Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 859 Can you transform?

Kidd looked at Jiang Xia and then at Black Panther: "..." attract small animals?

But why is this leopard's reaction so different? On the contrary, it looks like he is scared...

Kidd: "..." No, that's not the point - the point is that this leopard, which is visually taller than a human, has anything to do with "small animals"? ?

Jiang Xia also noticed the Black Panther's shrinking.

He raised his hand in the air and glanced at the enlarged rice cat.

"!" The beast's intuition was touched, and the black panther resumed its stagnant steps, ran to Jiang Xia's side lightly, rubbed his hand docilely, and gave a flattering "meow~".

Jiang Xia rubbed the leopard's head a few times with satisfaction and scratched the leopard's chin.

Kidd, who was watching silently: "..."

It is right between two buildings and there is no lighting.

After the police left, although Jiang Xia lit up the flashlight on her mobile phone, the surroundings were still dark.

Kidd looked at the coquettish and adorable leopard in front of him, lying on the ground with its belly turned over, and gradually dispelled his previous suspicion - it was a black panther at night, and it was difficult to distinguish its expression and demeanor.

Therefore, Kid thought that just now he felt that the black panther was afraid, maybe it was just because it was too dark, and he had made a mistake. Of course, it might also be because he was near Jiangxia and the beast was hesitant about the presence of a stranger like him.

...In comparison, the way Black Panther clings to Jiang Xia now is quite clear.

Looking at it this way, Jiang Xia's use of "little animal" to describe the black panther seems to make sense...

Just as he was thinking about it, the black panther swung its tail and happened to pass by Kidd's hand.

Kidd caught a glimpse of the fluffy tail and subconsciously reached out his hand to stroke it.

The Black Panther's nose shrugged, smelling a sprinkling of magic on Kidd's hand.

Its eyes lit up, and it suddenly turned its head, opened its bloody mouth, and bit into it.

Kidd: "!"

He quickly withdrew his hand.

Senbai's fangs hung where his hand had just paused, not closing.

——At the same time as the black panther bit him, Jiang Xia also came to his senses and blocked the black panther's mouth that was about to move.

Ganfanmao: "..."

It opened its mouth wide and felt Jiang Xia's hand stuck in its mouth, freezing in place and not daring to bite down.

Based on the experience since signing the contract, it has reason to suspect that the owner of the psychic is trying to catch the cat to enforce the law...

Thinking of this, the black panther kept its mouth at a terrifying opening and closing angle, shrunk its neck and moved back.

When it could no longer bite Jiang Xia's hand, it obediently closed its mouth.

After pausing for a moment, he licked Jiang Xia's hand flatteringly.

Jiang Xia patted the cat's head twice: As expected, it's better to let the monster absorb the magic power. When the main body is there, stay away first. Otherwise, if Kidd discovers the truth, the situation will be a little embarrassing...

And this time, Kidd has used up a lot of the accumulated magic power, and the remaining remaining magic power is not worth deliberately opening a fog dog to collect it.

Kidd watched this scene silently, remembering the scene when he was almost bitten by a leopard, and silently adjusted the gloves on his hands.

"..." So fierce. No matter how tame he looks, a beast is still a beast...

Speaking of which, Kid thought, although he himself could avoid it, Jiang Xia instinctively raised his hand to catch the leopard's mouth in order to prevent him from being bitten. Although this is also the trust between humans and animals, to be able to react like this for a strange phantom thief... this detective is really as good and righteous as the rumors say.

Just as he was thinking about it, Kidd heard the ferocious leopard that almost bit him just now, making a loud cry under Jiang Xia's hands.

Kidd: "..."

This leopard really likes Jiang Xia... Is there such a physique in the world that attracts animals?

...Indeed, there is magic. It is not impossible to exaggerate the physique. did the topic come to this? Kid thought, just now, weren't they still talking about covering up the Phantom Thief...

Kidd reviewed it with slight confusion.

Then he suddenly remembered the reason why Jiang Xia started robbing Leopard.

Kidd: "..." By the way, they were obviously talking about the foggy dog ​​before.

Then Jiang Xia explained that Wutiangu gave him information because he attracted small animals to like... huh? ?

Kidd looked at the logic behind his words, and there was a hint of shock in his eyes - in Jiang Xia's eyes, dangerous monsters that were suspected of eating people and causing the witch to flee could actually be forced into "small animals" Classification? ?

...But, regardless of strength, Kiriten Dog is obviously a monster.

Jiang Xia is a detective. Shouldn't such a person be very scientific?

"..." Thinking of this, Kidd fell into deep thought for a moment:

Could it be that the monsters actually have some pure animal forms, such as the foggy dog ​​that can transform into a huge eagle, or a handsome crow with gold rims on its feathers, and then disguised as an animal in that way to contact Jiang Xia?

Um? So, this leopard...

Kidd's suspicious gaze fell on the Black Panther in front of him - he suddenly figured out what he hit when he was leaping between buildings just now.

—— Let’s not discuss what kind of tolerant world view Jiang Xia, the Leopard Knight, has.

Just the fact that the black panther can bear the weight of a person and leap back and forth between steel buildings... No matter how you think about it, it doesn't look like a simple animal.

... Could it be that this is actually a monster?

Kidd pressed his forehead and felt another crack in his worldview that was riddled with holes.

However, thanks to the fact that he was often forced to accept new knowledge about monsters and witches, Kidd was still able to think calmly when faced with strange animals with excessive jumping abilities.

He thought back to his idea of ​​"a monster disguised as an ordinary animal to get close to Jiang Xia".

Gradually, I felt that maybe this was not the case.

This is especially not the case with foggy dogs.

Just now Jiang Xia said that Wu Tiangu said that Kidd was a good person - this means that Jiang Xia and Wu Tiangu had an exchange that could accurately convey their meaning. And a bird disguised as an animal obviously cannot do these things.

That is to say...

A more likely possibility emerged in Kidd's mind.

——Jiang Xia has seen the foggy dog ​​in its normal form, and had a friendly and harmonious exchange with him.

The moment this speculation appeared, Kidd suddenly wanted to understand something again.

——No wonder the last time, after he disguised himself as Jiang Xia, Wu Tian Gou ostensibly promised to "hand Jiang Xia to Terai", but as soon as Kidd left, Wu Tian Gou turned around and sent Jiang Xia to a warm and safe toll station, and rushed there Terai didn’t even pick up a hair...

Thinking about it now, this may be because Grandpa Terai has a little prejudice against Kiritengu, so Kiritengu also feels that Terai is unreliable and does not want to hand over the detective who he likes, so he handles it on his own...

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