Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 854 A real man rides a leopard

When he landed again, a leopard suddenly appeared in the living room.

The black panther has a strong body and deep eyes. Its dark and powerful tail swept through the air, and a whine broke through the air. The black panther looked at Jiang Xia, moved its mouth, and said heroically: "Meow~"

Jiang Xia: "..."

He was silent for a moment, pretending not to hear the less than domineering cry, and walked over to touch the leopard's smooth muscles.

Although I think a cat that becomes bigger is a leopard, but to be fair, the details of this leopard are indeed slightly different from ordinary leopards.

Its ears are slightly larger and more pointed than a normal leopard's.

In addition, when in cat form, the puppet's four claws are white, while the rest of the body is pitch black.

After turning into a leopard, the white claws disappeared and the whole body was pitch black.

"..." Jiang Xia knelt down and picked up the leopard's paw in a slightly strange way, holding it in his hand and squeezing it: Could it be that it has not been refined since it grew bigger, so it is rougher than when it was a cat, and the white claws cannot be shown?

...But it is convenient to be like this now.

——A cat walking on dark clouds and a leopard in total blackness appear in the same area. Even if someone sees it, their impression is probably limited to "there are a lot of cats here."

But if a dark clouds on snow cat and a dark clouds on snow leopard appear at the same time...if someone with an open mind associates them with the same creature, keeps watching, or even packages them for study, it will be troublesome.

After thinking briefly for a moment, Jiang Xia quickly threw these details aside.

He put down the leopard's paw, stood up, led the leopard around to the back door, and came into the yard from an angle where no one could see it.

Then he walked around to the side of the leopard, intending to get on top of the leopard and start riding.

The enlarged Ganfanmao was confused at first.

At this time, he looked back and suddenly understood what the master of the spiritual medium wanted to do: "!"

Jiang Xia was about to step on when he suddenly felt the leopard move and move forward, as if he didn't want to be ridden.

"..." Jiang Xia pressed it down with quick hands and eyes, "Don't run away, I'll try."

The giant dry rice cat drooped its tail and tried to communicate through the contract: "Meow..." Being a mount was too heavy for an innocent kitten.

"Indeed." Jiang Xia smiled at it with a hint of encouragement, "But you are a strong puppet now!"


Cupido Town, a bustling downtown.

Buildings rimmed with colorful lights stand side by side in the city center, with a river of car lights at their feet. Pedestrians were coming and going on the roadside, some were in a hurry, and some were walking comfortably on the street with their friends. People occasionally looked up at the fine snow in the sky and the sky illuminated by night lights.

In the blind spot of their field of vision.

On top of the building, a shadow passed like black lightning. Jiang Xia clamped the fake leopard's strong body with his knees, leaned down to reduce the resistance, and used his usual experience of racing stunt motorcycles to firmly fix himself on this new mount.

It was very cold and the leopard was very fast.

However, Jiang Xia inherited the excellent physique of this world, as stable as a people who were born on the back of a leopard and ride a leopard to school every day. In this world where even elementary school students can walk upright on a high-speed train, it would be outrageous if he, a high school student with a relatively outstanding martial ability, could overturn a car while riding a leopard.

I drove around the city center several times from different angles. Jiang Xia gradually lost interest in this scenery that was no longer novel.

He thought for a moment and patted the leopard under his hand: "Go and have a look at the Mihua Municipal Building."

——A while ago, after returning from a trip with my boss. Gin seems to have become more generous in providing tasks, giving him a task to assassinate Sindora.

——Target Thomas Sindora is the chairman of Sindora Company and the emperor of the IT world.

This person usually lives in the United States, but recently, the game he cooperated with a Japanese company was successfully developed and will be released soon. So the day after tomorrow, Thomas Sindora will come to Japan to attend a grand virtual game conference.

That will be the best time to take action.

The Mihua Municipal Building was the venue for the game conference.

Although this task does not take much effort, there is no need to invest too much energy.

But Jiang Xia then thought about it - after all, he was leading the organization's high-end murderous intent, and he also planned to use the identity of "Uzuo" to stay there for a long time. Nowadays, if you are idle, you are idle. Why not take a trip to the Mihua Municipal Building as a way to check out the spots in advance and show your professionalism.

With Jiang Xia guiding the way, Black Panther received the order and quickly turned.

It lightly stepped on the roofs of buildings and ran towards the direction of the municipal building.

On the way, Jiang Xia felt the cold wind blowing against her face and pulled up her scarf.

After blowing for a long time, it's still a bit cold.

But happiness is also really happiness.

After a while, in other seasons, when there is no cold wind cutting the surface, this new type of "ride" will surely be more interesting.

Howling across the rooftops, the view is completely different from racing on the ground. The level of excitement did not seem to have diminished... Jiang Xia looked down at the scenery below and suddenly thought that if there was a chance in the future, he might consider getting a helicopter for a ride.

However, leaving aside the troublesome procedures, it would seem that the noise of the ride would be too great. Moreover, you need to apply in advance to start a flight. You cannot just fly around when you feel like it, otherwise you will easily be stopped. Even if you fly secretly at night, you might collide with Gin Chianti who is busy shooting at the ground... and it's not easy for helicopters to fly between buildings.

...After such a comparison, the leopard is indeed better.

Even if the cat puppet becomes huge, it does not burn much murderous energy, and is not much different from the normal state of other puppets.

After running for a while, when she was still some distance away from the Mihua Municipal Building, Jiang Xia suddenly noticed something.

He looked ahead, slightly startled.

——A few hundred meters away, several dazzling searchlights suddenly lit up and scanned intensively.

For some reason, several helicopters appeared in the sky, as if they were arresting important fugitives.

"..." Is there a case here?

...Speaking of which, this battle seems familiar.

Jiang Xia was silent for a moment, taking out her mobile phone and searching for relevant news. While freeing his hand to pat the leopard: "Stop running on the roof. Come to Spider-Man mode between buildings."

Black Panther: "Meow?"

Although it doesn't understand Spider-Man very well... But in the building, it does understand.

The black shadow jumping on the roof suddenly descended.

The black panther stepped on the side of a building, stretched out its claws slightly, hooked the wall, and then flew out with a weird ejection force beyond ordinary creatures, and stepped on another wall more than ten meters away. , bounced back... and just turned into an active shadow between the buildings.

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