Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 853 Vodka: Big brother! I do not go! Add more updates to the leader

Chapter 853 Vodka: Big brother! I do not go! More updates to the leader [Forgot my future]

Going to that party alone is a bit boring for a psychic who is not star-struck. After all, this case is not easy to find ghosts.

In this case, why not bring a lucky murderous aura source with you so that you can relieve your boredom when you have nothing to do.

And Jiang Xia remembered that Vodka was once an avid fan of the Earth Lady Team. After the group disbanded, he still had a long-lasting fan of these cute and beautiful stars.

If you want to take someone to an appointment, this vanilla ice cream is obviously a good choice.

Theoretically, for this kind of invitation, it is best to contact the person directly.

But Jiang Xia recalled the past relationship between himself and Vodka, as well as Vodka's slight prejudice against him... He felt that it would be difficult to achieve the effect he wanted by directly looking for Vodka.

So why not skip the vodka and go straight to the gin. Try using that relatively important task as a cover, and Gin may not refuse.

What does the gathering of idols have to do with Sindora's mission... Jiang Xia doesn't know either.

But anyway, first find an excuse to trick the vodka out.

As for what happened afterwards...

There was no way that Gin would be angry because he went fishing with vodka. After all, although Gin does kill without blinking an eye, if you want to attack a cadre, unless that cadre is betraying the organization in front of Gin, and the time is urgent and you cannot notify the gentleman to deal with it, otherwise Gin must first get it from the boss. Clear permission.

Therefore, even if Gin wanted to do it, the boss would definitely not agree. The most they can do is get angry and their murderous intent surges... Wouldn't this be even better?

In short, these problems are not big.

The only thing that needs more consideration is that I don't know if Vodka will be free tomorrow - these two people seem to be quite busy.

Gin didn't reply immediately. I don’t know if he is busy or thinking about Uzo’s intentions.

After sending the message to Ginjiu, Jiang Xia deftly destroyed the traces of the message, and then created a new email - this time to Belmod.

"Sindora's mission requires vodka to help" is just a temporary excuse made by Jiang Xia.

The inspiration for the excuse was that he actually wanted to ask Belmod for help.

Although Jiang Xia can handle these things by herself if she works hard.

But if he could borrow someone, of course he would give priority to borrowing someone. After all, he himself was not in good shape for events. The more he went out with acquaintances, the easier it would be for him to receive more surprises.

And that's Belmode... Find her as a teammate, and while doing tasks with ease, you can also tap into some murderous aura.

Originally, Jiang Xia planned to talk to her about this when she went to the bar tonight.

Unexpectedly, two cases were encountered in one night, and the intuitive Conan was always keeping an eye on people, and he couldn't even get in the door of the bar...

Fortunately, this is not a big deal and can be explained clearly in the email.

After sending the email to Belmode, Jiang Xia looked at the two mobile phones again and hesitated.

Then he put away his phone and didn’t send any more messages.

——Originally, he thought that maybe in addition to vodka, he could invite Toru Amuro to go to the Earth Lady Team's party with him. Then "Bourbon" will be murderous all night long, with vanilla ice cream falling out of surprise.

But if you think about it carefully, this is actually very unsafe.

——Vodka's acting skills stretch the hips, and it's okay to meet each other occasionally. If he is in the same space with "Bourbon" and "Uzo" for a long time, it may not take long for Toru Amuro to see the problem.

Jiang Xia thought regretfully: Let’s forget it this time.

When I got home, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

It’s time for healthy people to sleep.

Jiang Xia looked at the bedroom, then at the beautiful night outside, and paused with her hand on her collar.

After hesitating for a moment, he buttoned up the coat he had just unbuttoned.

"..." Pretending to be asleep is still sleeping. He was actually quite energetic now after lying at the crime scene for so long. And of course I didn't stay up late yesterday, so I wasn't too sleepy.

Usually when I have nothing to do and don’t want to sleep. Jiang Xia usually likes to go out and drive a few laps on his motorcycle.

In addition to relaxing, you can also encounter some delicious gangsters. It’s like a little easter egg you accidentally picked up while browsing the map, it’s a surprise.

Even if he was lucky enough, Jiang Xia thought expectantly, maybe one day when he went out for a ride, he might suddenly bump into the lair of Gin or Akai Shuichi - both of them were difficult to track and no trace could be found. If you want them to be as easy to find as Kidd, you must first find their common residence.

...hope to bump into it soon.

With this in mind, Jiang Xia prepared to go out the same way and look for a motorcycle.

But just as he turned around, he tripped under his feet.

He raised his hand to prop up the shoe cabinet to steady himself. As soon as he lowered his head, he saw a black shadow flash past. The dry rice cat is chasing the mermaid - the mermaid has a light murderous ribbon hanging on her body, and her tail is swaying in the air to amuse the cat.

When Jiang Xia looked over, the dry rice cat happened to have its nose swept by the gossamer-like transparent fins. It shook its head and sneezed, and Gululu rolled to the ground.

The cat stood up, shook its head, and tried to pounce again.

But before he could eject, Jiang Xia suddenly grabbed the back of his neck and held it up to his eyes to look at: "..."

The cat puppet is very small and usually does not require much growth. The murderous energy it consumes is so rare that it can be ignored.

Therefore, when Jiang Xia goes home, he usually lets it out to play with and experience the fun of a rua cat, treating it as a pet.

...But now it seems that this cat that serves as a stuffed toy has other uses.

for example……

Jiang Xia held the cat in her arms and stroked it twice. At the same time, I thought to myself, if I remember correctly, when I signed the contract with Ganfanmao, it had awakened a "giant" skill, which could turn it into a leopard.


Jiang Xia suddenly thought of something, and his eyes slowly fell from the void to the cat puppet in his hand.

The dry cat was unaware of the gaze from the psychic. He rubbed Jiang Xia's hand with his furry head and secretly squirmed towards Jiang Xia's pocket where he kept the ghost mints.

Jiang Xia pushed the cat that had moved halfway back to its original position. Thinking about the giant leopard, I suddenly felt that the motorcycle in the garage was boring.

...What's the point of riding a motorcycle?

It's better to be a leopard.

This can reflect a new perspective - the motorcycle can only occasionally go up the wall, but the leopard can step on the building and roll freely in the air.

...And who hasn’t dreamed of riding a horse? Conan has already ridden a dog, so it would be reasonable for him to try a big cat now.

Thinking of the scene of riding a leopard and galloping in the night, Jiang Xia's eyes lit up slightly.

He walked to the window and closed the curtains.

After confirming that the surrounding sight was blocked, Jiang Xia put the cat in her arms on the ground.

Then he reached out and patted it, and said expectantly: "Come on, transform."

The cat stretched and rolled on the spot obediently.

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