Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 877 Change your signature - Happy New Year's Eve!

Vodka mingled with the reunited Earth Lady team. Looking around, he felt a sense of "no regrets in this life" for a moment: Although Uzo must have bad intentions, he is really happy now.


Vodka came back to his senses a little, and suddenly thought: What does coming to have a happy gathering with idols have to do with tomorrow's game conference?

After thinking for a moment, he gave up.

"..." Forget it, this is Uzo's problem anyway.

With Brother Gin taking care of things, even if something went wrong, Uzo would definitely not be able to blame him, Vodka, because he was only here to assist.

Thinking of this, Vodaf took a deep breath, calmed down, and continued to mingle in the party as calmly as possible.

Although Hoshino Terumi has not finished what she just said, everyone can hear that the completion of the sentence is "If you are not happy, then I will leave."

Although I don't know why, after Hoshino Terumi said that, she didn't turn around and go out, but came in instead.

But Kinoshita Yoko was still worried that Kaoru Kusano and Terumi Hoshino would continue to quarrel, and that Terumi Hoshino would really leave in the end - she didn't know what problems had gone on between the two. . . But a few years ago, the Earth Lady team was disbanded precisely because of differences between Kaoru Kusano and Terumi Hoshino.

So Kinoshita Yoko rushed up to meet her, hugged Hoshino Terumi's arm, and pulled her deeper into the room: "Our Earth Lady Team has finally gathered together. We are already here. Why are we going back in the middle? Come in and have a rest."

Hoshino Terumi held her cigarette in her mouth and said nothing, which was considered as "Come in and take a rest." And really following Kinoshita Yoko's movements, he moved far away from the gate and came into the crowd.

When passing by Jiang Xia, Hoshino Terumi turned to look at him.

Looking at each other at close range, she quickly looked away. His face was still cold, but there was a faint blush on his cheeks.

Vodka: "...?"

He happened to be standing nearby and had a panoramic view of everything.

After discovering this change, Vodka slowly came to his senses and suddenly became alert: Why did he think the look in the eyes of Miss Terumi when she looked at Uzo was so similar to the look in the eyes of fans when they looked at their idol? ? ...She, she wouldn't be a fan of Uzo, right? ! Isn't Miss Terumi the most mature and calm person in the team? Keep your eyes open and see clearly the true nature of Uzo!

The corners of Vodka's eyes jumped sharply, and he wanted to run over and shake the person awake.

But then I thought about it, if the idols really saw Uzo so "clearly", then today, they might not have the guts to invite such a thing to their party. And he, Vodka, would have no chance to meet his idol...

Thinking of this, Vodka couldn't help but think about the upcoming party where four beautiful idols would gather together, the sumptuous dinner with beauties, and the future of sitting among them, hugging each other, happily watching TV series...

This is paradise.

Some yearning just emerged in my heart, and before I could imagine the details, the word "paradise" made Vodka wake up.

"..." He cleared his throat nonchalantly, and his thoughts returned to reality.

——Calm down, maintain a peaceful attitude, and don’t panic or be overly happy.

Otherwise, we might really go to "heaven"...

And, on the other hand, the brighter the future is, the more worrying it is for vodka.

——There was also an Uzo sitting next to him.

Can this pervert who likes to play with people's hearts really allow this kind of happy and harmonious scene to happen...

Except for the psychic and the ghosts hanging on the vodka. No one cares about the mood change of vodka.

Occasionally, someone glances at him, and they only feel that Jiang Xia, the assistant, seems to like to be distracted; maybe it is because as a detective assistant, he likes to think deeply at any time.

As the person who brought Jiang Xia and Vodka here, Kinoshita Yoko introduced the two parties to each other.

While Hoshino Terumi listened carefully, she put out the cigarette in her hand in the ashtray. Then she took out a small bottle, turned her back, secretly sprayed some floral-scented spray into her mouth, and dispersed it. smoke.

After doing this, she turned around and walked next to Jiang Xia as if nothing had happened, as if she was standing here by chance, or as if she was waiting for something.

The two looked at each other silently for a while.

After a while, Jiang Xia gradually showed a confused look.

"..." Hoshino Terumi subconsciously touched the cigarette case, then pushed it back after regaining consciousness. Finally, she took a deep breath, looked Jiang Xia up and down, and suddenly said, "Don't you have anything to do? "

Jiang Xia: "...?" I really want to get some fresh murderous aura, but Hoshino Terumi doesn't have it...

Hoshino Terumi was silent for a moment, and sighed with a hint of melancholy: "It seems that I am a bit outdated. The young people I met in the past always liked to ask for an autograph from me..."

"..." Jiang Xia was startled and finally understood why she kept looking at him.

He waved his hand: "How could it be outdated? You are still so young and your career is on the rise - I really like the dramas you filmed and have followed many of them."

The second half is mixed with a little water.

The first half of the sentence is quite true: Although the Earth Lady Team was disbanded, after that, the four people each concentrated on what they were really good at, and all of them developed better and better - even the disbanded "Earth Lady Team" "Being able to achieve such fame and become a permanent regret in the hearts of countless fans is inseparable from the current popularity of the four people.

"I actually brought a blank signature book." Jiang Xia added, "I just think that signing at this time will remind you of your state at work and disturb your relaxed mood at the party - originally I wanted to see the situation after the party is over. want."

"That's it." Hoshino Terumi's eyes lit up slightly, and the thin blush on her cheeks appeared again. She tried hard to maintain a calm tone and raised her chin, "What does it matter? It's just a signature. It won't take long. ——Of course, if you really feel bad about it, you can exchange autographs with me. You happen to be a famous detective too, so I’m not at a loss... I didn’t bring an autograph book, so I’ll tear a page from your autograph book, don’t you mind."

"Of course." Jiang Xia showed a little "surprise" expression.

Then he turned his head and looked at Vodka.

——Jiang Xia carries a lot of business cards, but she doesn’t really have anything like an autograph book.

But he knew that Vodka, the "detective assistant", must have it.

——In the club just now, Vodka excused himself to go to the bathroom and went out on the way.

When he came back, Jiang Xia always felt that something was wrong with Vodka's wide suit: the muscles and edges in some places became too clear.

After letting Gui Chuanmo go in and take a look, he found a blank autograph book stuffed in his vodka jacket. Afterwards, while Jiang Xia and Kinoshita Yoko were drinking tea and chatting, he secretly hid the blank signature book in his bag.

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