Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 835 The Detective Who Loves Life

Nishimoto Makoto followed her and snorted, and at the same time, he kicked half of the pot above his head onto Shota Aoki.

He looked at the Megure Police Department: "I didn't kill the person. Not long after they left, I went to the guard room to return the key, and then went home. Speaking of which, when I walked out of the building, I happened to see Shota's footsteps hurriedly Go back - who knows if he borrowed the key again and then came back to kill Yukiko."

Shota Aoki was stunned for a moment, and found that his suspicion suddenly became bigger, so he could only tell what he originally wanted to hide: "I did wait for Yukiko in the parking lot. We had something to talk about, but she never... "

Before he could finish speaking, Nishimoto Makoto suddenly slammed the table angrily: "I said you are in two different boats, but you still don't admit it - there are only two women in the band, and you have Risako. Noriko wants to get involved!"

Risako Tanaka banged the table louder than him and glared at Shota Aoki: "You went to find her again?! I'm your girlfriend! Just now you said you were busy, but it turned out that it was all her business that you were busy with?!"

Jiang Xia leaned against the inconspicuous wall, looking at Tanaka Risako and Nishimoto Makoto for a while, touching his chin, with a hint of hidden expectation in his eyes.

Next to him, Belmode, who was secretly observing him, moved uncomfortably, muttering to himself: What does Uzo want to do again? The scene was already chaotic enough, and Mouri Kogoro didn't know what to do. He won't have a third show...but the police are still here, so it's not a big problem.

Moreover, Belmod then thought about it - so what if the third game really happened?

She is not Bourbon, she has no tasks to rush and no urgent matters to attend to. Even if Uzo planned to let this building have a carnival of cases for several days, she wouldn't have a trace of anxiety, as long as she kept an eye on the cool guy and angel, well, and Kogoro Mouri who ran away to who knows where... maybe I also need to keep an eye on the excited Uzo to prevent him from overplaying and being discovered by the police...

hiss. Why am I getting a headache just thinking about it...

Belmode raised his hand and silently pressed his forehead.

Then he silently withdrew his previous thoughts.

Next to them, other people's attention was still focused on a few suspects, and they knew nothing about Belmode's worries.

Seeing that the three people in the band were about to fight.

As the captain, Nakamura Yusuke hurriedly stood up to break up the fight: "Stop the quarrel, stop the quarrel. The most important thing now is Yukiko's matter - we have to find the murderer first."

The Mumu Police Department followed suit to break up the fight.

After finally persuading the three people to leave, he looked at Shota Aoki, feeling that this person was the most suspicious: "However, according to what the guard said, after Mr. Nishimoto returned the key, you did come to borrow it again, and you were the last one to borrow the key. People, that’s right.”

Shota Aoki adjusted his collar that was pulled askew by Risako Tanaka and nodded:

"I made an appointment with Yukiko to meet in the parking lot, but she never came, so I went to the lounge to look for her again. But I still didn't see her - I wasn't looking for her because of cheating. It was just a while ago that I Both Yukiko and Yukiko were invited by Thomas Records. They promised to help us make our official debut. It’s hard to tell this kind of thing to the team, so we kept it secret..."

While talking, there was a sound of slightly heavy footsteps outside the door - two police officers carried away Yukiko's body.

Jiang Xia turned around and took a closer look. His eyes paused on the calf of the corpse for a while - this time it was not that there was a shikigami hanging on it, but there was an odd-shaped indentation there.

After Jiang Xia saw the indentation, he nodded and said hello to the passing police officers. I couldn't help dubbing myself in my mind - the new clue was successfully checked in.

Just as I was thinking about it, another clue arrived.

Officer Chiba checked the surveillance camera in the elevator: "After the concert, Ms. Yukiko did not take the elevator. She should have taken the stairs from the top floor."

The Mumu Police Department was startled: "...The building is so high, how about taking the stairs?"

Next to him, Shota Aoki, who was highly suspicious, nodded and explained this strange phenomenon: "When we were about to take the elevator, Mr. Ma Xiong from Thomas Records also came - he was the one who wanted to sign us. At that time , he probably didn’t want to ride with us, so he chose to take the stairs. Yukiko asked us to go first and chased after him, so she probably went to talk to him.”

...Another suspect has been added.

In the corner, Belmode touched his chin in confusion:

Doesn't Uzo usually prefer to choose one of the three? Why did he get so many people today? ...Could it have something to do with her being a rare guest?

"Yes, when I went down from the top floor to the eighth floor, Miss Yukiko suddenly came to talk to me. I briefly chatted with her."

Mr. Xiong from the record company was quickly called to the scene.

He pushed up his glasses and shook his head indifferently: "I left after that. She didn't go with me. She said she didn't want other members of the band to see us walking together - which I can understand. After all, Although we want to poach her, we haven't officially signed her yet. Until then, she has to stay in her original band."

Nishimoto Makoto snorted angrily and threw pots around: "Don't explain, I didn't leave together. It's probably because she was killed by you."

Tanaka Risako shook her head: "But Mr. Makuma doesn't have the key to the lounge." She looked at the people at the record company and thought slightly - since they are poaching people, and Yukiko is dead now... then maybe there is a chance. Poach her? She actually sings very well...

You should seize this opportunity to make your debut as much as possible.

Tanaka Risako took the initiative to block the pot flying towards Ma Xiong: "Nishimoto, I think you are the one who killed the person. I remember that you were severely dumped by Yukiko - and from the time we separated to the time you returned the key , you acted alone during that time, and you had enough time to kill Yukiko."

"So what if I was dumped before!"

...of course they started arguing again.

However, Mr. Xiong, who caused the two people to quarrel, seemed to be in no mood to pay attention to this farce.

Jian Xiongdu looked around the room and walked up to Jiang Xia: "You are Jiang Xia, right? Um...are you free tomorrow?"

Jiang Xia looked at him and instinctively wanted to nod - according to experience, this meant that another case was coming to his door.

But then I thought about it, he really has something to do tomorrow...

"I made an appointment with someone to have tea with someone in the afternoon." Jiang Xia hesitated, "But if there is a commission, I can handle the commission first - especially regarding matters such as personal safety, you can come to me at any time."

The passing police happened to hear it and nodded in admiration: High school detectives know how to take the initiative to work overtime and protect the safety of citizens. Comparing it to this, it seems that I have nothing to complain about since I work overtime every day on the murder case...

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