Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 867 Black Cat and Doom

Kidd: "...?" Did he hear it wrong? Cats actually sigh? Is this really just a cat?

Think of the dark clouds and snowy cat that casually cut off the alloy chain with one claw. Think again about the black panther jumping back and forth between buildings carrying Jiang Xia...

Kidd was briefly lost in thought.

…Have today’s cats quietly evolved to this extent behind the backs of humans?

Or should I say that my previous guess was correct, that this was not an animal at all, but a monster similar in nature to the Kiriten Dog?

Many conjectures flashed through Kidd's mind, and he even wanted to take a closer look at the cat above him.

However, at this time, it was obviously not the time to dwell on these things - the retreat tools he had prepared in advance were cut off by the cunning detective. We have to think of other evacuation methods as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Kidd couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his eyes. He always felt that everything was inappropriate today... Originally, he was not superstitious. When he heard others say that "encountering a black cat means bad luck," he always scoffed.

But now...

Kidd thought of the cat above him that looked like an overseer inexplicably, and the extra-large black "cat" he bumped into before, carrying Jiang Xia on his back. Suddenly I felt that maybe the superstitious experience of the ancients was not unreasonable?

Of course, if you have to explain it scientifically, it can also be explained that Cheng Kidd has been fighting wits with the Zhongshan Police Department for too long, and suddenly he was replaced by the White Horse Detective, and he couldn't adapt temporarily...

Kidd thought of his consecutive mistakes tonight and the cat's disgusted expression. . . He pressed his forehead.

——There are too many things worth reflecting on in this operation.

But now is obviously not the right time to stop and reflect.

——Police officers who noticed something unusual poured in from the corridor one after another. Now that the gem has been obtained, we must leave quickly.

Kidd forcibly suppressed his complicated thoughts, maintained the poker face that a magician should have, and raised his hand to wave the cape behind him.

The soft and silky black technology cloak stretches and hardens instantly, transforming into a pair of glider wings.

When the cat hit me on the head just now, the top hat was a little crooked.

Kid straightened his hat calmly, maintaining the dignity expected of an internationally renowned monster thief. He looked at Detective White Horse and sneered: "The magician has prepared many layers of tricks in advance, which is not something that a middle-aged brat can see clearly. "

After dropping this cool line, before the police surrounded him.

Kidd stepped on the window sill and jumped out of the window. I planned to make a graceful exit from mid-air just like every time I succeeded.

This is not the top of the building, but in the middle, and there are many other buildings around it. The helicopters above could not land to track him, so he would be difficult to catch.

...Theoretically this should be the case.


In the exhibition hall. Baima Tan ran to the window, holding his hands on the window sill. Large snowflakes were blown in by the wind, fell on his face, and quickly turned into water. He looked at the figure soaring in the night and was silent for a moment.

After a moment, Baima Tan raised his hand expressionlessly and wiped away the water stains on his face.

He lowered his head and glanced at Watson, who was lying weakly next to him, with his feathers disheveled by the cat, and smoothed his fur. At the same time, he said softly as if talking to himself: "Tonight is a northwest wind, with a wind force of level 7. This Height and position, use a hang glider to fly at night... Tsk, the cat won't be thrown to death by that stupid phantom thief. It's rare to meet an animal as smart as you."... In fact, the white horse detective feels that the cat seems to be going to Be smarter. However, in front of Watson, I really have to save some face for the eagle...

Outside the building.

Kidd struggled to maintain the balance of his hang glider despite the strong wind and blizzard, his face turning pale.

He also knew that it was windy today. But there are too many police and security guards in the building, and they can also provide cyclic support.

Compared to staying inside and fighting with a group of people, the outside world is more free. Even if you fall into a mess, no one will see it - the Phantom Thief also wants to save face.

In addition, there is actually another reason for going here.

——According to Kidd's experience, the foggy dog ​​seems to be able to read newspapers, and then after he succeeds, the monster will suddenly appear on his retreat and eat the gems.

Based on this premise, Kidd felt that if he flew into the sky. Maybe you can encounter the foggy dog ​​who comes to rob you - and you will be robbed and robbed. At least that way you will be safe. After all, Wutian Dog's pair of flexible wings is more reliable than his stiff gliding wings at first glance.

However, Kidd held on to the crooked hang glider and struggled with the wind and snow for a long time, but he did not see any creatures suspected of being foggy dogs.

"..." Kidd froze his hands numb with cold and fell into deep thought: This weather is indeed not suitable for flying. He rarely encountered this situation in the past... Could it be that the foggy dog ​​also thinks the weather is bad, so he doesn't want to go out today?

Kidd slowly imagined a scene in his mind of the foggy dog ​​staying in his lair, warming himself comfortably by the fire, and leisurely watching the live broadcast of the theft on the mobile phone he gave him.

As I thought about it, I suddenly felt a little regretful.

——Had I known this, I might not have been so cool when I left the exhibition hall just now.

If Wutiangu saw the live broadcast just now, he felt that Kidd was fully prepared for his escape and gave up the original plan of "coming to help"...

While thinking, he had already flown out between the two buildings.

The helicopter overhead shrouded him, beams of light hitting him. The environment suddenly became brighter, interrupting Kidd's thoughts.

Kidd: "..." In such a strong wind, they still dare to fly a helicopter out to catch the Phantom Thieves. These police officers must be so dedicated!

He pressed the hang glider's joystick violently and barely dodged a catching net coming towards him.

But in the end he could no longer maintain his balance, and rolled around like a piece of paper caught in the turbulent flow and was blown away.

Eventually he fell headlong into a nearby skating rink and hit the tower in the middle of the rink.

The black technology cloak and hang glider played a protective role to some extent.

Coupled with Kidd's extraordinary skill, he did not fall into a meat pie on the spot. Finally, he stepped on the ground safely.

Unfortunately, the police also saw the direction Kidd fell.

——The police who were so embarrassed in the live broadcast tonight stepped on the accelerator of the police car and came straight here in anger.

Kidd heard the sound getting closer and closer, hissed, stood up and wanted to leave.

But as soon as he stepped onto the slippery ice, he staggered and almost fell.

Kidd has never attended a training class in Hawaii, although he has mastered many skills. But unfortunately, these skills do not include "skating".

Now, it happened to fall in the middle of the skating rink...

Kidd felt more and more that he was riddled with bad luck.

But now is obviously not the time to lament one's misfortune.

He fumbled in his prop bag and pulled out a surrogate ball - after knocking it open, it would inflate into a life-size "Phantom Thief Kidd" doll with a white cloak and white dress.

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