to amuse children these days.

Having said that, why is Uzo so sure that reporters won’t believe it? Is it because her current persona is too different from Uzo's usual "just detective" appearance?

...hehe, young man. A good child in the eyes of the world is more likely to be misled by people with her current appearance.

But today, she is here to ease the relationship with Uzuo... There is no need to rush to refute Uzuo's views.

Promote this book. The author is a big reader when I wrote "Being a God of Death", it can be regarded as a childhood memory (no)

Also a Conan fan

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