Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 849 Vest Meat Grinder

Speaking of this, Mouri Kogoro glanced at Jiang Xia, who was sleeping next to him.

Then look at Belmod standing aside.

He couldn't help but show his eyes mixed with complex emotions such as vigilance, condemnation, envy, sigh, being young and so on.

At the same time, Maori Kogoro felt that he suddenly figured out something, such as why Jiangxia was sleepy - I heard that Jiangxia was drinking with "Miss Takenaka" more than ten minutes ago... Maori Kogoro felt that he smelled some crime breath.

But at this time, as a detective, since the neighbor's children were not in danger, Mouri Kogoro quickly put solving the case as a higher priority.

He withdrew his gaze and looked at Sayuri Shimamura:

"While a lot of the details are still unclear, overall I had a total of two sleeps tonight.

“The first time was when I was drunk and fell asleep on the tram. I slept for nearly an hour, but I thought I had only slept for ten minutes.

"The second time was when I was driving with you, and I fell asleep for just ten minutes. But when you pushed me awake, you told me that I had slept for more than an hour - we were chatting while looking at the Dongdu Beach Bridge. At that time, you must have drugged the drink I drank. When we met, you found that I didn’t know why I got the time wrong, so you wanted to take advantage of this and let me adjust the time on the dial in the car. Reversing the duration of the first sleep to create an alibi..."

Sayuri Shimamura's face turned pale.

Conan nodded while listening, suddenly enlightened and feeling a little complicated.

This time, Jiang Xia finally did not spoil anything ahead of time. But Uncle Maori actually...

Beside him, Belmod looked up out of the window.

It looks like he is zoning out, but in fact his attention is always focused here.

After listening to all of Mouri Kogoro's reasoning, she couldn't help but be a little surprised that Mouri could still have such a level... It's true that people cannot be judged by their appearance.

However, it seems that this is not unrelated to Uzo's prompt just now.

——Moori Kogoro and Shimamura Sayuri had a drink, and then suddenly fell asleep;

Uzo knew this, so he pretended to have a few drinks with "Miss Takenaka" and suddenly fell asleep.

... Bystanders knew that by observing Jiang Xia, Mouri Kogoro received the hint that "there was sleeping pills in the drink" and discovered the key points in the "alibi".

Moreover, Belmode thought, Uzo and Mouri Kogoro had so many opportunities to contact each other. Even if Mouri Kogoro was really a loser in reasoning, Uzo could have calmly solved the problem in some way before this case happened. Transmitting the answers to Mouri Kogoro - just like the question maker gives a set of example questions before the exam that except for the different numerical values, the other solution steps are the same.

The acumen shown by Mouri Kogoro surprised Belmode.

And, she does prefer to see this develop.

The more detectives there are around the cool guy, the easier it will be to hide the fact that "Edogawa Conan is a fake child" - even if he can't solve the case under the guise of "Jiang Xia", the cool guy can use the names of other detectives to come over Use, for example, Mouri Kogoro.

Think again about Uzo’s behavior of pretending to be asleep just now to deserve a beating...

Belmod lowered his hand, knocked ashes on the edge of the flowerpot, and smiled silently.

She suddenly realized that what Uzo was doing was just following her previous words, making a joke and pushing the blame of "the mastermind behind the scenes" on her back.

But in fact, this may also be a hint to her.

——Uzuo was saying to her, the leader of the organization: If Conan, a primary school student, still solves the case when "Jiang Xia" is not around, it is because "behind Conan there is a seemingly confused, but actually sharp, Kogoro Moori who is guiding him." ”, not because “Conan is a tomboy”.

Thinking of this, Belmod was aggrieved by being blamed for no reason, and he dispersed a lot.

——From the perspective of the victim, Uzo's spider web-like layout penetrates into every aspect, which is truly terrifying.

But on the other hand, standing in the same position as Uzo and becoming his companion, those ubiquitous and meticulous nets will be very good protection.

…The only problem is that if someone benefits, someone must suffer.

——Belmod discovered that not only the cool guy, but also Mouri Kogoro looked at her in a weird way.

Belmode: "..."

...Fortunately, she has many identities, so it is not difficult to make some temporary fake evidence to fool her.

Otherwise, according to Uzo's "killing" speed in the physical sense, once her vest meets Uzo, she will be labeled suspicious by the police and detectives. If she changes her vest, she will become a suspicious person in seconds...

Thinking of this, in a sense, Belmode suddenly realized that she was actually the most suitable partner for Uzo - others were not as durable as her.

After coming to this conclusion, Belmod's first reaction was: Fortunately, Uzo's business fields barely overlap with hers, and the boss probably won't find any regular teammates for her.

Belmode: "..." No, in order to understand Uzo and learn more about his mental state, it seems that she should take the initiative to create opportunities to get closer...

Belmode paused in puffing out the smoke, and was briefly confused.

Next to it, the conversation between Sayuri Shimamura and Kogoro Mori gradually attracted the attention of the surrounding police.

Although both men have alibi, they are still important witnesses in this case.

Coupled with the expression on Sayuri Shimamura's face, it looks really unnatural, and it always reminds people of the word "guilty conscience". The number of police officers looking at them gradually increased.

At this moment, a young police officer walked into the room with a person: "Police Department, we found the gentleman delivering the courier!"

——On the dining table in the living room where the deceased was, there was a parcel, and the recipient was Sayuri Shimamura.

But the name of the deceased was signed at the signing place.

Coupled with the testimony of Sayuri Shimamura, the police speculated that the parcel was delivered by a courier when the deceased was alone at home.

In other words, if you are lucky, the courier might have some impression of the "home invasion murderer" or notice some relevant clues.

If he had better luck... maybe the courier was the impromptu gangster. After the murder, he casually placed the parcel on the table, pretending that everything had nothing to do with him. This might catch someone red-handed.

In short, after discovering the parcel, the police quickly contacted the courier company and successfully found the person who was delivering the courier part-time today.

The other party seemed to be an enthusiastic person and quite friendly to the police. Hearing that there was a murder, he rushed over without much hesitation.

The enthusiastic part-time courier soon entered the living room.

Belmode glanced over there without much interest and saw a conspicuous patch of blond hair.

Looking down at her face, she paused slightly as she lit her cigarette: "..."

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