Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 836 Vodka, Jiang Xia is looking for you to hang out. Please give me your monthly passヾ(

Chapter 836 Vodka, Jiang Xia is looking for you to hang out. Please vote for me ()

Jian Xiong Du was startled when he heard Jiang Xia talking about afternoon tea.

He quickly thought of something, looked both ways, and lowered his voice: "Did Miss Yoko ask you out?"

Jiang Xia was also startled, a little confused as to how he knew, but he quickly responded. Be friendly to potential customers as always.

"That's right. No wonder she said before that she might give us a surprise." Jian Xiongdu pondered and became distracted.

After a while, he came back to his senses: "Actually, one of my friends is getting married soon..."

When Jian Xiongdu said this, he suddenly became very sad.

He paused for a moment, sighed sadly, and then continued: "But my friend recently encountered harassment from a stalker. At first, we thought it was just an ordinary fan, but recently, the information left by the stalker It became more and more excessive, and even vaguely threatened her personal safety.

“We also tried to find several detectives to resolve these matters before she got married, but the detectives never caught anyone, and it was even more useless to call the police.

"Since I happened to meet you today... Well, in fact, if I guessed correctly, Miss Yoko may also mention this matter tomorrow. Celebrity clients like to have face-to-face interviews, which is the safest way. In short, if possible, , I hope you can agree to our commission and help find that dangerous peeping tom, this is really important to us."

As he spoke, he bent down and bowed, looking very sincere.

Jiang Xia agreed: "Of course, if such a thing really happens, I will try my best."

...Jian Xiong Du said this, and Jiang Xia suddenly pulled out a possible case from his memory bank.

——This matter may be related to the team that Kinoshita Yoko was in when she first debuted, the "Earth Lady Team".

A few days ago, when Kinoshita Yoko asked him to "sit down", Jiang Xia really didn't think about this case.

Because Kinoshita Yoko herself has a bit of an incident constitution, and there are many cases around her. She often plays the role of middleman, introducing some clients in the entertainment industry to Jiang Xia.

And even if there is no case, she will occasionally ask Jiang Xia out to introduce some part-time jobs in variety shows and give him some new peripherals. Let's talk about the cliché issue of not racing late at night - she sometimes works late, and occasionally runs into Jiang Xia when she goes home.

And now, if this commission is really the incident of the "Earth Lady Team" in his memory...

Jiang Xia suddenly thought of something, and her eyes lit up inconspicuously.

——In my impression, vodka has a lot of stars.

Except for the late Miss Kira last time, Vodka seems to be a fan of the former Earth Lady Team, even more so than when he faced Miss Kira.

So, if I really received this commission...

Jiang Xia thought: Why don't you think about your words and invite Vodka to go with you?

——If you were facing an ordinary murderer, Vodka should be able to burst out a lot of murderous intent.

And if I remember correctly, the last time Vodka took his annual leave, he seemed to have gone back before he had finished it. He should still have some time off to take.

In addition, if they want to meet the "Earth Lady Team", then this time they will not only meet Yoko Kinoshita, but also three other celebrity idols with different styles.

——Back then, Vodka persisted so persistently in an abandoned house in the suburbs for a long time before escaping. Now for the four lively and lovely idols, even if this person has a slight misunderstanding about "Uzo", he will definitely not miss this invitation.

"..." As for the mixing of the main body and vodka... Miss Yoko and Hongfang don't have much interaction, and the news of this kind of private gathering may not spread.

Even if the news really spreads, in modern society, people can make friends freely and do not pay attention to sitting together.

And as far as Jiang Xia knows, Vodka does use his fake identity to take time to be active in the entertainment fan circle.

Detectives are good at picking up all kinds of people. Mouri Kogoro has so many murderer friends. Jiang Xia, who has some contacts in the entertainment industry, accidentally met a Vodka, which was no problem at all.

Even if there is, the problem must be with the vodka.

——It is this cunning organization leader who disguises himself as a star-chasing otaku and gets close to the high school detective whose reputation is rising day by day, with ulterior motives. The detective is just an ordinary victim.

In addition, bringing vodka to parties can be explained from a practical point of view - although this big guy does not like to risk murder, he does have many skills that he is good at. As long as he is used in the right place, he is definitely a useful tool in the hands of detectives.

Jiang Xia nodded secretly: You can ask Miss Yoko when you have tea with her tomorrow. If she doesn't mind, bring the vodka as a detective's assistant...

Jiang Xia briefly thought about the bright future, feeling that he had already seen a mountain-like plate of ice cream, piled in front of him with a sweet chill, and a handsome silver spoon inserted into it.

"..." Speaking of which, the boss's public security subordinate, a bespectacled man named Kazami Yuya, seems to be a fan of Yoko as well.

Hiss, it's a pity that "Jiang Xia" doesn't know him, otherwise I really want to take him there too. That way, in addition to ice cream, maybe you can also pick up a lot of coffee and wine-flavored murderous aura.

When Jiang Xia began to secretly look forward to the murderous platter.

Everyone else in the room was still focused on the case.

Mao Lilan accidentally took a mouthful of the band's melon.

She silently drew a diagram of the relationship between the four members of the band in her mind.

Soon, his thoughts became a mess of black threads.

"..." Mao Lilan sighed, and had no choice but to refine the key point - the relationship in this band is so messy.

Next to her, Belmod looked at her frowning in thought.

Although I'm not used to Angel's calm demeanor at crime scenes, now that Angel and Cool Guy are favored by Uzo, many cases to "promote friendship" are bound to happen around them. Rather than being frightened by corpses every time, it would be nice to switch careers and become a detective...

Thinking of this, Belmode walked over and spoke with a hint of curiosity: "Who do you think the murderer will be?"

Mao Lilan came back to her senses and sighed: "I don't know either."

...Based on the motives, it seems that the two members of the band are more suspicious.

Xi Mucheng liked the deceased, but the deceased did not like him. There seemed to be many cases of love and hatred - she had seen it before when she was curious about Jiang Xia's newspaper clippings.

In addition, Ms. Risako felt that the deceased was having an affair with her boyfriend. She seemed to have a motive, and it was said that Ms. Risako was responsible for keeping the key to the lounge during the day. She does have a chance to secretly match one...

Belmod followed the direction of her gaze and guessed the suspect in Mao Lilan's mind.

She smiled inwardly, suddenly wanting to cause Wu Zuo some inconsequential chaos.

She leaned close to Mao Lilan's ear and said in a proud tone: "Jiang Xia secretly told me just now that the murderer was Nakamura Yusuke."

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