Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 852: Belmode Feng Ping was murdered. More updates to the leader [forgot]

Chapter 852: Belmod Feng Ping was murdered. Additional update to the leader [Forgot My Future]

After thinking about it, Conan couldn't help but sigh:

Apart from the young ones like them, isn't there a safe and normal person around Jiang Xia?

Why are everyone so suspicious...

Thinking of this, Conan suddenly remembered. They met Jiang Xia once in the hospital before. At that time, Uncle Maori's client received a pot of morning glories every year. When they thought about the meaning of morning glories, Jiang Xia's explanation of the flower was "I'm obsessed with you."

——Looks like he has a lot of experience in being pestered.

Conan: "..." It seems that Jiang Xia has encountered strange people before. It's just that they didn't communicate often at the time, so I didn't notice it.

If "Miss Takenaka" was just an ordinary slut, it would be easier to solve.

But she actually knew Boss Amuro... I always felt like there was something wrong.

There was too little known information, and the security investigation Toru couldn't find anything, and Ms. Takenaka was still completely unknown.

Conan sighed and turned to look at Jiang Xia.

...It's better to wait until Jiang Xia wakes up and ask him about Miss Takenaka's situation.

I hope my neighbors will not be blinded by love and beauty, but can keep their eyes open to see the dangerous elements lurking around them.

As the murderer confessed everything, the process of solving the case ended.

The police began to deal with the aftermath busily and skillfully.

Because Conan looked full of questions, Jiang Xia leaned on the sofa and originally wanted to sleep all the way home, so as to leave enough time for Kudo-san to think by himself and finish all the things that should be figured out by himself.

However, as I fell asleep, two shadows cast before my eyes.


Jiang Xia secretly glanced at it from a ghost's perspective.

Realizing that Mao Lilan and Mao Li Kogoro had finished taking notes, they came over. They gathered around the sofa, as if they were thinking about how to move him away.

Jiang Xia: "..."

He was silent for a moment, thinking about the inelegant scene of transporting a corpse.

Before Mao Lilan reached out to hold his arm and prepared to use force, she pretended to be alarmed and opened her eyes.

…Sure enough, it’s better to walk back by yourself.

On the way home, Jiang Xia slowed down a little.

He walked behind the others, silently counting the newly acquired high-end murderous aura.

——This ordinary case has an unexpected surprise.

Maybe it was because Bermod didn't cover his waistcoat very carefully, and because Toru Amuro was indeed very observant, he quickly recognized Bermod's identity.

And when there are organizational cadres or former cadres around, the boss will always step into the role of "Bourbon" very dedicatedly, and then he will start to act murderous like a bottle of serious wine... At the same time, look After arriving at Toru Amuro, Belmode's murderous aura was so thin that it almost disappeared, and finally returned to normal levels.

The ghosts, who had been bored for most of the night, happily took a big handful.

Jiang Xia put away the murderous aura and thought to herself that it was a pity that the organization pursued "concealment" and "confidentiality" too much in theory. Otherwise, if they had held an annual meeting for cadres or a sorority exchange meeting on a regular basis...

The scene of the buffet meal appeared in Jiang Xia's mind, and there was a trace of undetectable yearning in his eyes.

...However, in a short period of time, this ideal may not be realized.

Jiang Xia sighed inwardly and could only return to reality and go home with her neighbors who did not risk murder.

On the way back, I was inevitably asked something about "Miss Takenaka".

Fortunately, these are not difficult to compile - although most of the customers Jiang Xia encounters seem to be more law-abiding. But he is a celebrity on the rise after all, and it is inevitable that he will encounter some strange guests who come for other purposes.

Taking apart the experiences and characteristics of those guests and putting them together...

A vivid Miss Takenaka was born.

…It’s okay to have outrageous experiences. Anyway, theoretically speaking, "Miss Zhuzhong" took the initiative to tell Jiang Xia this. She takes all the blame.

"The paranoid and rebellious illegitimate daughter of a big family who ran away from home..."

After hearing this, Mouri Kogoro was a little shocked.

But after all, he has been a policeman and detective for a long time, has rich experience, has seen everyone, and quickly digested this information.

Mouri Kogoro looked at Jiang Xia and sighed:

"Although it's not a good thing to say, you must be vigilant when dealing with customers - there are a lot of idiots these days, and there are also a lot of idiots, and the rich and powerful idiots are even more terrifying... Fortunately, she is quite beautiful. Yes, if it really doesn’t work, lying down is also an option...hiss."

After being pinched secretly by Mao Lilan.

Mouri Kogoro shook his drunken head, cleared his throat, and brought back the off-track topic: "Ahem, in short, we can't bet on other people's conscience and bottom line - what if she is actually a dangerous pervert. Some creatures are... People will eat their partners, too.

"Speaking of which, Japanese television seems to have released a related 'Collection of experiences of encountering idiots and idiots', which contains many self-defense techniques and real-life experiences of celebrities... It also includes Ms. Yoko's intimate tips. I will pass by my house later, I'll show it to you - you have to study it carefully and don't eat randomly just because you're good at it."

Jiang Xia: "...Okay."

He had also seen the set of books mentioned by Mouri Kogoro.

He even knocked the stalkers in several of the cases with his own hands. They felt good, but the noise was a bit loud...

However, if Kogoro Mouri wanted to borrow books, of course Jiang Xia would not refuse.

——Maybe when I return the book, I can go to Maori’s house and pick up a good case.

With Maori and his daughter by his side, especially with Mao Lilan by his side, Conan didn't dare to be too arrogant.

Although he was full of questions, he could only listen with his ears upright throughout the whole process, failing to exert his "One Hundred Thousand Whys" skills.

Arriving at the door of the house, Jiang Xia was able to say goodbye to the three of them simply. By the way, he said that Ms. Takenaka probably took too much sleeping pills and the effects of the drugs have not worn off yet. He would like to sleep for a while after returning home... This way, he could block any emails or calls from Conan in advance.

After entering the house, he made sure that Conan and the others left.

Jiang Xia put away the mobile phone belonging to "Jiang Xia", took out the exclusive mobile phone of Wu Zuo, and started busy sending emails.

Send an email to Gin first: [Regarding Sindora's mission, I need Vodka's help with some things - if you are not busy, why don't you lend him to me tomorrow afternoon? I guarantee that he can go back safely in body and mind. ]

Kinoshita Yoko asked Jiang Xia to have afternoon tea tomorrow.

According to what Atsushi Makuma just met at the crime scene, Jiang Xia will receive a relevant commission from the Earth Lady Team from Kinoshita Yoko - the Earth Lady Team is an idol group composed of four lovely idols. , Miss Yoko was once one of them.

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