Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 866 Is this a monster? Please vote o(〃▽〃)o

Chapter 866 Is this a monster? Please vote o(〃'▽'〃)o

"White Horse Detective" took a few steps forward, temporarily staying away from the smoke rising from the ground.

He played with the gas mask in his hand, looked at the Zhongsen Police Department, and said with a smile: "Police Department, I won this time."

Next to him, barrages popped up in the live broadcast room because of this result. The reporter and others at the scene were also stunned for a moment - they didn't expect that Kidd would actually be caught.

After staying for a second, the reporter excitedly greeted the "White Horse Detective". She didn't know what to say for a while, and she hesitated for a long time, and finally squeezed out a universal model: "Can you please catch Kidd... What do you think?"

"What do you think? Maybe some things seem difficult, but when you actually do it, you will find..." "White Horse Detective" raised a hand and gestured to her, "It's easy."

As he spoke, he turned his palms.

Several more spherical smoke bombs appeared between his fingers.

"White Horse Detective" suddenly threw the smoke bomb on the ground.

Black technology smoke rose to the ground, covering most of the hall in an instant.

——This "White Horse Detective" is of course not the real thing, but a disguise made by Kidd.

Previously, the doors and windows in the hall were tightly closed to prevent Kidd. At this time, the smoke bombs were mixed with the sleeping gas and quickly spread in the hall.

Kidd looked at the police officers who were in chaos, raised his hand to swipe at his face, threw away Detective White Horse's disguise and suit jacket in disgust, and instantly changed into Kidd's white clothes and cape.

Jiang Xia put on her cat vest, raised her top hat, and lowered her head to study. But he just couldn't see clearly how Kidd changed his clothes in an instant.

When Jiang Xia carefully sensed Kidd's magic power, compared whether it had become less, and began to think about whether this was magic or magic.

Kidd dodged several policemen who were shouting and rushing toward him, and jumped onto the stone statue lightly.

He squatted down, put a strong rope on the statue of the goddess, and pressed the button on the other end.

A highly buoyant balloon inflated and inflated, carrying the statue of the goddess and Kidd who was stepping on the stone statue, floating upwards.

...Originally, it should be able to fly out of the window smoothly.

However, just half a meter above the ground, a heavy metal clang was heard from below the statue.

——I don’t know when a thick chain appeared there, tightly linking the stone statue to the floor.

Kidd was shaken by the sudden "brake". He looked down at this scene and was slightly startled.

According to his preliminary investigation, there is no such elaborate mechanism under the statue of the goddess. The stone statue is just placed here...

Jiang Xia put on her cat vest, straightened her hat that was shaken askew, and noticed Kidd's doubts.

He patted Kidd on the head and pointed toward the tunnel entrance.

Kidd looked over.

In the smoke, there is an extra brown hair top.

——Baima Tan climbed up from the ground without knowing when.

Just now, when Kidd pretended to be Detective White Horse and said "Kid was caught," a few honest police officers did not have too much suspicion. They subconsciously went to the secret opening where "Detective White Horse" came up and prepared all the tools and anti-virus tools to climb down. Face mask.

However, before they had time to use them, they were stunned by the smoke bombs that also contained sleeping gas dropped by Kidd and lay on the ground. The gas mask in his hand also fell down.

At this time, Baima Tan had not yet reached the limit of holding his breath, and he had not inhaled too much sleeping gas. Detective Bai Ma was puzzled but surprised to pick up the gas mask, and then used the props left by the police to climb up with strength.

In the exhibition hall.

Bai Ma Tan looked at the goddess statue suspended in mid-air but tied by an iron chain, with a look that said "I had expected it": "Give up - even if I can't catch you, don't even think about stealing the one in the trailer." thing."

Kidd: "..."

Just now, when he was watching the live broadcast in the exhibition hall and grasping the internal situation, he was too busy watching the Dark Clouds and Snow Cats vs. Zhongsen Police Department. Although I also discovered that Detective White Horse had been wandering around, the scene was too chaotic and the police blocked the camera...

Only then did Kidd remember. During the live broadcast, Detective White Horse did approach the statue of the goddess several times - that annoying chain must have been secretly installed by this cunning detective.

Kidd sighed inwardly, and at the same time thought to himself, fortunately, his target was not the real stone statue...

With this thought in mind, he no longer paid attention to the thick iron chain below, but reached for the wrist of the stone statue.

——There is a bracelet on which a clear gemstone hangs.

This is Kidd's real goal.

However, after tugging twice, I didn't know what kind of material the bracelet was made of, but it was extremely hard.

Kidd clicked his tongue and turned to look out the window, trying to find an angle to see if he could catch the moonlight. On-site identification showed that Kidd's target was the gem with "Pandora" hidden inside. To find "Pandora", you need to point it at the moon.

But now, let alone the location of the windows in the exhibition hall - it happened to be cloudy at this time. Kidd originally planned to take the gem back and explore it slowly, but now...

Just as he was thinking about it, he was suddenly stepped on on his arm.

Kidd was startled, and when he lowered his head, he saw that the magical black cat that had helped him just once did not seem to be affected by the sleeping gas.

The cat walked towards the bracelet on the stone statue, looked closely at it for a moment, and suddenly waved its paw.

There was a sharp sound, and Kidd's hand holding the bracelet suddenly lightened up - the resistance from the gem disappeared, and a small length of chain was suddenly cut open by the cat's claws.

Kidd: "...?"

He recalled the rough estimate of the bracelet's hardness just now, and then looked at the cat in front of him in shock... What are these claws made of?

Faced with curiosity and unknown, Kidd was surprised and subconsciously stretched out his hand, wanting to pinch it open and take a look.

The cat glanced back at him. The round cat claws popped out with sharp blades, and a cold light flashed in its eyes. In addition to intimidation, there is also a little urging.

"..." Kidd retracted his hand silently. Although he saw the claws successfully, he still felt that the cat was not trying to satisfy his curiosity, but threatening him... He couldn't compare the hardness with the alloy.

Kidd put the bracelet in his arms. Almost at the same time, the door was slammed open and a large number of police officers poured in.

——Police from other areas have received the signal sent by the Zhongsen Police Department just now, and are arriving here one after another for support.

Looking at the rapidly increasing number of police officers in the hall, Kidd did not stay any longer.

He took out the rope gun and raised his hand to nail the rope hook to the far window frame. He flew to the window, opened the tightly locked window a few times, and prepared to leave in style.

At this time, Baima Tan's faint voice came from behind: "Want to leave? Unfortunately, I have cut the rope you blackened and hid in the blind corner. I also helped you let go of the balloons of the same color hanging above."

Kidd looked at the broken rope in his hand: "..."

The cat above him sighed and patted his forehead dissatisfiedly like a supervisor.

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