Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 833 Weird Passengers Additional update to Alliance Leader [Jun Moxi rx dance]

The cat puppet is very small, and it can save murderous energy without expanding into a leopard. Even if the distance from the main body is extended, as long as it is not too far away, the consumption of murderous energy will usually not exceed that of a humanoid puppet.

However, as the distance becomes longer, the communication delay between each other will inevitably become very high.

Before Jiang Xia could hear the ghost meow coming from the cat, Mao Lilan's voice first sounded in his ears: "Jiang Xia, someone is dead down there!"

Conan: "!"

Jiang Xia also synchronized: "!"

The two detectives, who were both true and false, stood up at the same time. While listening to Mao Lilan's description of the situation at the time, they followed her to the elevator entrance and took the elevator down.

The three of them went down from the top floor to the first floor and ran to the lounge.

The elderly guard seemed to have finally realized something was wrong. He was poking his head suspiciously at the door of the lounge, wanting to know what happened.

Nakamura Yusuke had already escaped from the room with the corpse. At this time, he was sitting at the door, his head buried in his hands, looking shocked and sad.

Three high school students ran closer and stopped in front of him.

Belmode, dressed as a delinquent girl, walked out of nowhere and quietly slipped into the team.

Jiang Xia looked at Nakamura Yusuke's calves and asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

"Mr. Eka, Yukiko..." Yusuke Nakamura sighed sadly in the middle of his words. He looked at the door of the lounge, as if he couldn't speak anymore, and finally just shook his head.

A group of people followed his line of sight and looked towards the lounge, adding to the information provided by Mao Lilan just now. As a qualified high school detective...

Jiang Xia didn't say anything more to Nakamura Yusuke.

He quickly ran to the lounge and opened the door.

He glanced down while pushing.

Sure enough, I saw Conan running over next to me, and their movements were almost synchronized.

Jiang Xia looked away and nodded secretly with satisfaction.

——I am becoming more and more like a serious detective.

The two entered the lounge, came to the corner of the room, and lifted the blanket covering the ground.

A woman with long hair emerged from under the blanket. The woman fell to the ground, motionless, her hair messy.

Jiang Xia reached out to push away her thick hair, touched the side of her neck, and sighed: "...really dead."

...This is not a destruction of the scene, this is just a review measure to accompany the first aid measures. After all, Yusuke Nakamura said before that she "may" be dead. It didn’t say that he must have died.

Next to him, Conan really had no objection to this kind of inspection.

He just frowned and looked at the corpse's neck - there were obvious pinch marks there, and even finger prints were clearly visible.

Not long after, the police arrived with a team.

Here comes the busy Mu Mu Police Department again.

"We asked the doorman responsible for keeping the keys to the lounge - the only people who came to borrow the keys today were members of your band." Police Department Megure said while looking at Yusuke Nakamura, who is the leader of the band, "Can you contact Fuck a few other people?"

Nakamura Yusuke nodded and wiped his face. As if trying to recover from sadness.

Then he started contacting several colleagues.

——Besides him and the deceased, there were three other people in the band.

While the people from the forensics department were still preparing tools.

Conan hid next to Jiang Xia, secretly lifted the deceased's hair, and saw her shoulder - there was a strange green trace on her shoulder.

"...What is this?" Conan leaned closer in confusion.

Jiang Xia looked at it carefully: "Looking at the material, it looks a bit like a crayon."

"...Crayons?" Conan looked around, but there was nothing related to crayons in the room.

Instead, when he raised his head, he was immediately spotted by the sharp-eyed police.

Miwako Sato came over and carried the person away ruthlessly, adding by the way: "Don't disturb your brother Jiang Xia from solving the case."

Conan: "..." He looked at Jiang Xia, who was left unattended, and walked away unwillingly. He is obviously a detective too!

Belmode looked at Conan who had just been carried outside the door and immediately tried to sneak back to the body. He smiled and confirmed some of his suspicions.

Then she ignored the unsuspicious detective competition and turned to look at Mao Lilan.

Mao Lilan was standing in the corridor, leaning against the wall opposite the lounge, looking down at the door silently.

Belmode: "..." Angel is probably feeling sad for the person who lost his life. Although she felt that there was no need to give too much emotion to this kind of passerby whom she had never met a few times, but...

She walked to Mao Lilan's side, originally wanting to say a few words of comfort.

However, after getting closer, through Mao Lilan's hanging hair, she could see her face clearly. Belmode suddenly felt that something was not right.

"..." Why does it feel like, judging from angel's expression, it's not like she's afraid of being sad, but she seems to be...thinking?

Belmod hesitated and asked, "What's wrong?"

Mao Lilan was startled, came back from her thoughts, and touched her chin: "I always feel a sense of violation, but I can't think of what is wrong..."

Belmode: "...That's it."

She looked at Mao Lilan's action of touching her chin, and her eyes twitched, and she suddenly felt that this look coincided with the look of Uzuo when he was thinking.

...Then when I thought about it carefully, it seemed that the cool guy used to do the same action very much when he was still young.

Belmod: "..." Detectives are so contagious.

Angel used to be weak yet strong. Although it is still the same now, she still feels that the word order should be changed to strong yet weak... The image of a muscular girl suddenly appeared in her mind.

Belmode was silent for a moment and pressed down the strange picture in his mind.

She walked to Mao Lilan, followed her line of sight, and took a look at the scene in front of her.

Then it quickly became apparent what was wrong.

Belmode smiled silently, raised her hand, and touched her chin like a detective... Halfway through, her movements froze slightly, and she lowered her arms and crossed them over her chest.

...Ahem, in short, after "watching" in semi-cheating mode with Uzuo's tacit approval, she already understood Uzuo's script this time.

Unfortunately, the situation on Moori Kogoro's side is still unclear... I don't know if there is any connection between the two cases.

When my daughter was tentatively embarking on the path of detective.

On the other side, Kogoro Mouri, a licensed serious detective, was sitting in Sayuri Shimamura's car, enjoying the ride happily.

However, after the car drove for a while, Mouri Kogoro moved uncomfortably.

——The passenger seat of this car is too narrow for him.

He leaned over, adjusted his position, and when he bent down, the pen in his pocket fell out.

"...Sigh." Mouri Kogoro looked for it on the ground in the dark, and was suddenly startled.

——He felt as if something furry had rubbed against the back of his hand.

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