Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 868 How can I borrow vodka? Asking for monthly ticket ヾ()

The weight of the stand-in is very light.

Calculating the direction of the wind, as long as the balance of the doll is fixed when throwing it out, it should be able to attract the attention of the police.

Kidd thought that if the police chased the doll, he would have a better chance of escaping... I hope the police wouldn't be so smart that they split up into two groups.

Thinking like this, he planned to break the substitute ball.

However, just as he picked it up, his vision suddenly dimmed slightly - a figure fell behind him.

Kidd was sitting on the ground with his backlight, and at this moment, it seemed like a person stood up silently from behind him, staring at him with a ghostly gaze.

In the strong wind, a piece of white clothes was blown up by the wind and snow, and passed by Kidd's peripheral vision.

Kidd was startled, became alert, and turned his head sharply. . .

But before he could see the person behind him clearly, a hand struck from behind and landed precisely on the back of his neck.

This knock was like pressing a hidden mechanism.

Kidd's vigilance and resistance suddenly froze, and he fell to the ice with a slap due to the force of the knock.

——Even if you are a phantom thief with various tricks, you can't escape the law of "you will faint if you are knocked on the back of the neck". Kid's eyes quickly began to fog up, and he tried to look back. What finally fell into his eyes was a blurry figure wearing a kimono.

When Kidd saw this outfit, his heart skipped a beat - the police wouldn't be dressed like this to carry out official duties, and they wouldn't hit someone on the back of the neck as soon as they came up... Could there be someone else hiding and preparing to plot against him? This, this isn't some perverted murderer passing by, is it? ! Or the Phantom Thief Reaper?

However, no matter how vigilant I am. Kidd could only reluctantly scratch on the ice, his eyes slowly getting dark.

Behind him, "Miss Spider" in a white kimono raised her hand and grabbed the gauze hat blown by the wind.

Jiang Xia has abandoned the cat vest and replaced it with Miss Spider's puppet.

It held down the gauze cap and put it on again.

Then he glanced at Kidd on the ground: "..." He is indeed a person with the halo of the protagonist. With the same force, hitting the same position, Kidd even fainted slower than a normal person...

In the night, the sirens got closer and closer, and finally stopped at the entrance of the skating rink.

Jiang Xia didn't think about the relationship between knocking on the human body and the speed of fainting.

He squatted down, picked up the substitute ball that Kidd hadn't had time to use, and knocked the puppet inside out. Just put it in a downwind direction and let it slide along the ice.

He picked up Kidd and followed the area above where the helicopter's searchlight didn't shine. While the police were chasing the doll in a chaotic manner, he took advantage of the chaos and slipped away quietly.

Cat vest is equal to a certain amount of puppet clay. With the cat around, when switching to other vests, you no longer have to work hard to dispatch shikigami from the main body and condense clay - as long as other ghost fetuses are nearby, you can use the existing cats as raw materials to build a new vest.

Tonight, in order to ride the cat for a ride, Jiang Xia used more clay to pile up the cat than usual.

So now, even if it expands into a humanoid puppet, its strength is still higher than that of ordinary people.

This kind of puppet, which is not in its prime, may be a bit reluctant to use it to fight against those with high force value.

But a sneak attack on Kidd, who was wearing a thin dress, was stiffened by the northwest wind, fell hard on the ice, and had his hearing disturbed by the strong wind... was not too difficult.

There are helicopters stationed in the sky, so it stands to reason that the foggy dog ​​cannot fly over. If Kiriten Dog's vest is used to help the Phantom Thief escape at this time, it will be difficult to scientifically explain why Kiriten Dog appears here. The concept of "monster" has already been tap-dancing on the bottom line of Kidd's worldview. If you add "precognition" or "teleportation", it always feels like it will break the upper limit and cause unknown changes.

And if in the future, he drove Kiriten Dog's vest to Kidd's house for a courtesy visit, and when asking about Kuroba Toichi, Kidd also politely asked about Kiriten Dog's sudden appearance tonight...

So it's better to just change to a vest. Pick up the person and leave.

In this way, no matter how many mysteries there are, the effort of explanation can be saved.

——If you have more vests, it will be easier to kick the ball.

As for which vest to use specifically...

Just now, when Kidd was struggling to free himself from the rolled-up hang glider, Jiang Xia had already opened the cat, slipped out of Kidd's hat, and tried to glide on the ice secretly a few times.

Then it was regrettable to find that he was still lacking in opening the cat, and his level of skating was comparable to Kidd's skating.

With such a level of slipping and falling ten steps, even if a stand-in doll attracts the attention of the police, it will be difficult to escape gracefully.

"..." After silently putting "practice how to skate with a cat" on the agenda.

Jiang Xia began to count the other puppets.

Miyano Akemi, the mermaid and the parent ghosts are still next to the main body. Miyano Akemi's skills can make the main body invincible within one second, the mermaid can prevent water from flooding, and the parents and ghosts can prevent fire... When Jiang Xia wears a vest and wanders around in unfamiliar areas, he usually lets them stay next to the main body in shifts to deal with emergency.

And the remaining ghosts...

Xiaobai is still the figure of a primary school student, and it is too funny to run away with Kidd.

Matsuda Jinpei is now "Usa" in the eyes of outsiders. If he was caught running away with Kidd on his back and was photographed by the police, it would be too embarrassing and the organization would be very confused...

After all the calculations, only Miss Spider can do it.

And her tattoo is on her forehead. Usually when talking to people face to face, it is easy to be exposed, but if you pull the white gauze hat down a little, it is difficult to see from a distance.

On the white ice, this outfit is also a good camouflage.

The mental process of choosing a puppet didn't take long. After making the selection, Jiang Xia decisively switched from the black cat with white claws to Miss Spider in a kimono. Knock Kidd out and run away.

Sure enough, the police chased the stand-in.

After the stacker knocked it down, the police realized they had been deceived and immediately called for people to cordon off the skating rink and conduct a careful investigation.

However, Jiang Xia had successfully left before the encirclement net was formed.

——Miss Spider is a puppet that runs very fast. Although the kimono makes it difficult to move your legs, you can only walk at a small pace. But she can also poke out eight long, pointed spider legs from behind. In places with complex terrain, it is no slower than a car at full speed.

Jiang Xia took Kidd away and drank the ordinary gem without Pandora.

Then he threw the haggard gem into Kid's arms again, and threw Kid on the path that Terai Hinosuke must pass - this old man is often there to help him, and it is not difficult to find him by following his appearance pattern. .

Finished solving tonight's emergency. Jiang Xia dispersed the puppet and returned to his true body.

The ghosts and shikigami outside were also returned to the seal space in the heart with one click.

He returned home quickly afterwards and yawned

If the puppet is turned on for a long time, it will consume a lot of energy and make you easily sleepy.

Therefore, psychics who have ghosts never have to worry about insomnia.

Jiang Xia quickly lay down and planned to rest.

Before going to sleep, he remembered something and took out his cell phone to look at it.

I saw an additional message from Gin above.

——to discuss the various details of the vodka he will borrow tomorrow.

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