Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 844 Belmode: Please wake up and ask for monthly votes ()

Belmod's forehead jumped, and he felt as if his head was hit by something illusory.

"..." This was because Uzo didn't want to answer, so he kicked the question back as it was. Or did he think it was a coincidence that two cases occurred in a row, so he threw away the possible blame in advance?

Belmode pushed away the coffee cup, faced Uzo's condemning and unreasonable words, and said "sure" with a fake smile.

Then I secretly decided not to ask this little bastard any questions again.

She pulled out the fresh juice, bit the straw like she was grinding her teeth from an angle that Jiang Xia couldn't see, and drank it leisurely.

Mouri Kogoro and Shimamura Sayuri also ended their racing time and returned to Miwa Town because "Mr. Mouri seemed very sleepy".

Their homes are not far apart.

Sayuri Shimamura parked her car in the parking lot of her apartment and warmly invited Mouri Kogoro upstairs to drink some hot drinks to relieve her hangover.

Mouri Kogoro had just had a lot of wind and was feeling a little cold. At this time, he heard the beauty's invitation and he gladly accepted it.

The two of them went up to the corridor on the second floor of the apartment together.

Sayuri Shimamura took out the key, the door opened smoothly, and she clicked on the light.

In an instant, the bloody scene was suddenly illuminated - in the living room, a woman fell to the ground in a large shape. She was dressed in pajamas, her hair was disheveled, and a large amount of blood oozed from her heart, and she could not rest in peace.

Maori Kogoro:"……?!"

Shimamura Sayuri screamed and rushed over: "——Kazumi!!"

Cafe two streets away.

When Belmode was so bored that he drank the huge glass of tropical colorful juice until there was only one bottom left.

Suddenly, the tips of her ears twitched, and she vaguely heard some kind of movement.

——Looking at the street through the clear floor-to-ceiling windows.

I saw a police car passing by outside with lights flashing on its head.

Belmod raised his eyebrows, showing a bit of interest in watching the excitement.

Originally, watching the excitement of the police was just a bit of her instinct.

But while looking out the window, Belmode quickly realized - this was probably the scene that Uzo had been waiting for, and it was also the reason why they were sitting here drinking.

——The scene about angel's father that worried her seemed to have finally begun.

Belmod turned his face and looked at Jiang Xia opposite, feeling that he should say something like "It finally started" at this time.

But just as he opened his mouth, a swift wind passed by him.

——The moment Jiang Xia heard the siren, she stood up suddenly, left her and ran out of the store without wasting a second.

Next to him, a passing waiter guarded the tray in surprise. He was stunned for a moment and then praised in a low voice: "As expected of a detective, his reaction is so fast..."

Belmode: "..."

She quietly drank the last bit of juice, got up and walked to the counter.

When I was about to pay for the bill, I found a few bills thrown on the counter.

The receptionist put it away, counted out the change, handed it to Belmod, and said kindly: "Mr. Jiang Xia is with you, so I'll give these to you first."

Belmode: "..."

Running out at that speed, I still had time to pay...

Uzo is really good at pretending to be a detective.

When Jiang Xia came to the street, several police cars had already passed by.

Fortunately, there was another car crashing far behind.

The car drove a little slower. After seeing Jiang Xia, it went even slower and stopped on the street.

Belmode walked over and looked behind Jiang Xia, and saw that the driver was the kind police officer with a double chin and his surname "Qianye".

In the back row of the police car, Mao Lilan and Conan were sitting against the car.

The two people in the back row were also a little surprised when they saw Jiang Xia and Belmode outside.

They and Jiang Xia spoke almost at the same time: "You haven't gone home yet?"

Then I bumped into something and stopped at the same time.

"Get on the bus first. You can't stop here for a long time." Police Officer Chiba obeyed the traffic rules. He asked the two new passengers who appeared on the bus, "Shall I take you home first? Uh..." He looked very energetic. Jiang Xia changed her mind and said, "How about you guys go to the crime scene together?"

Jiang Xia and Belmod quickly got into the car.

The four of them discussed their actions during this period.

Mao Lilan and Conan should have arrived home. However, when they approached their home, they discovered that the things they bought in the afternoon were forgotten at the crime scene of Shibahama Building. They had to run back to look for them before being sent back by the enthusiastic police.

On the way back, since a murder happened to be discovered nearby, Mouri Kogoro seemed to be the first person to discover it, so they rushed to the scene again.

As for Jiangxia...

Jiang Xia looked at Belmode.

Although the actress looked a little tired for no reason, she was very patient when facing two high school students.

Hearing that Mouri Kogoro was just a reporter, although Belmod's expression remained unchanged, the already thin murderous aura in his body suddenly became even thinner.

Under Jiang Xia's responsible gaze, she took the pot as Jiang Xia had said before.

——According to Bellmode, she took Jiang Xia for a ride for a while, but Jiang Xia felt it was too late, so the two returned to Mihua Town.

But when it was time to separate, "Takenaka Kaki" felt that it was too early, so she dragged her away and went to a nearby store to have a few drinks.

Mao Lilan and Conan listened politely, and when they heard the last sentence, they invariably showed a little suspicion.

Belmod looked at their expressions and was slightly startled.

Then he instinctively began to review what he had just said.

——Although they were all improvised lies, Bellmode felt that Cool Guy and Angel had no idea about her false identity, and there were not many elements in this lie, so there should not be any flaws.

But why do they look like this...

While he was thinking, Belmod suddenly saw Mao Lilan and Conan sneaking closer to Jiang Xia in the co-pilot, as if they were sniffing to confirm something.

After a while, I probably didn’t smell the alcohol. The two of them confirmed that "Ms. Takenaka's" "a few drinks" meant just ordinary drinks.

So he sat up straight again as if nothing had happened, the suspicion in his eyes disappeared, and he nodded politely, indicating that Belmod would continue talking.

Belmode: "..."

In addition to being an organizational cadre, she is also an actor who is good at disguise and is very sensitive to various subtle expressions and movements.

In just a few seconds, she immediately understood the thoughts of the two high school students.

Belmode was silent for a moment and took out a cigarette, originally planning to light it.

But considering that the people in the car were either police officers or minors, she finally put away the lighter, bit her cigarette butt dryly, and fell into deep thought.

Forget about angel, she is simple by nature and doesn't like to think bad things about people. It's normal to not notice anything unusual about Uzo.

...But what about the cool guy? What about his keen intuition when identifying criminals?

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