Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 829 Belmod: Why don’t you even let angel go?

Chapter 829 Belmod: Why don’t you even let angel go? Asking for monthly ticket(`)

Thinking of this, Conan looked at the pile of fancy children's snacks in front of him, and then at the spicy edamame, sashimi, fried tofu... and other snacks that looked more adult-friendly in front of Jiang Xia.

Conan: "..." It's not that I can't understand it. If I were to go out to eat with a pretty girl, even if I couldn't drink, I would never pick those cute-looking, childish snacks. I would definitely get something serious. This is a matter of face.

The side of the dining table is relatively dark, so it is difficult to notice what you are eating, but the side where you take the food is relatively bright.

Conan thought that Jiang Xia probably didn't want to go to the children's area to get food, so he just came back and ate his snacks... In this way, being a child did have this convenience.

It was already dark, and the lighting level in the rooftop restaurant was comparable to that of a bar.

In the dim light, Jiang Xia didn't seem to notice the tomboy's hesitant gaze.

Under Conan's gaze, he ate the remaining half of the hash brown in one gulp, then looked at the stage while his hand skillfully touched Conan's plate...

I felt empty.

The hash browns have been eaten.

Jiang Xia was startled, turned around and glanced at the dinner plate, and met Conan's eyes.

One second, two seconds...

Jiang Xia silently retracted her hand, took the napkin and wiped her fingers elegantly, looking away as if nothing had happened.

Next to him, Conan sighed, picked up the plate resignedly, and walked towards the area where children's meals were placed, deciding to get more this time.

Jiang Xia's parents seemed to be very busy all the time, and his nanny was a bit strict. Not only would she not be able to prepare snacks for Jiang Xia when he was a child, but she would force him to eat vegetables... As a calm high school student without a childhood, Jiang Xia thought It’s normal to take some time out to try out children’s snacks.

Thinking of this, Conan simply changed to a large plate and started to put snacks for three people.

——Bring some to Xiaolan by the way, just in case she wants to eat but is too embarrassed to take it. After all, if you look carefully, the people who come to this area to get snacks are all children about the same height as Conan.

Belmod seemed to be concentrating on the performance on stage.

But her attention has always been on the three high school students next to her.

Just now, when Conan was staring at the dinner plate and wondering.

Behind him, the drummer of the previous band, Yusuke Nakamura, went up the stairs to the roof, stood in the shadow of the corner, and looked at their table several times, as if hesitating.

Belmod remembered that this man was the guy whom Uzo had looked at appreciatively several times when the band was singing.

And she looked at her watch and found that nearly twenty minutes had passed since Nakamura Yusuke's band finished singing. Logically speaking, they should have left. But now...

Belmode leaned back in his chair calmly and looked at the suspicious person from the corner of his eye.

Just when Conan was carrying the dinner plate and going to get the meal. Maybe it was because a seat was vacant, which silently gave people a hint that "you can join here."

Nakamura Yusuke, who was still hesitant before, finally seemed to have made up his mind and walked over with a guitar in his arms.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Jiangxia?" Nakamura Yusuke looked at Jiangxia and spoke.

Jiang Xia put down the things in his hands and nodded towards him.

Nakamura Yusuke seemed to smile relaxedly: "Sure enough, I thought it was you just now, but the light was too dark, so I didn't dare to recognize it - do you still remember me? Last month, we had a few chats on Nippon TV .”

Jiang Xia nodded friendly: "Of course."

Nakamura Yusuke continued to laugh and touched the back of his head as if embarrassed:

"I actually like reading your crime-solving reports. I wanted to ask you for an autograph that day, but it was a work setting and I didn't think it was appropriate. When I was debating whether to speak, you had already left. So... that... …”

He turned the guitar over in his hand, with the back side facing Jiang Xia for writing, and handed it to him. He asked expectantly: "If possible, can you please sign here?"

Next to him, Belmode held his chin, silently observing this seemingly normal scene: "..." Someone actually wants Uzo's autograph?

Even if the identity of "Uzo" is not taken into consideration, it is just a detective's signature. It would be unlucky to carry it with you... Of course, she did not mean that Uzo and cool guy were unlucky, but she just subconsciously wanted to analyze the thoughts of ordinary citizens, and then I think these guys who ask detectives for autographs are somewhat brave.

However, if you think about it carefully, Nakamura Yusuke asked Usa for his autograph, so he may not really admire him. Maybe it's just to achieve a certain purpose...

Thinking of this, Belmod raised his hand and rubbed his chin.

Although just now, in order to provoke Usa to reveal the script about Mouri Kogoro, she deliberately said something like "these dramas will become ordinary after watching too many times". But now an "actor" actually walked up to them... Maybe it was because she hadn't actually watched a few live performances. At this time, Belmode actually felt a little curious.

Just as I was curious, I suddenly saw something next to me. Mao Lilan rummaged around for a long time, and finally found a palm-sized notepad and held it in his hand.

Then Mao Lilan looked at the notebook and then at Nakamura Yusuke, but hesitated to speak.

——She actually wanted to take advantage of Jiangxia's autograph to Nakamura Yusuke to ask Nakamura Yusuke for an autograph herself.

But when she came out tonight, Mao Lilan didn't expect to win the lottery ticket for this rooftop restaurant, and she didn't know that she would ask someone for an autograph.

So now, she doesn't have her signature book with her.

And the small palm-sized book in her hand, which contained a lot of miscellaneous things, was too casual, so she was embarrassed to speak.

Nakamura Yusuke was keenly aware of the movement here, glanced at Mao Lilan, and vaguely understood.

He smiled and said, "Do you know me?"

"Of course! I like your songs very much." Mao Lilan never chooses stars, and Nakamura Yusuke is really good at singing.

More importantly, at this time, it would be too heartbreaking to say something like "Haha, I just heard of you, but I'm not very familiar with you"... and Mao Lilan couldn't do such a thing. Even if you hold on hard, you have to be a die-hard fan.

Nakamura Yusuke was quite happy to meet a fan by chance.

He took the guitar signed by Jiang Xia and seemed to be in a better mood. Then he glanced at the small book in Mao Lilan's hand and proactively suggested:

"I have a few band posters in my bag. If you don't mind, come and get one with me. I'll sign it - it will be more memorable."


Mao Lilan didn't think too much and followed him happily.

Belmod, who had watched the whole process: "..."

Just now, when Uzo returned the guitar, the guitar deflected at an angle, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

Belmod raised his eyes and saw something strange fixed deep in the cavity of the guitar through the circular sound hole.

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