Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 862 What is the use of cats? More updates to the leader [Vampire Yong]

Chapter 862 What is the use of cats? More updates to the leader [Vampire Eternal]

Jiang Xia put on her cat vest and stood up silently. Her vertical pupils moved slightly, and her eyes fell on the police chief who was patrolling around the exhibition hall.

While listening to the report from his subordinates, the Zhongshan Police Department took notes on the memo.

When walking from the closed door of the exhibition hall to the window.

There was a sudden weight on his shoulder - something clattered onto his shoulder.

Zhongsen Police Department was startled, turned his head suddenly, and met a pair of round eyes - the dark clouds and snow cat jumped down at some point, and now it was stepping on his shoulders as if it were a cat climbing frame. .

"..." The Zhongsen Police Department was stunned for a second, became furious, and called to the subordinates next to him, "...Why is this cat still there?! How did you catch it just now!"

While calling someone to catch the cat, he rolled up his sleeves and grabbed it on his shoulder.

However, as soon as he stretched out his hand, the cat jumped lightly, stepped on top of his head, and walked leisurely from his left shoulder to his right shoulder. Finally, he raised his chin and showed a slightly provocative look.


A small flame of anger seemed to light up above the Zhongsen Police Department.

He threw away the memo in his hand, snorted coldly, accepted the cat's challenge, and reached out to grab it again.

However, before he could succeed, a group of police officers nearby received his order and pounced on him.

——The subordinates have very little experience in catching cats, but they have a lot of experience in catching Kaitou Kidd.

At this time, the situation suddenly happened, so the husband had no choice but to use force. A group of people were stacked on top of each other like a stack of Arhats, pressing against the Zhongsen Police Department.

...I don’t know whether the cat caught it or not.

Anyway, the man was holding on tight.

Although it didn't take too long for Jiang Xia to get the cat ghost fetus.

However, the cat puppet does not consume much murderous energy, and its perspective is completely different from that of humans. Therefore, when Jiang Xia is bored and it is inconvenient to go out to ride a motorcycle in broad daylight, she will drive the cat out for a cool run. Once the perspective changes, ordinary walls will turn into cliffs, and all pedestrians will become monsters. You can also encounter hidden bosses from time to time - have a battle with cats and dogs that appear randomly nearby, and hone your claw and knife skills... much more interesting than arcade games. .

...In short, after a lot of painful experience. Nowadays, Jiang Xia is no longer the novice cat operator who dislikes cats having too many legs. She can activate the cat puppet with the same flexibility as a real cat.

He moved around in the gaps between a group of policemen, stepped on several people's foreheads with his feet, and successfully broke out of the encirclement.

Then his eyes moved, he suddenly remembered something, and jumped towards the security guards who were supporting the police.

It is understandable that the police do not risk murder when they are angry. After all, in this world, although the police have poor professional abilities, most of the time they are representatives of justice - the unjust have either entered, died, or are striding along the street. On the road to the first two...

In comparison, the security industry is much more inclusive.

Maybe there is a lurking grumpy guy around. If a cat steps on it, a massive amount of high-end murderous energy will appear, and it will also have a delicious taste that I have never had before...

Thinking like this, Jiang Xia abandoned the police and began to concentrate on stepping on the security guards who came to support him.

After stepping on more than a dozen people in a row.

Jiang Xia was disappointed to find that the reaction of these people was not as good as that of the dedicated police officers just now - the police officers would at least be a little angry at "the cat provoked the police's majesty". Although they had not started to show murderous intent, their expressions looked like It will happen soon, so leave some expectations for the psychic.

But security...

Jiang Xia jumped to the side and avoided a hand that wanted to touch his head.

Then he looked at the other person who was not helping the Zhongsen Police Department to catch the cat. Instead, he looked at the cat paw prints on his sleeves and showed a bewildered smile. He even wanted to take out his mobile phone and take a photo as a souvenir. He fell silent for a while: "..."

...Forget it, there are specialties in the arts, so let’s get the murderous aura from the Search Class 1.

Searching the second section, it turns out that it is more suitable for collecting energy cores...

Jiang Xia put on the cat vest, climbed and jumped along the wall, and quickly returned to the narrow ventilation pipe.

He turned back, glanced at the bustling police and security guards below, sniffed the air that had no murderous aura at all, sighed lonely, left the group behind, and walked away quickly along the shadow of the pipe.

...There is no future with these guys.

Better look elsewhere.

In the exhibition hall.

Watson stopped on the shoulder of the white horse, looking up and staring at the cat that quickly merged into the shadow of the pipe, flapping its wings, ready to move.

However, the white horse detective held it back and prevented it from chasing.

——The gap is so narrow that it is impossible to catch up with it, and it is easy for the cat to kill it. Just be patient.

Moreover, as a rational and mature high school student detective, Detective Baima felt that the cat with dark clouds and snow was not the focus of tonight.

——The current enemy is obviously the Kaitou Kidd who is well-known all over the world.

Now, the time for Kidd's announcement is coming soon, other things should be put aside first, and energy should not be focused on a cat.

After all, in White Horse Detective's impression, even if Kidd uses animal helpers, he usually uses white doves that have the same color as him. Instead of a cat that is completely black and only has white claws.

Moreover, even if the cat just now was really Kidd's helper... Detective White Horse couldn't think of any use for it.

——Theoretically, animals can indeed be used to carry eavesdroppers or even monitors to collect intelligence.

But today, there is a live broadcast here. If Kidd wants to know something, he can just turn on his mobile phone and watch the live broadcast. There is no need to go to extravagant steps to get a cat that is difficult to tame to be a spy.

Since it is not monitoring and listening, then the other use of cats is probably to lure tigers away from the mountain.

——Otherwise, how could a mere cat steal the gemstone bracelet that was firmly tied to the stone statue?

...In short, Baima Tan thought, he must not be like the group of policemen who were in chaos next to him.

In the case of cats, just ignore its existence and you will win by staying steady.

While thinking about it, Bai Ma Tan tilted his head slightly and listened carefully to the information coming from the earphones.

At the same time, he quickly wrote something on the memo.

——Just now, when the Zhongsen Police Department ordered his subordinates to "come and catch the cat," he was knocked down by the subordinates who helped him catch the cat, and a group of police officers huddled together and grabbed him randomly. A lot of things on their bodies fell out in a mess.

Headphones and memos from the Nakamori Police Department are also included.

Bai Ma Tan happened to be passing by at that time and caught it easily. Then decisively began to replace the Zhongsen Police Department and listen to the alert status reports from various regions.

After listening for a while, Bai Ma looked at the regular marks on the memo and suddenly noticed something. He frowned slightly.

At the same time, the policemen huddled next to them finally separated. The scene calmed down temporarily.

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