Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 827: Farewell to the Shark Mouri Kogoro. Please vote for me ()

In any case, from Belmode's perspective, for the sake of Angel's mood and the harmony between the three children in the future...

She couldn't sit back and watch Mouri Kogoro being killed by a "murder drama" that Uzo casually unfolded.

"..." We have to find a way to rescue people from Uzo.

However, if you think about it carefully, Uzo may not necessarily want to kill someone.

Maybe he just wanted to play a harmless prank on Moori Kogoro, to tease and take revenge on the elder who wouldn't let him enter the bar.

In short, the situation is currently unclear.

Belmode felt that he could not get into trouble.

"I remember just now, on the way here, you said that you need my help with a task. It should be the matter of dealing with Sindora." Belmod walked to Jiang Xia and whispered in a low voice as if nothing had happened, "At this juncture, Come on, if something happens to someone related to you, won’t it easily attract the attention of the police?”

Wu Zuo faced the night wind and didn't care about her advice: "Even if I don't do anything, my presence in the eyes of the police is still very strong. Of course, it's positive...and in the end, these cases are related to What does it matter to me? I'm just passing by and solving a case - it's only the murderer's fault for violating the law."

Belmode: "..."

She was thinking about what to say, but she really didn't know how to say it so that Uzo could realize the significance of Mouri Kogoro to Angel without exposing herself. As the "Belmod" in the organization, she always You can't just say something like "If that guy dies, Xiaolan will be very sad"...

Just as she was thinking about it, Uzuo suddenly turned her head and looked at her with interest: "You seem to care about Uncle Maori very much. Is there something about him... or around him that attracts you?"

"..." Belmode looked calm, but a cold sweat broke out silently behind his back.

...Although Uzo used a question, Bermod, who had a secret in his heart, was really worried that his feelings for angel and cool guy would be exposed, even if the insider was Uzo.

——Those two children are her unavoidable weakness and weakness. And Belmod's character and identity made her instinctively want to hide this news tightly and never let anyone know.

Moreover, Belmode thought.

How would Uzo react if he found out?

...Thinking of this, Belmod couldn't help but think of the piles of innocent passersby in the newspaper who were framed by Uzo for no reason.

"..." With Uzo's dangerous personality, which is completely opposite to his appearance, he is as dangerous as a shadow hunter. Belmode could not imagine that after the truth was revealed, she and Uzo held each other's hands in a friendly manner: "You want to protect Shinichi and Xiaolan? Oh, what a coincidence, so do I. Let's be allies!"... Such a situation.

This is impossible.

On the contrary, by then, Uzo might just be unhappy for some inexplicable reason such as "Belmode's situation is too similar to him in this matter, and his personality overlaps", and he will suspend the murder of Bourbon and concentrate on dealing with it instead. she.

Or maybe they think that Belmode, an insider who also knows "Kudo Shinichi = Conan", is also a threat, and in order to prevent the cool guy from being silenced by the organization, he returns to the previous theory and concentrates on murdering her.

...In short, it is difficult to end.

After seeing so many cases summarized by Gin and Vodka, even Belmode, a confident man who is good at grasping people's hearts, can't help but feel a little afraid of Uzo. And she doesn't want to be an enemy of Uzo.

In short, from all aspects, Belmode felt that he should try to hide this news as much as possible. Unless subsequent observation confirms that Uzo's aggressiveness is not as strong as reported in the newspaper...

Fortunately, Belmode thought, he is an actor after all. He is very good at controlling subtle expressions and also studies people's hearts.

When facing Uzo, she obviously has certain advantages compared to others.

A series of thoughts flashed through him like lightning.

Soon, he faced Jiang Xia's question. Belmod smiled skillfully and mysteriously:

“I was just wondering, what other interesting script have you written?

"Being an audience for a long time will become boring. After all, the motives, methods, techniques of murder, and the hatred and entanglement between people... In the final analysis, there are only so many types. Arrange and combine them over and over again, and you can see more You can even guess the next development.”

In the moonlight, Belmode turned around and leaned his back on the railing.

She raised the wine glass in her hand and touched it lightly with the glass in Jiang Xia's hand.

In the crisp low voice, Belmode looked into Jiang Xia's eyes, lowered his voice, and his tone was mixed with a hint of coaxing and request: "Show me the perspective behind the scenes, huh? - I want to know how the world looks in your eyes. , what exactly it looks like.”

When she clinked the glasses, the foam in her glass splashed like starlight.

...and then fell into Jiang Xia's juice cup.

Jiang Xia lowered her gaze slightly and looked at the two cups that were incompatible with the atmosphere: "..."

Belmode followed his gaze subconsciously. Realizing something, the corners of his eyes twitched imperceptibly.

"..." She just felt that when saying such words, she should clink glasses with intention - it was a sense of ritual. In the past, when she was discussing things with other organization cadres, she would often like to hold a glass of wine in her hand...but at that time they were all beautiful clear crystal cups, and the cups were filled with high-end red wine that was fragrant.

And now...

Belmod glanced at the huge beer mug in his hand.

Look again at the bright yellow juice in Uzuo’s hand.

There was a brief silence.

"..." Fortunately, Uzo didn't seem to care about these details.

When Belmode held his breath to hear the spoilers.

Jiang Xia walked to the side, and under the smiling gaze of the staff in the distance, she put down the juice, replaced it with a glass of cola that looked calmer in color, and then added a round piece of ice to it like a strong drink.

Looking down at it, I felt that this was more formal than juice.

He then walked back to Belmod as if nothing had happened, carrying a brand new drink, and continued the conversation.

"The behind-the-scenes thing is the most boring. Although at first glance, the murder techniques and emotions are indeed limited. But among those major categories, every detail is actually very different - just like the three primary colors, mixed together in various proportions , resulting in dazzling colors.”

Jiang Xia imitated Belmod's tone and talked mysteriously and seriously:

"Compared with the unpredictable emotions and effects of techniques, as long as a case is committed by a human being, there is no insurmountable difficulty. Another person can do the same thing - in other words , the 'behind-the-scenes perspective' you want to see is just some mundane hard work."

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