Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 824 Are you about to start?

Belmode was stroking the glass of beer in his hand, resting his chin on one hand, and casually commented on the song chosen by the band: "Eternal Love... sounds as energetic as the lead singer."

Jiang Xia nodded and realized that she didn't recognize the female lead singer on stage, so she chatted along: "This is Yukiko Watanabe. Although she hasn't officially debuted yet, she is favored by many because of her strength. I heard that it won't take long. He will suddenly become a new star in the singing world. But some people say..."

Speaking of this, he hesitated. He picked up the cup and took a sip of the juice, put down the rest of the words, and began to listen to the singing attentively.

Next to him, Mao Lilan had already secretly pricked up his ears, wanting to hear the gossip.

——In order to promote his... well, his boss's detective agency, Jiang Xia sometimes participates in some detective variety shows. In addition, he seems to have a good relationship with Ms. Yoko, so he knows a lot of internal affairs in the entertainment industry.

Mao Lilan: "..." It's a pity that Jiang Xia rarely speaks out, especially some negative news.

The star-chasing girl Mao Lilan was halfway through listening to the gossip for the nth time, and it suddenly stopped. She was as curious as if she was being scratched by a cat. However, Jiang Xia didn't talk about this kind of thing, and it was certainly not easy for her to ask questions. In the end, she could only follow Jiang Xia and take a sip of iced juice to suppress her curiosity.

However, speaking of Watanabe Yukiko...

Mao Lilan remembered that she had actually heard some related rumors.

——Watanabe Yukiko is good-looking and very enthusiastic. But she always stayed in each band for a short time, and every time she changed to a new band, her stay seemed to be shortened. Sometimes she didn't even move to a better band, but to a less well-known one, such as with All the teams don’t get along.

So there are always some rumors that she has a bad temper and only cares about herself in everything she does, without considering her teammates at all.

Unexpectedly, Watanabe Yukiko is about to make her debut...

Mao Lilan had no idea about this. After all, she had no contact with Yukiko and didn't know whether the rumors were true or false.

At this time, she was looking at the energetic musicians on the stage, and had only one thought in her mind - after the concert was over, maybe there would be a chance to sneak over and ask for a few autographs? Although everyone in this band has not officially debuted yet, the signatures they signed before becoming famous are also very valuable to collect.

Regardless of her personality, Watanabe Yukiko's singing voice is indeed beautiful.

Belmode had a large glass of fizzy draft beer on hand.

While listening to the song, she raised her head and took a few sips. Then she put the wine glass filled with golden wine and dense bubbles on the table, raised her sleeves boldly and wiped the corners of her mouth, and exhaled happily.

After drinking, she glanced to the side with her peripheral vision. He noticed that Uzuo's eyes fell on her draft beer.

Belmode smiled inwardly.

...Uzo is not as scary as Vodka said. At least for now, he has been easy to get along with.

And it's not difficult to make an appointment - this time, the successful case of dating Uzo made Bermod feel that he seemed to have found the trick: show Uzo the fun of the adult world, and then offered to take him to experience it in depth. Uzo was very happy Maybe he would be willing to come out.

Thinking of this, Belmod blinked at Jiang Xia, seductively raised the half-cup of draft beer in his hand, and made a clinking motion: "Want a drink?"

"...Um, Miss Takenaka." Mao Lilan called Belmod's current fake name, politely refusing for the neighbor who didn't like to refuse, "We are still high school students, not old enough to drink."

Jiang Xia hummed in agreement.

Then he looked away from the wine glass and silently observed the rooftop restaurant.

The draft beer in this shop looks really good.

There are also several semi-enclosed private rooms on one side of the restaurant. With the curtain down, it would be difficult for others to see clearly the people in the box.

Jiang Xia: "..." If after today, the rooftop restaurant is still operating normally, then he can come over when there are no acquaintances, order a table of draft beer in his adult vest, and carry it into the box. Then the curtain is closed, and you can drink whichever cup you want, who knows who drank it...

A play plan quickly took shape. Jiang Xia picked up the juice glass at hand and took a sip, exhaling as comfortably as Belmod.

Across the round table, Conan watched the two men drinking beer/juice in a similar manner, and turned to Belmod with suspicious eyes.

"..." I always feel like this woman is trying to lead Jiang Xia astray, and they may have known each other for a while.

However, for some reason, Conan found that he did not feel too dangerous aura from this "Miss Takenaka", but instead seemed to be... somewhat kind?

He was briefly confused.

Then I felt I couldn’t take it lightly.

——Jiang Xia has this magical physique that attracts scum. Even when he meets Ginjiu on the train, Ginjiu has to look at him twice. Nowadays, it is completely normal if it attracts people with ulterior motives.

And "Miss Takenaka" is indeed not a good citizen in terms of behavior - not only did she invite Jiang Xia to drink draft beer together in broad daylight and night, but she also tried to take a minor to the bar just now... Even if it was because of herself I also drink, and I feel that alcohol is not very harmful to people, so I extended this invitation. However, the topic of "high school detective hanging out in bars late at night" is not a good thing for Jiang Xia...

Thinking of this, Conan sighed tiredly.

I hope that the people Jiang Xia attracts this time are just a little deviant.

In this way, as long as they are alert enough, Miss Takenaka will at least not cause any big problems.

Just eat and drink, listen to some singing, and have a few random conversations.

The atmosphere gradually relaxed.

——After all, although there were two cadres of the dark organization sitting next to the wine table, they did not have any hostility towards the two high school students across the table.

Conan observed for a long time and found that Belmode did not seem to do anything other than drinking happily. He gradually felt that maybe he was thinking too much.

After retracting his attention from the "bad girl", Conan lowered his head and found that the snacks he had just picked out on his plate had been eaten without even realizing it.

So he jumped off the chair, picked up the tray, and prepared to go to the buffet to get more.

Mao Lilan also followed.

In the blink of an eye, the passionate songs just now were sung.

The atmosphere on the stage changed slightly, and the tone of the music changed from intense to long and gentle.

Drummer Yusuke Nakamura stood up from the drum kit, picked up a guitar, and took over the lead vocal position.

As the leader of the band, Nakamura Yusuke, who knows a little bit about everything, plucked the strings of his guitar and said with a smile: "Now I will present a classic song that everyone is familiar with——"

When Jiang Xia heard the change of people, she suddenly turned her head and glanced at the stage.

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