Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 850: The number of suspicious bosses increases. Please give me your monthly vote ( )

Conan also looked at the new person coming in at the door and was stunned for a moment: ...Why is it Toru Amuro? ?

Although Jiang Xia did say that boss Amuro had the habit of working everywhere, it was not surprising that he suddenly became a courier.

...But thinking about it this way, Conan discovered that from another perspective, maybe this "working around" is inherently problematic? ——This allows Toru Amuro to appear wherever he wants to collect intelligence or reduce suspicion.

The suspicious Miss Takenaka, plus Jiang Xia’s suspicious boss...

Conan's thoughts were racing and he began to analyze and arrange countless possible situations.

On the other side, Toru Amuro followed the police officer and entered the living room.

"I heard here..." Halfway through his words, his eyes suddenly froze and he saw Jiang Xia dozing off in the corner.

Tohru Amuro paused for a moment before finishing the rest of his words: "...There was a murder?"

"Huh? It's you, what a coincidence." Megure Police Department came over.

Of course he remembered this mixed-race brother - if he remembered correctly, Toru Amuro was also a private detective and the boss of the detective agency where Jiang Xia worked. It's just that this detective doesn't seem to like doing his job, and he doesn't know what he's busy with all day long... But it's understandable when you think about it. With an employee like Jiang Xia who solves cases quickly and is very active in accepting commissions, which boss would be willing to personally Going into battle? I will definitely use my free time to develop my own hobbies.

...Hiss, but to put it this way, this is actually an unscrupulous boss who exploits underage detectives.

Megure Police Department thought of this and paused slightly in their steps towards Amuro Tohru.

He cleared his throat and stopped talking:

"As you can see, unfortunately a murder occurred here..."

The Memu Police Department briefly described the general facts of the case.

Then he asked Toru Amuro: "About what time did you come here? Is there anything unusual happening around you?...Uh, Brother Amuro?"

"Huh?" Amuro Toru came back to his senses.

He did notice some abnormalities. For example, Jiang Xia, who was always energetic at crime scenes, was hiding in a corner and sleeping.

Another example is that in this case, Jiang Xia and his acquaintances were involved again...

Although he felt that the employee's state was a bit strange, Toru Amuro briefly observed and found that Jiang Xia was breathing steadily and seemed to be sleeping normally. There were also many police officers around, so nothing would happen for a while.

So Toru Amuro had an instinct that he couldn't explain clearly, "Don't disturb things that shouldn't be disturbed." He didn't go over to wake Jiang Xia up, or even look over there, and quickly focused on the case.

When Police Department Memu was talking just now, he was thinking about other things.

But as an intelligence agent who often had to multi-task, Toru Amuro quickly remembered what the Megure Police Department had just said.

"I came here around 8:30 in the evening." Toru Amuro looked through the notes he took at work.

Then he glanced at the photo of the two cohabitants on the bookshelf in the living room, and then looked at Sayuri Shimamura who looked ugly, "The recipient of the parcel is 'Sayuri Shimamura', but when I came to deliver the express, the door was open. She is a young lady with long hair. Miss Shimamura is not here, so that lady signed for the package on her behalf. As for the abnormality..."

Toru Amuro glanced at some evidence bags in the corner, and then looked at the marks used to secure the evidence on the table. After thinking for a moment, he seemed to have thought of something: "I remember that when signing for the receipt, the signer could not find the seal, so it was When signing with a pen, the pen couldn't write at first, so I helped her unscrew it and looked at the refill. I found that it was almost out of ink, so I shook it a few times before I could write. I remember that after signing for it, she I casually put the pen on the shoe cabinet next to me, then took the package and closed the door and entered the house, but now it seems... the pen doesn't seem to be there? "

According to Toru Amuro's experience, any changes on site may have important reasons.

He didn't have any hidden intentions, he just wanted to help the police solve the case as soon as possible - although he had nothing else to do tonight, he had to get up early tomorrow, and he didn't want to stay up late.

"...Pen?" Mouri Kogoro, who had some kind of switch pressed by Jiang Xia, obviously thought of something at this time.

He subconsciously touched his pocket and took out a pen.

Toru Amuro saw Mouri Kogoro's movements and raised his eyebrows: "Yes, it's such a pen... Why is it on you?"


Mouri Kogoro was silent for a long time, a pair of small eyes that were no longer salty, shining with thought.

After a moment, he looked at Sayuri Shimamura who still had no intention of surrendering, gritting her teeth and trying to resist until the last moment, and sighed: "When Miss Kazumi was stabbed and fell to the ground, did she knock off a pen? And you took it?" Picked it up?"


At the beginning, when Toru Amuro mentioned the pen, Sayuri Shimamura had not yet realized the significance of its existence.

But now, I heard that Kogoro Mouri actually guessed the situation at the scene, plus he learned a little bit of criminal investigation knowledge while watching the news...

The color on Sayuri Shimamura's face was completely gone.

——Moori Kogoro’s guess was correct.

Kazumi struggled briefly when she was stabbed. Shimamura Sayuri panicked and suppressed her struggle at that time - that is when the deceased hit the shelf when he fell to the ground, knocking the pen he had just used to sign for the goods to the ground.

After all, this was Sayuri Shimamura's first time killing someone, and she was killing an acquaintance she had lived with day and night. Even though she had a plan and was determined enough, she still panicked when killing someone.

At that time, she found a pen falling to the ground. Sayuri Shimamura thought it had fallen from her body. In order not to leave any traces of herself at the crime scene, she instinctively picked up the pen, put it away and escaped.

Unexpectedly, later, the pen accidentally fell into the car and was picked up by Mouri Kogoro.

And according to what the courier just said, the pen now has her, the deceased's, and the courier's fingerprints on it, and her fingerprints are at the end, covering the others... This means that she was at half past eight Afterwards, she did come to this room, and the alibi she made with Mouri Kogoro was broken by the physical evidence.

In addition, the police responded so quickly. The bloody clothes worn during the murder and the cans used to drug Kogoro Mori... Although they have been discarded, they may not have drifted too far.

If this goes on...

Sayuri Shimamura finally stopped resisting.

She fell to the side without any strength and slumped on a dining chair nearby: "It's all her... She's the one threatening me! A year ago, my company imported a batch of contraband. After Hemei knew about it, She wants me to give her a share regularly. If I refuse, she will report it to the bank where she works and stop financing our company... I am still so young, and I can't be manipulated by this vampire for the rest of my life! So..."

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