Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 825 I just glanced at him... Please vote for me (`)

The VIP table chosen by Mao Lilan was very close to the stage.

As soon as Jiang Xia moved, Nakamura Yusuke on the stage subconsciously turned his gaze and looked at the audience who turned to him.

Seeing Jiang Xia's face clearly, he was startled.

After a brief pause, Nakamura Yusuke's eyes scanned the entire audience again and returned to the state of singing.

He continued what he just said and announced the track: "S·G's "Farewell"!"

Next to him, Belmode keenly captured the tiny interaction between the two.

Mao Lilan and Conan went to add food and couldn't hear them talking.

Belmod pulled the stool, leaned towards Jiang Xia, and asked in a low voice as if he was very interested: "What's the matter? Someone you know?"

"That's right." Jiang Xia glanced at her empty draft beer cup and said, "I met him at the Japanese TV station before and had a few words with him."

Belmode: "That's it..."

She recalled the slightly expectant look in Usa's eyes as he looked at the stage when Nakamura Yusuke spoke just now. I always feel like something is not quite right.

After feeling doubtful, I thought about it further:

Before that, when Yukiko Watanabe was singing, Uzo also looked at the stage several times.

At that time, Bermod felt that the position of Uzo's gaze was a bit strange. It seemed that he was not looking at the lead singer who should be the most prominent, but was looking slightly away.

She originally thought this was because she happened to be sitting next to Jiang Xia, and the light here was very dark, which created an illusion.

But now it seems that he is looking in the direction where Uzo's gaze was shifted just now.

- What Uzo looked at several times at that time was the drummer who was singing.

After discovering this, Bermod couldn't help but think of the less standardized observation reports and cases that Gin handed her when she came to be a "psychiatrist" some time ago.

Belmode: "..." I heard that Uzo has a bad habit of randomly grabbing lucky passers-by to be extras.

In addition, according to Ginjiu, Uzo also likes to "sow the seeds of evil in other people's hearts"... Speaking of which, Ginjiu is obviously a killer, but sometimes he speaks in a polite manner. But in the current scene, this description is quite appropriate.

At least Belmode looked at the current situation, combined with what Uzo said just now, "having a few chats with Yusuke Nakamura", and suddenly there was a picture in his mind: Jiangxia and Yusuke Nakamura met by chance at Nippon TV Station. While chatting casually, Uzo's seemingly polite eyes examined the other person's heart like a cold and precise machine, and then waved his hand when saying goodbye, silently spreading a handful of terrible things into the darkness of Nakamura Yusuke's heart.

So... the drummer who is singing is also the "actor" who was unfortunately chosen by Uzo?

After coming to this conclusion, Belmode suddenly understood the reason why "Uzo always rejected him in the past, but today he suddenly agreed to go out together."

"..." Could it be that Wuzuo agreed to her invitation in order to watch and supervise the upcoming murder? This rooftop restaurant is right next to the bar they made an appointment with before, and there is probably not even a straight line distance between them. More than a hundred meters. With such a small distance, if something happens to the rooftop restaurant, even if they are at the bar, they can rush there immediately and watch everything they need to see.

Based on this, Belmode's thoughts were racing:

At first, when she sent the message to Uzo, she actually didn't expect that she would actually be able to ask him out. So she chose the location very casually. She just randomly picked a bar among the bars she planned to go to in the near future.

...However, there are actually not that many well-known bars that "recently launched new seasonal dessert wines."

Perhaps a few hours ago, Uzo realized through her few words of description that the bar Belmode was talking about was near the "stage" he was looking for, and that's why he agreed to the invitation.

Thinking of this, Belmode suddenly realized.

Everything seems to be explained.

——If it was just for drinking, Uzo might not come.

But add the murder and her...

I heard that Uzo has always had the habit of "drawing important audiences to watch murder dramas."

And "Belmode" is a mysterious organization cadre. Even vodka can be taken by Uzo, and he is often forcibly dragged to "appreciate" murder cases. In this case, Belmode thought, Uzo would not let someone of his caliber come to his door...

No wonder Uzo agreed so readily before.

"..." When I thought that Uzo just invited her to watch the show, he didn't intend to treat her like Bourbon. Belmod's tense mood eased a little.

After she "figured this out", her attention quickly fell on another thing that she paid special attention to.

...If that's the case, what's going on with the sudden appearance of angel and cool guy?

Was it a mere chance encounter, or was it Uzo's deliberate arrangement?

It was difficult for Belmode to come to a conclusion for a while.

At first glance, it seems that the main reason why they are sitting in this rooftop restaurant now is that Xiaolan has won a VIP seat ticket for the rooftop restaurant.

But carefully recall the process of the encounter between the two parties. If Uzo had asked for a treat, or wanted to try this newly opened restaurant, they would still have come - the "accidental" content in this was actually far less than it seemed.


Belmode saw that after the lead singer was changed, Uzobi's eyes were much more focused than before. Realizing that before long, there will be a murder here.

Belmod: "..." Fortunately, things have developed now, and Angel should no longer be so afraid of murder.

The cool guy doesn't have to worry - although he really doesn't want to see his life disappear, he also really enjoys the process of solving crimes and discovering the truth...


Thinking of this, Belmode was suddenly startled:

In my impression, Uzo would not only carry out targeted assassinations when completing organizational tasks.

Usually, he prefers to create some daily cases casually.

But now that I think about it, the reason for the latter happening, besides "Uzo himself likes it"...maybe there is also the entertainment idea of ​​"posing a difficult problem to friends"?

Belmod remembers that in many reports about Uzo's solving crimes, you can see a little bit of Conan.

Before, she was a little confused about this behavior, thinking that it was the cool guy who took the initiative to pursue the case. As soon as she heard that there was a murder around Jiangxia, she would rush there quickly.

...But thinking about it now, if Uzo had the intention to prevent Conan from contacting the murder case, with his current relationship with the police, Conan, a child, would not be able to sneak into the murder scene.

So if cool guy can get close to those cases, there must be Uzo’s tacit approval behind it.

"..." Thinking of this, all the previous inconsistencies were immediately answered.

——These small daily cases that happen around us may simply be the "Daily Puzzles" that Uzo gave to the cool guy, as well as a little friendly challenge.

This heavy "truth" made Belmod feel a little complicated, and he sighed silently.

If one day, cool guy and angel discover the true face of Wuzuo "Jiang Xia" under the skin...

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