Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 861 Are you here? Check out the remaining value and add updates to the leader [Vam

Chapter 861 Are you here? Check out the remaining value and add updates to the leader [Vampire Eternal]

Jiang Xia remembered what the Zhongsen Police Department said just now, "Not even a fly can fly in." Suddenly I understood why he was staring at his cat's vest. So when he looked at Nakamori Ginzo, his eyes were filled with a hint of expectation - he didn't know if the police would show some murderous intent when they became angry...

Unfortunately, there is still some difference between anger and murderous intent.

The Zhongsen Police Department was stared at by the cat with bright eyes for a few seconds, and then looked at the lens that the cameraman was about to move over. He became furious, raised his hand and pointed at the innocent cat passing by, and asked his subordinates: "Where did the cat come from? How did you guard it? ! Throw it out!"

Jiang Xia: "..."

Gee, that’s so unfriendly. Why embarrass a handsome cat? He is not here to steal anything, he is just passing by to visit...

Catching a cat with bare hands is obviously not much easier than catching a monster thief with bare hands. Even if it's just a fake cat.

before a group of police swooped down. Jiang Xia put on her cat vest and took off for a run. It took advantage of several decorative bumps on the wall one by one and jumped into the narrow ventilation duct.

After standing firm, Jiang Xia turned around and glanced down at the stupid cat catchers, leaving them with a deep silhouette and quickly disappeared into the pipe.

After a while, wait for the movement below to dissipate.

Jiang Xia drove the cat again and returned the same way. Then he lay down slightly inside the pipe mouth, hid his conspicuous white claws under his body, and looked out at the busy exhibition hall.

——Of course there are no electric lights in the pipes. In this case, a black cat lying in a narrow black shadow is not easy to spot as long as it doesn't move.

However, some people still noticed the clues.

The female reporter in charge of hosting the live broadcast quickly turned to another eye-catching attraction after introducing the Zhongsen Police Department and the Statue of the Goddess.

"The helper I'm going to introduce next is a high school detective who just returned from London. I believe everyone must have heard of him." The reporter smiled and gestured to the side, "He is - White Horse...?"

When he raised his hand, the person disappeared.

The reporter looked at the goddess statue behind him that Kidd had targeted for theft and was startled.

——In my impression, Baima Tan was squatting next to the goddess statue just now, checking something. However, at this time, the stone statue was empty, with no conspicuous mixed-race detective at all.

"..." The reporter looked carefully and discovered that at some point, the white horse detective had walked to the corner. At this time, he was looking up at something.

And the assistant White Horse Detective always brought with him - the eagle he named "Watson", was also staring intently in the same direction. The eagle's small black bean-like eyes flashed with sharp light, and it flapped its furry wings excitedly.

The white horse looks diagonally upward.

A man and an eagle are watching in the ventilation duct.

The cat lay on the entrance of the pipe in the dark clouds and snow, looking down at the white horse detective, and then at the eagle on the white horse detective. Finally, his eyes fell on the eagle wings, looking at the fluffy feathers that were slightly blown up, and the cat's claws curled up unconsciously. For a moment, it seemed like he wanted to rub something.

Baima leaned behind him. The reporter held up the microphone and approached carefully: "Mr. Baima?"

When Bai Ma heard a lady talking to him, the gentleman lost his temper and looked back at the reporter.

His eagle "Watson" did not show similar habits. He still stared diagonally upward, observing the cat hiding in the ventilation duct. It was ready to take off and was about to take off, but was caught by Bai Ma Tan and held back to its original position.

The White Horse Detective knew exactly what his Eagle wanted to do.

——Most likely, he is eyeing the cat and intends to catch the prey.

However, given the size of that pipe, the eagle would probably get stuck as soon as it entered.

And the focus now is obviously not the cat that accidentally entered the exhibition hall, but the arrogant criminal in white - Kaitou Kidd.

Just now, when the cat caused a commotion in the exhibition hall and the Zhongsen Police Department angrily shouted to his subordinates to catch the cat, Detective White Horse had actually arrived at the venue.

At that time, he was a bystander. When a group of police officers were being played by a cat, he observed carefully - there was no collar on the cat to fix the bug, and there was no suspicious metal reflection. It shouldn't be Kidd's accomplice, just a cat passing by and entering the building to keep warm.

In addition, after experiencing the incident at Twilight Villa last time, Detective White Horse realized that his "Watson" did not seem to be as sensible as he thought before - Watson would sometimes get interested and run to attack. Innocent passersby messed up the situation. You can't just let it happen all the time.

So now, the white horse detective did not let go of the eagle chain, and did not pay much attention to the cat lying comfortably in the ventilation duct, watching the show and eating melons.

He returned to the focus of the exhibition hall - beside the statue of the goddess, and began to patiently answer various questions raised by reporters.

When the reporter finally finished asking him questions and started broadcasting live broadcasts in other places around him, Detective Baima looked around with a low sense of presence and began to do whatever he felt was necessary.

At the same time, the police did not relax.

The Zhongsen Police Department paced back and forth between the door and the window of the exhibition hall. At the same time, he pressed his earphones and listened carefully to the reports continuously sent back by his subordinates:

"There is nothing unusual about the roof."

"There is nothing unusual in Area A on the 11th floor."

"There is no abnormality in the pipes on the 8th floor."


In the exhibition hall, in the ventilation duct.

Below, the police and Detective White Horse are busy.

Jiang Xia, who was watching, yawned silently, moved the cat's paw underneath her, and gradually felt that the waiting time was a bit boring.

——When the Phantom Thief appears, it’s really lively.

But the preparation beforehand and the aftermath were too boring for a melon-eater like him.

And until now, Jiang Xia has not found anyone with murderous intent.

In other words, the chance of a surprise dropping here later is not very high... Kidd and Detective Hakuba are still a little behind when it comes to summoning murder cases. As expected, it is more convenient for Kudo-kun to be present at the scene. Hattori Heiji can also do this if there is such a derived gain.

……Um? Speaking of which, I haven't seen that Osaka detective for a long time. I don’t know if Hattori-san has received a new invitation letter for the serial murder case.

Jiang Xia silently put "exchanging feelings with Hattori Heiji" on the agenda while looking forward to a bright future.

After that, he looked back at the exhibition hall and began to study the Zhongmori Police Department in front of him - he seemed to have a bad temper.

It's a pity that when the Zhongsen Police Department saw the cat passing by the exhibition hall just now, although they were angry, they didn't show any murderous intent.

Kidd is a punctual thief most of the time. He comes to steal at the right time. Now, there is still a little distance from Kidd's preview time. If he continued to lie here and wait, Jiang Xia thought about it and felt that the efficiency was too low.

Therefore, being idle is also idle.

...Why don't we try to search the potential of these people in Section 2?

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