Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 851 The blame is firmly on the table. More updates to the leader [Forgot my future]

Chapter 851 The blame is firmly on the table. More updates to the leader [Forgot my future]

It is common to get angry and kill someone after being threatened.

Toru Amuro had seen many similar cases, and he simply listened to them without paying much attention.

At this time, his attention had moved to "Miss Takenaka" next to him.

——The disguise that Belmode chose today is suitable for going to bars and night markets.

But standing here now, her outfit was really out of tune with everyone here.

Although "Miss Takenaka" had just wrapped her coat tightly because of the cold in her back, covering her tattered shirt with holes everywhere. But the fishnet stockings and thick-soled boots exposed underneath were still very conspicuous among a group of people wearing formal attire or ordinary clothes.

Toru Amuro had noticed her just now when he was describing his experience.

And Toru Amuro gradually discovered that this woman was squinting at him... he felt like he had seen her before somewhere. Coupled with his tall stature and the malicious atmosphere unique to the organization.

Toru Amuro's heart lit up, and he suddenly had a suspicion about the identity of this "Miss Takenaka".

...Could this be Belmode?

Toru Amuro: "..."

...If this is the case, he probably knows the reason why Jiang Xia suddenly fell asleep at the crime scene - it must have been that Belmode took the opportunity to take sleeping pills or an anesthetic injection. After all, this is not the first time this woman has done this. thing. Toru Amuro remembered that not long after she came to Japan, she had a history of abducting Jiang Xia.

"You haven't given up yet." Toru Amuro walked up to "Miss Takenaka", showed a slightly provocative and malicious smile, and whispered, "Have you not learned enough from the last lesson?"

Intuition told Toru Amuro that he had not recognized the wrong person.

...Even if it's wrong, this is just an insignificant-sounding sermon, and no one knows what he is referring to specifically. Those who understand will understand, those who do not understand will be confused.

——Toru Amuro still remembers the last time when Bellmode took Jiang Xia to the hotel and then back to the apartment. Then he got relevant information from Conan and followed the clues to find Bellmode.

At that time, Toru Amuro originally thought that what he would see after he came to kill Jiang Xia would be a scene of "Jiang Xia struggling to survive in the hands of evil female cadres."

Unexpectedly, when he found the place, he only saw a miserable Belmod who was handcuffed in the room in embarrassment, with a urinal beside him, and her clothes were messy... If Jiang Xia hadn't carelessly left a urinal for her... The free hand caused Bermod to contact the organization in advance using his mobile phone. Amuro thought that this mysterious woman might have been locked up in the public security interrogation room.

...Speaking of which, after that incident, Toru Amuro was worried that Belmode would wait for an opportunity to retaliate against Jiang Xia.

Who knew it wasn't.

Instead, Belmod showed a little abnormal interest in Jiang Xia... However, just when Toru Amuro thought she had given up, this guy secretly struck again.

...It seems that it is almost successful.

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro glanced at Jiang Xia, who was sleeping soundly on the sofa in the corner.

Although I don’t know exactly what happened tonight, but looking at the current scene, I can almost guess it - most likely it was Belmode repeating his old tricks. After disguising himself, he came to Jiang Xia to get close to him and put sleeping pills into Jiang Xia’s drinking water. She also plans to secretly move the person back to her lair after the person falls asleep.

However, before the drug took effect, the two happened to be involved in a "house invasion, robbery and murder" incident.

Not only did they meet the police, but they also met Jiang Xia's acquaintances, and Belmod's conspiracy failed.

... This process of "accidental case + acquaintance" was so familiar to Toru Amuro that he could imagine the scene with his eyes closed.

Some unpleasant and tired memories flooded into my mind like a tidal wave. Toru Amuro pressed his forehead in an inconspicuous manner, not wanting to think about these past events anymore, and focused his attention on the present.

...In short, it seems that Jiang Xia's incident physique is troublesome, but sometimes it has miraculous effects. At least it would save him from some women with evil intentions.

——Look, Belmode has a cloudy look on her face now and looks in a bad mood, probably because her plans were disrupted by an unexpected case.

Opposite him, Belmode, who was being spoken to, raised his eyes and glanced at Toru Amuro, then sneered coldly and looked away.

...She didn't bother to argue with this person who still couldn't see Uzo's true nature.

At this time, Belmode was not too surprised when Bourbon recognized him.

From the time Amuro entered the room until now, she has never bothered to cover up this fact - anyway, now, the identity of "Miss Takenaka" is already a suspicious person who wants to do evil in the eyes of many people. If there is one more twist, It didn't matter that Ben recognized her.

The two cadres were talking in low, explosive voices.

A little further away, a pair of eyes hidden behind flat mirrors were staring at them faintly.

Conan pushed up his glasses and fell into deep thought: Boss Amuro actually knows Miss Takenaka?

Considering Toru Amuro's status as a private detective and his ability to work across industries, it's not surprising that he knows all kinds of people.

What was strange was his reaction after arriving at the scene...

——Conan thought, no matter what, Jiang Xia is also an employee of Amuro Toru. Moreover, Amuro Toru must be well aware of how diligent Jiang Xia is.

But now, seeing such a hard-working employee sleeping on the sofa and lazing around... A normal person would come over to see the situation out of curiosity or worry, but Toru Amuro quickly looked away after a quick glance. , as if Jiang Xia was not seen.

This is unnatural.

In Conan's eyes, it was simply "a guilty conscience" in capital letters.

In addition, there is Miss Takenaka who seems to be familiar with Toru Amuro...

Conan: "..." What on earth do these two people want to do? Are they accomplices?

After reviewing the situation before and after, Conan was sure that "Miss Zhuzhong" seemed to be coming for Jiang Xia. But her insidious plan was disrupted by the sudden murder and their acquaintances in Jiangxia.

——Conan remembered that Jiang Xia was attracted by a police car and walked out of a coffee shop ten minutes ago.

At that time, Ms. Takenaka took a few beats to catch up, and she seemed to be in a bad mood.

...Think about it, if at that time, she was planning to use sleeping pills to knock Jiang Xia down, and then secretly take him away. Jiang Xia's actions at that time meant that her plan had been aborted - there were police officers and Jiang Xia's neighbors around her. Even if Jiang Xia was really asleep, it would not be Miss Takenaka's turn to take him away anyway.

...On the other hand, how would things have developed if this sudden murder had not occurred?

Conan only felt enlightened, and a word popped into his mind - "kidnapping attempt".

"..." After a while, when the case is over, I have to use Kudo Shinichi's identity to ask the Megure Police Department to help investigate this "Miss Takenaka."

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