Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 869 I don’t want to go

A Tokyo street corner late at night.

In a black Porsche.

The slight sound of cell phone keys sounded from time to time.

Vodka was sitting in the driver's seat, looking forward without squinting, but his ears were secretly tingling, wishing he could identify what Gin had restored by relying on the sound of the buttons.

Vodka knew that what was happening had a lot to do with him - not long after Uzo sent the news about the person, Gin told him.

"..." It stands to reason that when cadres are performing important tasks, it won't be a big problem to send suitable teammates there.

But considering Uzo's bad habit of making fun of his teammates, even Gin, who believed in his ability, did not immediately agree to the matter.

——As a partner of vodka, gin is very easy to use, and I don’t want to change it yet. . .

But on the other hand, Uzo is busy with the organization after all. If there is a place where Vodka must appear, he cannot refuse it hastily.

So Ginjiu didn't agree immediately, but sent a message back to Jiang Xia and asked for more detailed information. Use this to judge the situation.

After several exchanges. There was sudden silence in the car.

The discussion between Ginjiu and Jiang Xia has come to an end.

Vodka sat upright calmly, looking to the side anxiously and expectantly.

Gin reached out his hand, smacked the cigarette that had been held between his fingers on the ashtray, and looked at him: "There will be nothing that needs you tomorrow, so go and help Uzo."


There was a roar in Vodka's head, and he felt a ball of lightning hit his head.

...Partnering with Uzo to handle tasks in the absence of his eldest brother?

When Vodka thought of the scene where he hummed to help Uzo, a few big words came to his mind - dig your own grave.

Digging your own grave in a physical sense.

"He promises not to touch you or drop any random hints. It's just what the mission requires."

Gin had worked with Vodka for a long time, so naturally he noticed that Vodka was uncomfortable at this time. He simply explained: "Thomas Sindora is an emperor and an international celebrity in the IT industry. He is tough and cunning enough to defeat anyone." In his eyes, there is a prey of sufficient weight - Uzo will not delay the grand finale planned for Sindora just to arrange for you."

Vodka: "But..." But there is no conflict between killing Thomas Sindora and killing him Vodka as a revenge.

Even in Uzzo's eyes, his vodka might have been a wonderful addition to Tomas Sindora's case - like a firework exploding in the corner of the screen during the finale. There is no contradiction between the two, and maybe it will be considered the finishing touch by Uzo...

Gin didn't mind the stiffness of the vodka.

Jiang Xia said that Vodka would come back safely in body and mind, and after careful confirmation by Gin, this was indeed "peace" in the literal sense that most people understood. Rather than some Uzo exclusive annotation.

In this case... Ginjiu felt that although Uzo was often confused when speaking, he always deliberately kept the topic vague when making promises. But on the other hand, promises like today's that have been clearly communicated and directly spoken by Uzo should still be effective.

Therefore, after standardizing the definition of the so-called "peace of mind and body".

Gin borrowed the vodka with some confidence.

——Thomas Sindora is indeed an extremely cautious person. Several assassinations organized by his colleagues in the United States failed. The United States is Thomas Sindora's home base, not the organization's home base. Today, Thomas Sindora does not know the distribution of the organization's power, and the actions of the organization in the United States are already strong enough. Therefore, after coming to Japan, Sindora may mistakenly think that what happened in the United States is the main event, and instead relax her vigilance here.

In this way, Gin felt that it was better to risk leaking secrets and spend a lot of manpower and material resources to organize an assassination. It would undoubtedly be much more efficient to let Uzo take the opportunity to use his covert assassination method to solve the task.

In comparison, Vodka was a little frightened during the mission, which was nothing at all.

And this can also train Vodka's mentality to some extent, so that he will not always be surprised when Uzo is mentioned.

After all, in Gin's view, Uzo and Vodka are both on his side, and there will be many opportunities for the two to cooperate in the future. Vodka will have to adapt sooner or later.

Gin has always been a neat person.

After making the decision, he ignored Vodka's hesitation and said bluntly: "The meeting time is 8:30 tomorrow evening. The back door of the club at 3-chome 15, Cupido-machi. Remember to put on a little disguise - it matches a The image of a detective’s assistant.”

Vodka said with a smile on his face: "Okay."

...He actually wanted to say "I'm not going!".

However, it was a pity that from the tone of Brother Gin's words, it seemed that there was no room for him to refute.

And this is indeed a high-stakes task. Vodka didn't dare to drag it away - it would be too funny if he ignored the overall situation, blindly avoided Uzo, angered Brother Gin or even that gentleman, and was eventually treated like trash... That would be ridiculous.

Such a simple trap, Vodka secretly thought, he must not jump.

But, when it comes to Uzo...

Vodka always felt that this little Yinbi had ill intentions towards him.

What was even more regrettable was that he found that he could not find any effective way to counter Uzo. Even his biggest supporter, Brother Gin, sometimes has a headache for that guy.

Vodka: "..." If the time had been advanced another half month, I could still have some hope of "using anesthetics and snacks to punish Uzo", take the snacks there to strengthen my courage, and then face Uzo with a normal heart.

But now...

Vodka remembered the numbing snacks he had made overnight to target Uzo's "weakness" of not paying much attention to what he put in his mouth.

In my impression, this pack of "Ouzo's special snacks" he planned was eaten three times in total.

——The first time was when Brother Gin found a package of drug-laced snacks in the car. In order to prove that he had no malicious intention of "poisoning Brother", Vodka tried to eat them on the spot and fell asleep on the spot.

The second time he met Uzo by chance, he handed Uzo a piece of cake very naturally. Unexpectedly, Uzo was not as talkative as before, so he stuffed the snack into the mouth of the vodka producer on the spot.

After Vodka woke up in a daze, he was brutally beaten by Uzo again. Bourbon discovered that his subordinates had been plotted, and felt that this was Vodka's provocation to him... Vodka was eaten again at gunpoint.

"..." After that time, Vodka fled all the way back to Tokyo. In a rage, he even threw away the oven. Seeing it would bring back bad memories.

Who knows now...

Vodka felt a little regretful.

If I had known this, I might as well have left the oven and made another pack overnight to try to defend myself.

...What if Uzo feels that he dare not use the same method twice, and dim sum can have a miraculous effect at a critical moment?

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