Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 843 It’s all your fault

Belmode sighed silently.

——Uzo’s mind is really difficult to understand, and his behavior is always unpredictable. No wonder Gin and Vodka's speculations about him are always exaggerated to the point of making people feel like they are over-interpreting.

However, now it seems that this behavior is understandable: facing an elusive genius, anyone will have some thirst for knowledge or a sense of crisis. Especially those who are outside the law and need to act with extreme caution.

Since it is inevitable to deal with Uzo, we must try to delineate the upper and lower limits of Uzo's possibilities. Only by anticipating it in advance can we take timely measures when certain extreme situations occur. Faced with such a young man who can quietly take away the lives of others and is still growing up, no matter how careful he is, there are still consequences. necessary.


Jiang Xia, who was carefully speculated by Bellmode, actually didn't think about anything now and was just playing on her mobile phone to pass the time.

He just had to stay nearby to prevent Kogoro Mouri from being thrown into the river by Sayuri Shimamura whenever he closed his eyes.

After all, Uncle Maori is a good person. He also has many good classmates, good drinking buddies, and good gambling friends, colleagues, and friends... Jiang Xia really wants to be friends with those friends of his, and Kogoro Maori is undoubtedly a good person. Build the right bridge.

As for whether Shimamura Sayuri has murderous intentions, Jiang Xia certainly doesn't need to keep a close eye on her.

——At this distance, let alone a ghost, even he could clearly smell the changes in the murderous aura of the other party.

At present, it seems that Sayuri Shimamura does have some thoughts of silencing her, but she is always wavering - the human mind is inherently complex and changeable, not to mention the current situation, for Sayuri Shimamura, it is indeed worth entangled:

Killing Mouri Kogoro was certainly the safest way to silence her, but Moori Kogoro had no grudge against her, and such a tall man could not be carried or winced, so it was very troublesome to dispose of the body.

In comparison, it is better to let him live and get an alibi from him - in Sayuri Shimamura's impression, Kogoro Mori has always been a relatively confused person, and it seems that he is easily confused by beauty, and now he is He happens to be in a drunken state and is very easy to deceive. It's better to use it as a tool to create alibi.

Compared to silence, the latter's civilized and simple method, although a little less safe, is actually more favored by Sayuri Shimamura.

Sayuri Shimamura oscillates between "secrecy" and "convenience".

This caused the murderous aura in her body to surge out from time to time, and then slowly loosen after thinking rationally. Then it couldn't help but surge out again, and loosened again...

Jiang Xia simply regarded it as a ghost activity after dinner, so that a few bored ghosts could find something to do.

Although there was a Belmod placed very close to him.

But since leaving the scene of the last crime, as the two of them were alone, the murderous aura in Belmod's body inevitably gradually faded away. Even if there are occasional flickers in the middle, it is no longer enough for the ghosts to collect, and they can only play Sayuri Shimamura.

Under Belmode's silent "viewing".

Next to the car in front.

Mouri Kogoro happily drank the drink handed by Shimamura Sayuri.

After a while, he collapsed on the seat and fell asleep with a snoring sound.

After taking a nap for more than ten minutes, Sayuri Shimamura nudged her awake.

The two joked for a while and continued driving on the road.

After they left.

Jiang Xia sat in Belmod's sports car and started the fire. But he didn't keep up with the people in front.

He recalled the map, changed a route, and returned to Miwa Town leisurely.

Then he found a coffee shop that was still open next to his home and walked in with Belmode.

During the journey, Belmod didn't say anything and just followed him like a tourist following a tour guide, looking quite relaxed.

The two of them found a seat by the window and sat down, and the fragrant coffee was served.

Belmode held the porcelain cup, warmed his hands, and silently scanned the surroundings, but did not see anyone or anything related to Mouri Kogoro or Shimamura Sayuri.

Then look at Uzo opposite, holding a drink list and looking at it intently.

Belmod tapped his fingertips on the cup for a moment, silently swallowing the words "What next?"

"..." Uzo definitely didn't bring her here to drink coffee, but for some other purpose.

As for what exactly he is going to do...

If Uzo wanted to say it, he would have said it.

But now he has been silent. Even if he asked, he would probably only hear the same headache-inducing answers as before. "Guess what?"

...Speaking of which, Bermod suddenly thought that Uzo's tone of voice that wanted to be beaten was quite similar to Bourbon's. Could it be that he was infected by that bastard during the business trip?

Tsk, there are too many messed up people in the organization. Uzo already has big problems. If he learns some troublesome habits because of his excellent learning ability...

Snow started falling outside the window at some point.

Belmode glanced at the beautiful scenery outside through the floor-to-ceiling windows, closed her eyes, and decided to put these troubles behind her. Anyway, she didn't have any useful solutions at the moment, so thinking about them was useless.

She took a breath silently and exhaled slowly. Then he picked up the coffee and took an elegant sip, making himself feel as comfortable and peaceful as Uzo across from him.

They sat in harmony like this for more than ten minutes.

Belmod put down the empty glass and finally couldn't help but speak.

She played with her newly painted nails and didn't mention the bet. She just asked casually: "It's so boring just sitting all the time. If it's still early, why not do something else first - what do you have next?" What’s the arrangement?”

Across the table, Jiang Xia heard her speak and finally looked away from the phone screen.

Just then the waiter approached with a tray.

When Belmod heard the footsteps, he stopped talking. His body, which was leaning slightly forward, leaned back on the chair again, pausing the conversation.

However, on the opposite side, Uzo seemed to have no intention of "keeping the next conversation between the two cadres secret."

He was not afraid at all that the waiter next to him would hear him, so he naturally asked Belmod: "What are your plans next?"

Belmod: "...?"

There was a soft click.

The waiter put down the juice, took away the empty cups, bowed and left. He didn't think there was anything wrong with the two people - just listening to the sentence just now, their conversation was quite normal.

When the waiter walked away, Jiang Xia looked at Belmode again.

This time, he finally felt a little more conscious about the "mysterious man in black", lowered his voice, and smiled at the person across the table: "Of course you have the final say on tonight's itinerary - you are already a sophomore. You must be ten years old. I saw your fake ID when you were buying wine.

"Of course you have to take responsibility as an adult. How can you even ask others for your itinerary?"

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