Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 826 What do you want to do?

Thinking of this, Belmode looked towards the stage.

Looking at the drummer who knew nothing about his own destiny, her eyes were dark, as if she could see through that person and into the distant future.

——People like her and Wu Zuo who live in the dark are different from angel and cool guy after all... Although at present, cool guy only looks at her with caution, and doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with "Jiang Xia" next to him. But in the long run, this will definitely be a tragedy.

Uzo was in a similar situation to her, which made Belmode feel vaguely moved.

She silently put down the empty wine glass in her hand, pushed it farther away, stood up and patted Jiang Xia next to her: "Let's go and accompany me to pick some food to go with the wine."

Jiang Xia was slapped by her, and also looked away from the stage, giving her a slightly confused look.

Then he nodded, stood up, and walked to the place where the buffet was placed.

Belmode took some desserts and drank another glass of draft beer.

Afterwards, she picked up the wine glass, stood up and looked around, and found that Uzo had walked to the edge of the rooftop at some point and was looking down. This is the top floor. The young cadre looks silently at the bottom of the building, as if standing on the edge of a cliff, looking down into the abyss.

Belmod stared at the somewhat lonely figure and sighed inwardly. Holding the wine glass, he walked over.

——While it’s dark and there are few people here, give Uzo a few sips to comfort your conscience, and you won’t be discovered by the store employees.

However, he just walked to Jiang Xia's side.

Before he could say anything, Belmod paused.

"..." At this time, she could see Uzuo's expression clearly, and she realized that Uzuo didn't seem "lonely" at all. Instead, he showed the kind of look she had seen several times - the kind of look that looked at him. The expectant gaze of the selected "actor".

Belmode: "..."


She wordlessly took a sip of the wine in her hand. I muttered to myself how diligent Uzo was in this aspect, and at the same time followed Uzo's line of sight and looked over with curiosity: I don't know which unlucky guy Uzo is targeting this time... huh? ?

……Maori Kogoro? !

Belmod's face changed slightly, as if he accidentally stepped on the air when going down the stairs, and his heart suddenly felt suspended.

At this time, the street below the building. Under the illumination of street lights and shop door lights, one could see Mouri Kogoro walking shoulder to shoulder with an older man of the same age. Both men looked very drunk.

Belmod looked at Uzo, at those two people, and then at Uzo...

After careful comparison, she confirmed it.

——Usa's dangerous look full of expectation fell right where Mouri Kogoro was.

Belmode: "..." Mouri Kogoro is Angel's father. According to his previous speculation, Uzuo cares a lot about angel and cool guy, so he shouldn't suddenly attack Kogoro Mouri... Maybe Uzuo is actually eyeing the uncle next to Mouri? ——The two people were so close and still staggering around each other. From this distance, it was indeed difficult to distinguish the specific point of Uzo's gaze in detail.

While Belmode was thinking so lucky.

Below the building.

Mouri Kogoro and his uncle friend walked to the street and flagged down a taxi.

Then the friend got in, clicked the door, and the taxi drove away quickly.

Mouri Kogoro didn't go with him. He stood drunkenly on the street and waved to his friend in the taxi to see him off - the reunion reception between the two uncles seemed to be over.

"..." Belmode looked at the car driving away and then at Jiang Xia.

Then he discovered that Uzuo's eyes did not move with the taxi that was driving away.

But it still stayed on Moori Kogoro.

Belmod: "...?"

At the foot of the building.

Mouri Kogoro, who had already had a round of drinking, was completely unaware of the stares from above his head.

He yawned full of alcohol, reached into his pocket and fumbled around a few times, took out his cell phone, and wanted to press it to check the time.

However, after pressing it for a long time, the phone screen still failed to light up.

Mouri Kogoro touched the back of his head in confusion, and then slowly remembered that he forgot to charge his mobile phone before going to bed yesterday. Not long ago, my phone ran out of battery and automatically shut down.

"..." Mouri Kogoro had no choice but to raise his head, look at the dark sky, and use his brain numbed by alcohol to estimate the time. It felt like it was already very late.

Although he remembered that the children were eating nearby, Mouri Kogoro thought hard for a long time and couldn't remember which restaurant they just went to. I simply stopped paying attention and waddled towards the station, planning to go home and rest first.

The roof of the building, the edge of the newly opened rooftop hotel.

Jiang Xia watched Mouri Kogoro walking towards the station. He remembered the murderous aura he captured in the apartment near Mihua Middle School when he went out.

He had some impressions of this case, and judging from the current route of Mouri Kogoro and his usual appearance when he was drunk, Moori Kogoro was likely to stumble into that case by accident.

Belmode was thinking about the situation secretly.

Suddenly, I heard Uzuo looking at Mouri Kogoro's back and muttering in a low voice: "It's just the right time to go back, and the phone is out of battery..."

He rested his elbows on the railing, as if thinking about something. After a moment of pause, he probably figured it out, and suddenly smiled faintly, but did not say any more words.

"..." The more Belmode looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong.

She subconsciously rubbed the wine glass with her fingers, and murmured in her heart: Is Uzo really not even letting Angel's father go?

It can’t be because Mouri Kogoro and Angel and the others just stopped Uzuo from going to the bar, so he is being held grudge... In Uzuo’s heart, Mouri Kogoro’s status is probably much lower than that of cool guy and angel. cut.

However, Bermod thought about it rationally and quickly realized that judging from what Uzo had just said, even if Mouri Kogoro was really related to a certain "murder drama" arranged by Uzo, this drunken uncle was not a drama. The protagonist is more like a passerby who was accidentally involved.

However, judging from Usa's interested expression just now, even if Mouri Kogoro joins as a "guest role", his upcoming role or "role" in the future case may not be real... It's as easy as a guest appearance.

Belmod: "..." Don't let it be a "surprise" like guest appearance as the deceased or murderer No. 2. According to her investigation when she first came to Japan, Uzo was indeed good to angel and cool guy, but to Mouri Kogoro...

Belmode did not focus on investigating this aspect. When he suddenly encountered this situation, he felt really unsure.

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