Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 837 This girlfriend seems okay

"Mr. Nakamura?" Mao Lilan was startled and thought it was impossible. After all, it seemed that Nakamura Yusuke had no chance to enter the lounge when the crime occurred - he had not borrowed the key to the lounge at that time.

But then I thought about it, since it was Jiang Xia who said it...

Mao Lilan quickly accepted the statement that "the murderer was actually Nakamura Yusuke" and was slightly shocked.

But the next second, another question emerged in her mind:

...Why did Jiang Xia secretly tell the truth to this young lady named "Zhuzhong"?

It is understandable not to tell the police - it may be that Jiang Xia has caught some suspicions, but there is no concrete evidence yet - judging from past situations, Jiang Xia will indeed not point out the murderer until a sufficiently complete chain of evidence is captured.

But now, he broke his principle and told Miss Takenaka in advance...

Mao Lilan touched her chin with her slender fingers, vaguely smelling the scent of gossip:

Could it be that Miss Takenaka is a very special person to Jiang Xia?

...Jiang Xia is in love? !

Mao Lilan: "..." Hmm... Although Miss Takenaka is indeed dressed a bit strangely, I don't know why, but I always feel that she is a friendly and good person, but she likes to drink a little and likes to persuade others to drink.

A series of pink speculations flashed through Mao Lilan's mind.

But soon, she became confused again: looking at Jiang Xia's attitude, she felt that the truth was different from what she had just speculated. Jiang Xia didn't seem to be very close to Miss Takezhong...

Mao Lilan was as curious as a cat scratching her head, wanting to inquire but a little shy.

I endured it, I couldn't help it. In the end, I had no choice but to get closer to Belmod, and quietly probed like a mosquito, saying vaguely: "Ahem, Jiang Xia...why did he say that?"

Belmode looked at her with slight confusion, feeling that Angel's reaction was different from what he imagined, and the question he asked was actually so serious...

She was silent for a moment, suspecting that there might be a generation gap between the two, so she had to follow Mao Lilan's question and answer seriously: "Because..."

Belmode paused slightly.

...angel asked Uzo why he said Yusuke Nakamura was the murderer?

But Uzuo didn't actually say it. This was something she observed herself - because Uzuo had been watching Yusuke Nakamura, and under his intentional or unintentional "spoilers", Belmod also saw a lot of irrefutable evidence with her own eyes.

...However, these words cannot be said to angel.

Otherwise it will definitely scare her. Then without any suspense, he received a Uzo with full hostility.

After all, judging from Uzo's normal appearance, he seems to prefer to let the police and angel appreciate his righteous and sunny side. Hiss, Uzo, who has such a bad and death-like temperament, can actually disguise himself as an almost perfect detective. It’s really hard for him. The friendship between children is really magical...

Belmod shook his head, shaking the messy thoughts out of his mind.

Then he randomly gave a reason to identify the murderer.

She poked her face gently with her finger and made up a half-truth: "Because the other three people were entangled in the relationship with the deceased and it was a mess. But Nakamura Yusuke had no involvement with them at all - according to our experience, this kind of Sometimes, the more innocent people are, the most suspicious."

Mao Lilan: "...That's it." What a serious answer.

Why are there no romantic pink bubbles as imagined.

Could it be that the relationship between Jiang Xia and Miss Takenaka is not the relationship she just imagined as a lover, but...

Detective and assistant?

Mao Lilan: "..." Speaking of which, some famous detectives really like to have several assistants accompanying them, so that they can work more efficiently.

...Actually, if she hadn't been too busy with classes, she would have wanted to be Jiang Xia's assistant and ask Yuanzi to join her - now she was encountering more and more cases, and every time Jiang Xia solved a case, he would be like him because of his... The joy of helping the deceased came from the heart and was very contagious... Slowly, Mao Lilan always felt that solving the case seemed to be a great good thing.

When Mao Lilan's attention quickly drifted into the distance, she even vaguely began to plan for her future career.

Next to him, Conan, who was silently eavesdropping, was silent for a moment: "..."

...The seemingly innocent ones are the most suspicious? What a mess of logic.

Forget that Xiaolan had been distracted, he had seen clearly just now - Jiang Xia had not spoken to the suspicious Miss Takenaka at all after the incident.

Miss Takenaka said that probably just because she had seen some cases where the murderer deliberately created an "alibi", so she had a feeling that "alibi that are too coincidental often have problems", and then randomly extended it to "Innocent people have problems."

Speaking of which, Conan suddenly thought, where did Takenaka run out from just now?

"..." When Jiang Xia, Xiaolan and him came down, Miss Zhuzhong didn't know where the person was, but later she seemed to appear quietly.

So, she was actually absent for a while...

The list in Conan's mind records each person's suspiciousness.

Among them, "Miss Takenaka" suddenly soared and ranked among the top.

In the room, the three members of the band were still noisy.

Nakamura Yusuke was working hard on the sidelines.

Conan listened for a while but didn't hear any more useful information.

In the end, he shook his head helplessly and slipped into the corridor silently, ready to check something he cared about.

Conan followed the corridor to the elevator.

As soon as I turned the corner, I suddenly saw a person standing next to the elevator.

——Jiang Xia didn't know when he arrived here. He had even pressed the call button and was waiting for the elevator to drop to the negative floor.

Conan was startled: "How did you..."

Halfway through his words, he silently closed his mouth.

——With Jiang Xia's usual keenness, he must have discovered the violations he discovered...

Elevator entrance.

Jiang Xia heard his voice and looked back. It seemed that she was not surprised that Conan would appear here.

When the elevator arrived, Jiang Xia went into the elevator to help press the door button and nodded to Conan: "Let's go."

As the two people walked into the elevator.

Around the corner, Belmode, who was following them curiously, retreated into the shadows silently like a cat.

She recalled the scene she had just seen, and her mood improved slightly after a dull night.

——When Uzo wants to play a detective seriously, he really looks like a skilled detective.

In this way, the cool guy's unquenchable desire for reasoning can be well covered up.

——Anyone who has seen the crime scene and noticed that Conan looks different from a child will immediately think that this is because "a smart and precocious child imitates the high school detective next to him" rather than " This must be a fake kid”.

And just now, Uzuo clearly didn’t discuss with Cool Guy, but seemed to have calculated his action pattern and waited on the road ahead in advance. To an outsider who didn’t know the situation, it looked like Cool Guy was being manipulated by Uzuo. It's like guiding movement.

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