Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 828 Cadre battle

As Belmod listened, he actually felt that it made sense.

Moreover, after hearing what Uzuo said, she suddenly thought of her colleagues who had been tortured a lot:

No wonder Uzo is always obsessed with attracting the audience to enjoy his "drama", and even seems to be a bit unscrupulous in attracting people - this is probably because in Uzo's eyes, the "drama" he planned himself is actually very boring , the only interesting thing is the real struggle between the murderer and the deceased in hatred, and the audience's reaction to this.

"..." But he understood, and Belmode did not give up his plan of "finding out what Uzo wanted to do to Moori Kogoro."

She calmly put down the somewhat funny draft beer cup, crossed her hands in front of her chest, and added a little bait:

"Having said that, the unknown is always desirable... After seeing the hard work behind the scenes, I may have more insights when I appreciate your 'art' in the future." - She was expressing in a subtle way, if Uzo If you are willing to give her a spoiler about Moori Kogoro, then she can take the initiative to come to your door as an audience, and she will give a reaction that satisfies Uzo.

Jiang Xia glanced at her silently.

"..." Why does it sound like he likes to "invite others to watch murders"? He was just trying to impress his friends.

As for whether these accomplices wanted to solve the case after the accident, or whether they wanted to watch... it didn't matter. As long as a case is brought out, they can hide somewhere else to catch up on their sleep.


Jiang Xia thought and touched his chin.

——Belmod said this, it seems that "Uzo" is a capable villain who loves art.

It would be a waste to say what he was thinking directly and break the atmosphere.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia imitated what Belmod had just done, rubbed the glass in her hand, looked up at the moonlight and pondered for a moment.

Then under the other party's breathless gaze, he smiled sinisterly and spoke slowly: "If you want to know..."

He turned his head, hooked his fingers, and gestured to "listen carefully."

Belmode's eyes lit up inconspicuously, and he came closer.

Then she heard Wu Zuo whispering in her ear:

"Then you can guess."

At the end, he changed into the tone of a sunny high school student and said sincerely: "Come on!"

Then he ignored her and left gracefully with the Coke cup in hand.

Belmode: "..."


" # !"

Jiang Xia returned to her seat in front of the stage and continued to listen to the performance leisurely.

...Hehe, he actually tried to satisfy him with a draft beer. Childish woman.

Although Belmod is indeed very good at persuasion and seems to hold "Uzo" in high esteem, how can such a stylish villain as "Uzo" flip the script on his own?

Anyway, according to Jiang Xia's accumulated experience, villains who talk a lot and love to explain are all dead.

...Even if he wasn't a villain, he didn't want to follow in this unseemly and handsome footsteps just for a few sips of draft beer and the "onlookers" he didn't really need.

During the passionate confrontation between the cadres of two mysterious and dangerous organizations.

On the other side, the center of their conversation, Mouri Kogoro, had already drunkenly walked to Shibahama Station, preparing to take the Loop Line back to Yoneka Town.

The platform of Shibahama Station.

While waiting for the bus in boredom, Mouri Kogoro raised his head and looked at the watch in the station.

I found it was only half past seven in the evening.

"...It's still so early." He scratched the back of his head.

When he was drinking just now, Mouri Kogoro felt that time passed very slowly, and it was already eight or nine o'clock anyway - maybe because he and his old classmate hadn't seen each other for a long time, and when they met by chance, there really wasn't much to talk about. . So just now, the two of them exchanged a few words and then began to awkwardly sit across from each other and drink wine, spending the day like a year.

"..." If I had known it was only after seven o'clock, there should have been a second scene just now.

Mouri Kogoro thought of the bustling Shibahama Town and hesitated to go back.

But at the same time, after being drunk, he was really sleepy.

While I was struggling, the wind on the platform gradually became stronger.

——The vehicle has entered the station.

Mouri Kogoro looked at the car door that opened in front of him, and finally shook his head and walked in.

——He drank a little too much today. One game is worth three games.

Since the car has arrived just in time, it’s time to go home and have a rest.

Mouri Kogoro got into the car, found the corner seat, and sat down against the armrest.

If you are drunk, you will inevitably feel sleepy. Shibahama Station is only five stops away from Miwa Station, so it won’t take too long. Mouri Kogoro wanted to play with his phone for a while to refresh himself, but when he took out his phone, he remembered that it was out of battery. In the end I had to sit in a daze.

The end result was that before even finishing a stop, Mouri Kogoro was already drunk and fell asleep snoring.

The circular line stopped at one stop after another, and it didn't take long before we arrived at Miwa Town.

The gentle station announcement sounded and the announcement was repeated. However, Mouri Kogoro slept like a pile of burritos, not moving a muscle and continuing to snore without being woken up.

After a while, several children ran into the car.

Seeing this funny old man snoring with his mouth open, they gathered in a group and started laughing. One of the naughty children took out the candy he bought before, opened one, and threw one into Mouri Kogoro's mouth like a projectile.

The drunk uncle just smacked his lips and still didn't wake up. The children gradually turned their attention away from him and began to do their own things.

When Mouri Kogoro sat down along the circular line.

Shibahama Town.

In the newly opened rooftop restaurant, the enjoyable gatherings continue.

After the band on stage sang those classic songs, they also sang some songs that fit the occasion.

After the concert, a group of people with different looks came on stage - in addition to the band, the restaurant also invited some comedians.

Conan watched the performance and yawned secretly, wanting to go home.

But when he turned around, Mao Lilan was still staring at the stage with glowing eyes, looking like he was waiting for an opportunity to get an autograph, even from comedians.

Conan: "..."

Thinking that there was nothing to do tonight, I had no choice but to continue to accompany him.

He took out his cell phone out of boredom, clicked on the news and started eating. His other hand touched the smiling hash browns on the plate.

However, it came up empty.

Conan was startled, raised his head and looked at the dinner plate, only to find that the smiling hash browns were gone.

"...?" Why did you eat so fast? He clearly took a lot just now...

Conan looked around suspiciously.

At a glance, Jiang Xia, on the seat next to him, was holding a hash brown with a bite in his hand.

Looking carefully, there were still some debris falling on the dinner plate in front of Jiang Xia. That's definitely not the amount of crumbs that can fall out of a hash brown - Jiang Xia must have taken a lot from his plate just now when he wasn't paying attention.

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