Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 860 Why make things difficult for a cat? Please vote for me (〃)

Thinking of this, Kid looked quietly at Jiang Xia and the Black Panther who was rolling happily in Jiang Xia's hands. Suddenly there was a feeling of sadness that someone else had discovered the secret garden.

——The friendship that he had only established after being robbed by the foggy dog ​​so many times, the detective actually got it in just one meeting...

Moreover, looking at Jiang Xia's skillful and calm appearance, Kidd thought that this was probably not the first time that this detective had encountered something similar.

If that's the case, it's no wonder that a group of police officers and detectives are obsessed with "Phantom Thief Kidd", but Jiang Xia is not interested in him at all - he has seen too many weird things, and when he looks at the mysterious Phantom Thief, he may inevitably feel like "It's just that" "a feeling of. Might as well have a battle of wits and courage with a murderer.

Kidd left with a mess of thoughts and his views torn apart again, with a complicated mood.

After the monster was stolen.

Jiang Xia followed the alleyway and walked out of the alley in the dark. He raised his eyes and looked at the searchlights that were shooting back and forth in the distance.

After hesitating for a moment, he began to look for a comfortable coffee shop along the street, preparing to throw the main body in nearby, then sneak into the theft scene and pick up some energy cores to barely make up for the regret of watching the magic power flow away.

And I heard that this time, the police were short of manpower and hired some additional security guards.

If a few of the security guards were tricked by Kidd. And for those who are angry and murderous, the midnight snack will be even richer.

After entering the cafe and finding a suitable seat.

Jiang Xia looked at the ghosts surrounding him.

Then decisively picked the dry rice cat.

——According to the news I just found, today, the police agreed to live broadcast the process of "catching Phantom Thief Kidd" to the outside world.

Jiang Xia felt that under such circumstances, if he drove the foggy dog ​​over as usual and was photographed, it would shatter the innocent detectives' three views... What if the detectives felt that the world was too unscientific and gave up being detectives one by one? Concentrate on reading...then the precious event constitution will disappear with the change of mood, and things will become troublesome.

Excluding Kiritengu, Matsuda Jinpei's vest now carries the identity of "Mysterious Man Usa", which is not convenient to be photographed here.

Anonymous also has no need to appear.

After counting, it turns out that this cat is the most useful.

And it can drive directly into the building - in the past, even if the Kiritengu came to rob... well, to exchange gains with Kidd, they would only wait for Kidd to succeed and retreat, and then contact outside the building.

This time, I was able to stay at the scene, monitor the implementation status, and inspect the murderous status of the security personnel...

After a while.

In the coffee shop near the building, there was a handsome boy leaning back on his chair, looking up into space, his eyes lacked focus, and he looked like he was thinking about life.

And at the entrance of the coffee shop, in the shadow behind the billboard. A shadow of a cat seemed to grow out of the shadows.

After a moment, the black cat with white claws raised its head humanely and looked around, as if observing.

Soon, it stepped on the curb and ran all the way to the building where the target exhibition hall was located.

In the building.

From the rooftop to the porch outside the lobby on the first floor...a large number of uniformed personnel were waiting.

The police were short of manpower, and Nakamori Ginzo also seconded people from elsewhere. Divide his subordinates into groups of five in advance, familiarize themselves with the faces of the group members in advance, and also set secret codes, and regularly tease each other to prevent Kidd from getting involved.

Kidd's goal tonight is a statue of a goddess two people tall.

To be more precise, it was the bracelet with precious stones on the wrist of the goddess statue.

At this time, the exhibition hall where the goddess statue was located had been cleared of any facilities that might be used for hiding, leaving only the stone statue standing quietly in the middle of the exhibition hall.

Surrounded by a large number of police officers who had just had their faces slapped - all the roads leading here are also manned with the same density.

This posture looks numb. But at this time, there is still some time before Kidd’s prediction. As we all know, Kidd is very punctual and rarely lets others go. He will show up at the right time.

So now, with everyone in the exhibition hall having their faces pinched, the atmosphere here is quite relaxed.

Opposite the stone statue, a camera is facing here.

——This is one of the devices used for live broadcast tonight.

In the shot, a capable female reporter, holding a microphone with the Japanese TV logo, turned sideways to show the statue of the goddess behind her and the police officers standing guard near the statue.

"Please look at this shocking formation!" The reporter finished speaking with a surging tone and moved the microphone to Nakamori Ginzo aside.

——Just now, Nakamori Ginzo, who was patrolling outside, chased for a while in the direction pointed by Jiang Xia, but found nothing.

Nakamori Ginzo did not suspect that Jiang Xia was lying to him, he just felt that this was normal - Kidd would definitely not just run in one direction, waiting to be caught. And although it is not a busy place, there are still many people who came to see the excitement after hearing the news. The crowd is Kidd's best cover. With his level of disguise, if he puts on a different face and burrows into the crowd, it's basically impossible to find him again.

So Ginzo Nakamori didn't catch anyone, so he didn't look any further and quickly returned to the exhibition hall.

——The outer patrol is just to cut off Kidd's retreat as much as possible.

Of course, the venue for the decisive battle is still here - in this exhibition hall that he carefully decorated.

Anyway, no matter where Kidd goes, he will definitely come back here again.

At this time, the time predicted by Kidd was not far away.

The female reporter said hello to the camera and then turned to the Zhongmori Police Department. She raised her hand to gesture to the goddess statue behind her, hinting to the Zhongsen Police Department to briefly introduce the situation here: "Police Department, this is the goddess statue that Kidd predicted he would steal."

Nakamori Ginzo is proudly reviewing the police team he has arranged.

Suddenly being spoken to by a female reporter, his ears twitched and he accurately captured the keywords he cared about.

The Zhongsen Police Department sneered: "Steal? Humph, Kidd can't even touch a finger on it! - With the tight security here, not even a fly can fly in, let alone a person!"

The female reporter was about to nod in agreement.

However, at this time, her eyes paused slightly and her eyes fell on the corner: "Well..."

——Beside the wall paved with black marble. A black cat with white paws was walking quietly through the exhibition hall along the wall.

Most of its body has indeed successfully blended into the black background. But because the four cat paws were snow-white, sharp-eyed people still caught the clues during the walk.

The person in charge of the video, and Nakamori Ginzo, keenly captured the abnormality of the female reporter.

Several people followed her line of sight and looked over.

Almost at the same time, the passing cat seemed to notice something, and its elegant and silent steps paused slightly.

Jiang Xia put on her cat vest, and when she turned her head, she found several pairs of eyes staring directly at him.

Among them, Nakamori Ginzo has the sharpest vision.

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