Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 832 Dangerous people around you. More updates to the leader of the alliance [Jun Moxi r

Chapter 832 Dangerous people around you. More updates to the leader [Jun Moxi rx dance]

Mao Lilan pressed 110 while the elevator was going up.

When the elevator reaches the top floor, the door opens. While pressing the dial button and calling the police skillfully, she ran towards the table where Jiang Xia was sitting and told him that a terrible murder had occurred downstairs.


The curtain that Mao Lilan was watching just now moved.

Belmode walked out of it.

She looked at the elevator going up and shook her head silently.

Angel is so naive, and is always reluctant to doubt the people around him, even if it's just "people around him" in the physical sense.

Speaking of which, Belmod thought with a hint of joy that luckily he didn't intervene when he heard the scream just now. Now it seems that although Uzzo's "script" did involve angel, Uzzo just made her an opening role that seemed dangerous but was actually very safe.

Although for normal female high school students, this is still a frightening and unfortunate event.

But in Uzo's eyes, this kind of role is probably equivalent to ordinary activities such as "helping pull the curtains". There is no danger, but it can bring a little fun of personal participation.

"..." When Wuzuo treated Angel, he did not deliberately treat him with malice, but his concept was slightly different from that of normal people. From this point of view, sending the cool guy away might just be necessary for the case, rather than a test for her.

...Think about it. When she secretly used Uzo's cell phone to make a call, Uzo drank enough alcohol to knock down several adults who were good at drinking. It was impossible for him to stay sober at that time. .

This made Belmod feel a lot more relaxed.


She quickly thought, if this was the case, what was going on with Mouri Kogoro?

Was he also exposed by Uzo?

Before coming, Belmode thought that Uzo might cause some trouble.

But I really didn't expect that Uzo would commit two murders at the same time in one night.

She couldn't help but think of the last time she saw Bourbon, who looked slightly haggard, and suddenly she had a clear understanding of the reason why the mysterious intelligence agent was so tortured.

"..." In any case, it seems that even the people Uzo cares about cannot avoid being thrown into those "dramas" by him as guest stars... but he should still have a sense of proportion.

...I hope the same is true for Moori Kogoro.

When the body was found in Shibahama Town.

Drunk Mouri Kogoro finally woke up successfully after taking a nap.

In a daze, he heard the call of "Mihua Station". At the last second before the car door closed, Mouri Kogoro suddenly got up and sprinted out of the car.

"It's okay, okay, I almost missed the station... huh?" Mouri Kogoro was thankful, but suddenly felt that something was not right.

He smacked his lips in confusion: Why is it so sweet in your mouth?

After tasting it carefully, I discovered that there was a piece of slowly melting hard candy in my mouth.

Mouri Kogoro: "..." When did you eat the candy... Maybe you bought it in Shibahama Town before.

He yawned drunkenly, quickly gave up thinking, left the station, and walked towards his home.

The station is a few blocks away from the Mori Detective Agency.

On the way, when passing by the back door of Mihua Middle School, a gust of wind blew by, and a few cherry blossom petals fell from his field of vision.

Mouri Kogoro was so excited that he sneezed when a flower petal passed by the tip of his nose. He rubbed his nose, raised his head, and was stunned for a moment when he saw the night cherry blossoms blooming and falling in the wind: it was such an elegant scene.

As I said that, I wanted to take out my phone and take a photo.

However, the phone has run out of battery.


Mouri Kogoro silently put away his mobile phone and comforted himself in his heart: he should not fall into the bad habit of young people taking pictures of everything they see. As expected, this kind of beautiful scenery must be recorded with his own eyes, which is the most meaningful.

Next to it, there is a set of steps leading to the back door of Mihua Middle School. Mouri Kogoro walked over with his feet fluttering, used it as a stool and sat down, raising his head to admire the cherry blossoms quietly.

After a few seconds of enjoying it, sleepiness came over me again.

But this time, before falling asleep, a sound of footsteps came from a nearby apartment, running quickly, and passed by Moori Kogoro.

——Sayuri Shimamura didn't see someone sitting in the corner of the stairs. After passing by Kogoro Mori, she ran straight to a car parked on the side of the road, opened the door, and threw a bag of things into the car.

Mouri Kogoro was aroused by the movement and opened his eyes drowsily.

He looked around and saw a familiar woman. He stood up in surprise and walked over to say hello: "Haha, Miss Sayuri? What a coincidence!"

Sayuri Shimamura didn't expect that there was someone next to her. She was so excited that the bag in her hand fell back into the car with a clatter.

She stood up straight and looked at Mouri Kogoro intently. As the man approached, he was greeted by the smoky smell of alcohol.

Sayuri Shimamura's heart rate was soaring. At this time, seeing Moori Kogoro's drunken appearance, she suddenly thought of something and forced herself to calm down.

She smiled and said hello, while tightening her grip on the hard object in her bag: "It turns out to be Mr. Mori, long time no see."

——Sayuri Shimamura is the president of an export company. Their homes are not far away and they met before when they ate at Poirot Cafe.

While they were chatting, a bell rang in the distance.

When Mouri Kogoro heard this movement that represented "the hour", he touched the back of his head and muttered: "It's just eight o'clock..." He suddenly remembered something, looked at Shimamura Sayuri, and suggested, "How about we go drink together? One cup?”

——With such beautiful cherry blossoms and such a beautiful chance encounter, it feels like the night is wasted if we don’t have a glass of wine together.

In the corner of the wall, a cat with dark clouds and snow poked its head out silently, cocking its ears and eavesdropping on their movements.

It was late at night, and of course Sayuri Shimamura couldn't find the black cat hiding in the corner.

Her attention was now on Mouri Kogoro.

She heard the other person's muttering, and she suddenly became enthusiastic: "Haha, I don't like drinking. But it's really early, why not... let's go for a drive together?"

She winked playfully: "I know a lot of beautiful night scenes, and I have always wanted to go there before, but it's not interesting to go for a ride by myself, and my friends don't have much time..."

Mouri Kogoro punched his palm and said cheerfully: "Then I'll go for a ride with you! It just so happens that I drank a little too much today."

The two hit it off immediately.

Sayuri Shimamura backed the car out of the road. Then Mouri Kogoro opened the door and got in the car.

As they go on a joyful ride.

Shibahama Town is a few stops away.

In the rooftop restaurant, Jiang Xia ate the new snacks while waiting for Mao Lilan to come and report the news. At the same time, she also took the time to ask about the situation at Ganfanmao. The whole night was quite fulfilling.

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