Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 822 The problem of disguise

Belmode did not continue the topic.

Considering Uzo's current task of "maintaining a good detective image", she didn't extend her hand.

In the end, the two of them did as Jiang Xia said, walking side by side to the bar that Belmod had mentioned before, like ordinary clients and detectives.

On the way, Jiang Xia casually chatted: "What new products have they launched?"

Although the bar prohibits people under the age of 20 from entering, Jiang Xia has actually tasted the signatures in various bars.

——After all, now he has an adult vest that looks like a normal person. You can go to the bar openly from time to time and take away what you like directly. You can also pay extra for luxurious packaging to ensure that it is as authentic as possible when it is delivered to the main body.

...It's a pity that when I buy wine and drink it at home, I always feel that it's a bit boring and doesn't have the same atmosphere.

And if you go directly to the bar... driving Matsuda Jinpei's puppet can indeed sneak into various adult establishments unhindered.

Those places used for fun are really good. But the bar…

The puppet doesn't have much sense of taste, so he can only hold a colorful glass and feel the atmosphere as lonely as drinking water. Without the most important wine, the atmosphere will certainly be difficult to achieve.

As for the main body, he just slipped in... Although there was a part of the bar, the verification was very lax.

But just because ordinary minors can sneak in, it doesn't mean that famous high school detectives can also sneak in.

——The management of many bars is not that strict. But when the receptionist took a closer look and found out that the visitor was a high school detective, he would worry about whether this was an undercover investigation, whether it would be exposed later, whether there would be police following him... Then Jiang Xia would be politely declined. The excuse of "having a commission" will not be allowed. As for covering your face...being sneaky makes it easier for you to be rejected by the alert front desk.

But now, with Belmode here, everything is very convenient.

——Let her change her appearance, even just put a few strokes on her face, make her look as old as she wants, and still look nothing like Jiang Xia herself...

On the way to the bar.

Belmode seemed to be looking for topics casually, but his heart was always a little tense.

However, after tensing up for a while, she gradually discovered that based on Uzo's subtle reactions to various topics...

He just seemed more interested in the "bar" itself. Other topics are somewhat perfunctory.

Belmode: "..."

...Although it cannot be ruled out that Uzo is acting with her. But Belmode is the real veteran actor, and at this time, based on her experience and observation, she always felt that Uzo was not deliberately acting today.

"..." So the temptation of the bar is so great?

However, if you put yourself in Jiang Xia's perspective and think about how difficult it would be for him to sneak into a doesn't seem to be incomprehensible.

The square where the two met just now was not far from the bar that Belmode mentioned.

Belmod chatted with Jiang Xia all the way.

When she was almost there, she finally remembered the business, took out a small bottle from her pocket, and unscrewed the cap.

Jiang Xia watched her dip her fingertips in paint and remembered the disguise she painted on herself when she and Belmod went to the bar last time.

After hesitating for a moment, he still couldn't help clearing his throat, and asked casually as if he didn't care: "Is there a disguise that... doesn't look too ugly?"

Belmode also quickly remembered the same thing.

"The painting you drew last time was not ugly, it's just a little worse than your usual look. You're not used to it." She smiled slyly, "If you really mind, remember to come to me more often when you have time in the future and let me observe and practice - practice makes perfect. , skills need to be continuously refined to improve, and it is the same with any technology."

After a pause, she suddenly felt that this request seemed unrealistic, and changed her words: "...or when you are free, I will remind you to come to me - of course, I will choose the date when those annoying FBIs are not around. .”

...In fact, as the disciple of Kuroba Toichi, Belmode's camouflage skills certainly do not have the problem of "requiring more observation". As long as she looks at Jiang Xia a few more times, the corresponding three-dimensional modeling will automatically appear in her mind, and combined with the knowledge of disguise, she will know where to apply it.

However, it is rare that Uzo cares about this...

Belmode touched his chin, thinking that he could use this to trick him into coming over more often. Although Gin always felt that she was not very competent as a "psychiatrist," Belmode had not forgotten Jiang Xia's psychological problems.

But based on her previous observations, she always felt that Uzo's problems... were definitely there, but they didn't seem to be serious. At least there is no so-called self-destructive tendency, but there are quite a lot of destructive tendencies. I don’t know if Usaota knows how to hide it, or if everything is their illusion.

In short, Belmode felt that since it was difficult to judge, it would be right to increase the chances of getting along with each other.

After all, only by meeting more and getting closer can we observe from all angles and discover more hidden things.

When Belmode was planning future "psychotherapy".

Next to her, Jiang Xia hesitated when she heard her proposal.

...In fact, before, when he wore the vest of Kiriten Dog and paid a courtesy visit to Kidd's house to collect magic power, he also asked Kidd about his disguise.

But it may be that his physique is not that good, or it may be that the skin of the foggy dog ​​vest is different from that of humans - the same disguise materials, the same steps, it is easy for Kidd to make it, and he can barely wear the vest on his face. a few minutes. The fake leather he made himself couldn't be put on at all and fell off as soon as it touched it.

Using Terai Huangnosuke as the model, and using Jiang Xia's learning ability and step-by-step imitation of the disguise, it didn't have much effect. After his transformation, Terai's face looked like a melted potato.

At that time, Kidd and Terai Kinosuke were silent for a moment while looking at the finished product. They first praised Kiritengu's precise movements in applying the material, and then tactfully changed the subject. They both said that if Kiritengu wanted to change his appearance, then compared to his face, He had better think about how to solve the problem of wings first - according to the observations of the Phantom Thief and his butler, Kiriten Dog's wings seemed to be unable to decompose freely, just like human limbs.

And now...

Jiang Xia: "..." Although I have had a painful experience of failure.

But the body is different from the vest. The body is an individual, and the skin is also human skin.

So... maybe the main body can learn some of the essence by learning to disguise from Belmode?

Thinking of this, he nodded under Belmode's slightly surprised gaze: "I'll try my best."

Then she looked at her little bottle of paint.

The bar is already very close. Jiang Xia: "Let's draw it first."

...Don't let it dry for a while, otherwise the painting will become uglier and it will be difficult to erase after it is mixed in.

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