Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 876 Let me see what Uzuo is thinking. Please give me your monthly voteヾ(

Chapter 876 Let me see what Uzo is thinking. Please vote for me ()

Yoko Kinoshita briefly introduced the two parties.

"I'm so sorry. You came to help, but I slapped you." Kaoru Kusano rubbed the back of his head and looked at Vodka, "I thought it was a stalker who came to harass me again..."

Vodka waved his hand nonchalantly, with a look of indifference on his face like "I don't remember the faults of villains." In my heart, I replayed the scene just now happily, and my heart seemed to be filled with pink bubbles.

At the same time, he couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

Uzo must have wanted to use the incident of "being beaten innocently" to anger him and make him less calm... Hehe, people who have never chased stars are naive. What happened if you were accidentally hit by your idol? Miss Axun is not very strong. If he has any dissatisfaction, it is that Miss Axun uses a racket when hitting people. . . If you could just run over and hit him on the chest with your hands...

Vodka is not angry at all now. He even wants to say a gentlemanly "It's my honor to be beaten by you" and let the scene happen again... But he doesn't want to expose his emotions and thoughts to Uzo.

So in the face of Kaoru Kusano's repeated apologies, Vodka has always been very cold.

Kaoru Kusano looked at his indifferent expression, feeling really guilty in his heart.

——Idols bullying ordinary people is a stain that can ruin a person's reputation. Their firm has had similar precedents. Some of their seniors were even involved in murder cases and unfortunately became victims in the cases.

And what happened just now... although she didn't mean it. But after all, it happened.

Seeing that being cute about vodka didn't work, Kaoru Kusano had to step up his explanation: "There have been more and more stalkers lately, and there are always people ringing the doorbell to harass me. Almost every time I hear the doorbell ring, I look out through the keyhole. You can see all kinds of unknown men. It was the same just now. So I was not careful..."

"It doesn't matter." Vodka's tone was still calm, with a hint of coldness.

Jiang Xia: "..."

...Although there was no evidence, he always felt that Vodka's mood seemed to be getting better and better. The murderous aura that had arisen just now because "Kenzaki Shuu was beside me" was now gone.

"..." As a mature psychic, Jiang Xia doesn't have much obsession with the murderous aura of vanilla ice cream.

But look at the ghosts surrounding the vodka...

Jiang Xia cleared her throat, interrupted the conversation between Vodka and Kaoru Kusano as if nothing had happened, and directed the topic elsewhere.

He looked at Kaoru Kusano: "Is the friend Miss Yoko mentioned who is getting married soon, that's you?"

"Yes!" Kaoru Kusano was also happy to bypass the topic just now.

She nodded, happily walked around a few people, hugged Kenzaki Shu's arm, and snuggled up to him with a happy look on her face: "We plan to hold a formal wedding ceremony next spring. Remember to come and play again then!"

Vodka: "..." His gaze under his sunglasses moved and fell faintly on Kaoru Kusano's arm holding Kenzaki Osamu. His mood, which was floating in the sky, suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley.

Jiang Xia smelled the cool sweetness gradually coming out of the air, and felt a lot more comfortable.

When talking to Kaoru Kusano again, his tone became even more intimate: "The two of you really seem to be a good match - Speaking of which, I saw you two in the same frame when I was watching Detective Zuo Moji. Your fate started from that time Did it start?”

"That's right."

Someone answered this question warmly.

But the person who spoke was not Kaoru Kusano or Osamu Kenzaki.

——The door of Kaoru Kusano's house rang, and someone pushed the door open and came in again. It's not far from the door. The new person who came in obviously heard Jiang Xia's question outside the door and answered it.

Jiang Xia turned around and saw that a woman with long hair was coming.

The woman looked mature and charming, with light brown curly hair hanging down over her chest. She pushed her hair back behind her shoulders, revealing her beautiful shoulders under the translucent tulle. Then she closed the door, put down her heavy bag, and naturally inserted herself into the topic:

""Detective Zuomonji" should be regarded as the scene where Kaoru and Mr. Kenzaki fell in love - the TV station will rebroadcast that episode soon. We are planning to help them relive that memorable episode tonight Woolen cloth."

Yue Yexue spoke with a comfortable rhythm. She half-closed her eyes and whispered longingly: "We met and fell in love on the screen, but off the screen we have reached the key point of victory, marriage. In this way It’s so sweet and enviable to receive blessings from friends while comparing the beginning and end.”

Kenzaki Osamu and Kusano Kaoru looked at each other and smiled.

Yue Yexue laughed, then turned her wrist and looked at her watch: "Sorry, I'm late for my haircut. It happens to be the weekend, and there are a lot of people in the beauty room."

Vodka didn't care about the woman being late at all, and felt happy and secretly excited.

——Another one came, this time it was Yue Yexue.

In addition, Kaoru Kusano and Ms. Yoko, who had just given him a blow of love... In total, there was only one missing from his original dream - the Earth Lady Team...

Just as he was thinking, as if he could hear his heartbeat, the door clicked open again.

A woman with half-length hair and a neat low ponytail appeared at the door, holding a slender lady's cigarette between her lips.

When Kaoru Kusano raised his head and saw her, he raised his eyebrows in surprise: "...Why are you here?"

Hoshino Terumi snorted softly: "If Yoko didn't ask me to come over anyway, who would be willing to step into your door? If you have any objections, then I will leave..." She said, holding on The door has not yet been completely closed, and he is ready to leave.

But at this time, Hoshino Terumi glanced at everyone in the room.

When his eyes fell on Jiang Xia, he was slightly startled.


After a while, Hoshino Terumi calmly took a step into the room and let go of her hand.

The spring-loaded door closed automatically, clicking shut behind her.

Hoshino Terumi calmly blended into the "party members". I just skipped over half of what I said just now.

Although Vodka was vaguely aware of the violation of Hoshino Terumi's actions before and after, he had no time to think about it at this time. All he could think about was - after the Earth Lady Team disbanded, they reunited again! What's even better is that his vodka is also in it...

The team name "Earth Ladies Team" combines the names of the four members.

——Among them, Kaoru Kusano symbolizes the lush green prairie, lively and full of youthful atmosphere; Yukino Yuki represents the snow-covered mountain tops, mysterious and fascinating; Hoshino Terumi represents the twinkling stars in the night sky, Out of reach but dazzling; Kinoshita Yoko is like the sparkling blue sea, gentle and full of tolerance.

The four were once very popular, but unfortunately they disbanded once their heyday was over. Countless fans regret this. It is precisely because of this that the current reunion is extremely precious.

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