Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 875 Stalker

However, the psychic who did not wait for a good harvest was happy for too long.

The murderous aura in Vodka suddenly disappeared.

Jiang Xia: "...?"


Vodka was looking at Kenzaki Osamu gloomily. As he watched, he suddenly remembered something and turned secretly to Jiang Xia out of the corner of his eye.

Then, to his horror, he discovered that Uzuo was also secretly sizing him up.

"..." Vodka immediately put away all the negative emotions in his heart, gave up all possible illegal thoughts, raised his head and concentrated on admiring the moon in the sky.

Soon, relying on his keenness developed over many years of reading Gin's mind, he felt that Uzo seemed a little disappointed. . .

After being keenly aware of this change, Vodka secretly rejoiced in his heart - Uzo, this bastard, really had no good intentions. If he really did something to Osamu Kenzaki in anger and got caught by the police, things would be in trouble...

Thinking of this, Vodka pushed up his sunglasses silently and tried to build a positive mentality: he was a rational fan, and even if he really wanted Osamu Kenzaki, the annoying guy who stole his wife, to disappear, he couldn't really do anything to him.

Otherwise, even if he is lucky enough to escape police sanctions, Brother Gin will definitely be very dissatisfied with his initiative to expose himself. As a person who often comes into contact with Uzo, he must be wary of such changes that accumulate over time.

And Vodka feels that the resistance to this change has crystallized into the present, that is: don't be dissatisfied with Kenzaki Osamu, and welcome this bastard's upcoming engagement ceremony with a normal heart, or even a positive attitude.

Like a loyal assistant, Vodka waited for the three people next to him to finish talking, and when Kenzaki Osamu looked at him, he took the initiative to say hello and shake hands:

"Hello, I am Mr. Jiangxia's assistant - Yamada Taro. I have watched many dramas starring you."... This is true, but of course the vodka is not for Kenzaki Shu, but for other characters in the drama. Lovely idol.

Kenzaki Osamu was startled when he saw such enthusiasm for vodka. Just now, he thought this big man in black hated him. But now it seems... maybe it's an illusion? ——After all, both of them were wearing sunglasses at night. In such a dark environment, it was normal for them to misread their expressions with double layers of sunglasses on top of each other.

However, speaking of sunglasses...

Kenzaki Xiu touched his chin and suddenly felt a little confused: He was a celebrity, so it was a helpless move to wear sunglasses to hide his appearance at night. But this "Mr. Yamada" didn't know what the situation was.

Fortunately, Kenzaki Osamu has been an actor for a long time and has seen a lot of strange people, so he doesn't take this matter too seriously.

The four people who came to the party quickly formed a group and entered a high-end apartment nearby.

Vodka mingled silently among the other three.

While trying to reduce his sense of existence, he instinctively wrote down the location of the building and the room number - not that he wanted to be his idol's stalker, but the residence of his idol's wife would inevitably make him yearn for it, and he didn't even think about it. If you think about it more, your mind will already memorize the location.

The group of people quickly arrived at the door of the room.

Kinoshita Yoko raised her hand and pressed the doorbell.

After waiting for a while, no one responded.

Several people couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Jiang Xia frowned as if he suddenly remembered something, looked at the people around him, and said softly: "Is there anything going on? For example, there was a stalker who pretended to be a member of the party and opened the door. Go inside..."

As he spoke, he moved his hand hanging by his side slightly, and poked the vodka somewhere where no one could see it. His eyes were still scanning the three of them: "Why don't you try to open the door and take a look?"

Vodka: "..."

He was alert. But Uzuo was poking his spine quietly, and he didn't dare to pretend not to hear it.

And... Vodka does feel a little worried about the idol who lives here.

There was a fight between heaven and man in his mind for a moment, then he took a step forward and held the doorknob.

I was planning to break in as usual. But at this moment, Vodka suddenly realized something and changed his actions.

He thought that he couldn't reveal the behavior of criminals - now, the person in the house was probably a stalker, and he was a detective assistant and a righteous party. There is no need to be alert, you should be more confident, aboveboard, and not afraid of exposing your traces to the police.

"..." Speaking of which, this feeling of "I am justice" is really new. Is this one of the reasons why Uzo keeps pretending to be a righteous detective...

Vodka tried to analyze Jiang Xia's psychology and prepare for the future of knowing ourselves and our enemies.

Holding the door handle, he opened the door with a click.

As soon as the door opened, there was a frightened roar in the room - there was a person standing silently in the hallway behind the door.

As the drink rang out, the tennis racket held high in the man's hand fell down in the wind, hitting Vodka's head with a thud.

Vodka: "..."

He was stunned for a moment and fell to the ground. Immediately afterwards, anger surged in my heart - what idiot was deceived by Uzo again and actually hid behind the door and beat people!

Vodka raised his head angrily.

A fluttering skirt catches the eye.

In front of him was a beautiful girl with short hair. She looked like she had just grown up. She was wearing a light green dress that hung down to her knees. Following the fierce beating just now, the skirt flew up and down again like a blooming lotus leaf. Vodka was sitting on the ground, her skirt fluttering in front of him.

Vodka: "..."

He suddenly froze in anger, and after a moment, his muscular face turned red silently.

——If it were another woman, Vodka wouldn’t be as fierce as Huaichun.

But now, he recognized it instantly.

——This, isn’t this Kaoru Kusano! The youngest member of the Earth Lady team is like a green grassland that is always full of vitality. Every time she appears, fans feel like they are being washed by the fresh wind and their eyes are brightened.

Kaoru Kusano held the tennis racket that was smashed by Vodka's head. He looked at the racket and then at the man's intact head, and was equally startled.

——She is Kinoshita Yoko’s friend who encountered a “stalker”.

During this time, strangers would ring her doorbell suddenly. So just now, when she heard the doorbell ringing, Kaoru Kusano peeked out of the keyhole, spotted the unfamiliar vodka, and immediately thought it was a stalker coming to the door.

So, while other friends were at home, Kaoru Kusano picked up a tennis racket and lurked behind the door, intending to take down the guy who made her irritated in one fell swoop.

However, what I didn't expect was that after one blow, the tennis racket was broken, but the people on the ground seemed not to be affected at all...

Kaoru Kusano stepped back a little warily.

But soon, as her eyes moved, she saw the other three people in the corridor clearly.

——Two of them are her old acquaintances, Kinoshita Yoko and Kenzaki Osamu. The other one is a high school detective who has been in the limelight recently. All can give her a strong sense of security.

While Kaoru Kusano breathed a silent sigh of relief, he realized with embarrassment that he seemed to have hit the wrong person.

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