Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 880 Uzo’s sugar-coated bullets Happy New Year (σ≧▽≦)σ

"Then..." Hoshino Terumi recalled Kinoshita Yoko's "celebration plan" and her toes hidden in her pointed high heels curled up silently.

But soon, she glanced at Jiang Xia from the corner of her eye, suddenly thought of something, cleared her throat, and whispered like a mosquito, "Okay... I'll go to the living room to put down my luggage first."

Then he picked up his bag and pushed the door open into the living room.

Kinoshita Yoko paused while flipping through the package and looked at the closed door, a little surprised: "... Terumi is really easy to talk to today. I thought that with her relationship with Xiaoxun, we would have to persuade her for a long time."

"Although it doesn't look like it, Terumi actually has a good temper and doesn't really care about that - you see, she even brought the clothes she needed. She just resisted with her mouth." Yue Yexue smiled in a low voice. , "Xiao Xun takes a long time to take a bath every time. Let's rehearse it first and then go change clothes..."

Jiang Xia stood next to the vodka for a while and counted the amount of vanilla ice cream that was entered.

As he clicked, he suddenly remembered something and looked towards the balcony.

"..." Speaking of which, I passed by a single-family house when I came here, especially the house number hanging on it. He looked familiar.

When no one was paying attention, Jiang Xia walked to the semi-open balcony, pushed the door open and walked to the railing, and looked out.

Kaoru Kusano lives on the eighth floor of a high-end apartment.

Next to her is the high-end new community built by Fengyuan Construction Company. Most of them are single-family houses with gardens and high walls.

Jiang Xia looked down, his eyes sweeping over the houses with their own characteristics, and finally landed on one of them.

It was late at night, the lights were on and the curtains were drawn.

Jiang Xia stared at the curtains for a while, then paused for a moment and noticed a sense of peeping - there was a vague figure at the corner of the curtains. An eye was peeking out from the crack.

The straight line distance between the two sides is not that far.

Jiang Xia moved his hand on the inside of the railing and poked the foggy dog, asking him to go over and take a look at the situation.

At this time, an artificial sound effect of "Clang, Clang, Clang—" suddenly came from behind.

Jiang Xia turned around and took a look.

Then Kinoshita Yoko finally finished her rummaging work. At this time, she found a set of clothes from her bag and shook them out.

——Shorts, navel-baring top, gauze white gloves, and white boots of the same style. There is also a hairpin with two stars with the same tentacles on it.

...Compared to "Earth", this looks more like an alien's outfit.

"These are the clothes we wore when we debuted. They are very commemorative." Yoko Kinoshita was afraid that Jiangxia and "Assistant Mr. Yamada" did not know, so she explained to them in a low voice, "We plan to wear this outfit and re-sing the debut theme song at that time. Then pull Xiaoxun to sing together, and finally send her my blessings!"

Vodka looked at the clothes and listened to Miss Yoko's words, his heart beat violently: I never expected that there would be such a repertoire, this trip is so worth it!

Going out with Uzo can actually bring you such benefits...

In Vodka's heart, his favorable impression of "Uzo" has silently increased a lot.

A second later, when he habitually examined the changes in his heart, Vodka suddenly noticed this and became alert.

Yoko Kinoshita is obsessed with organizing activities.

She lowered her head and looked at the overly lively debut uniform in her hand, looked left and right, sighed sheepishly, and suddenly understood why Hoshino Terumi hesitated just now: "...I didn't feel anything at all at the time, now I'm wearing this ...It seems a bit shameful.”

Jiang Xia leaned on the railing and turned around, praising skillfully: "How is that possible? You will definitely look good in it."

Vodka was silent on his face, nodding crazily in his mind: It seems that Uzo can occasionally speak a few human words... However, maybe this is just another form of devil's whisper, but he didn't hear the deep meaning. …

Just as he was thinking about it, Vodka noticed that Jiang Xia turned back and looked outside the balcony.

Then he asked curiously: "Speaking of which, who live there? The courtyard wall seems to be higher than the common single-family house."

Kinoshita Yoko thought for a moment, then shook her head without finding anything: "I'm not sure."

She doesn't usually live here, nor does she often go to Kaoru Kusano's house. Both of them are very popular idols and have been very busy. They meet occasionally and usually make appointments outside.

Broker Jian Xiong Du has some knowledge of this area:

"You are talking about those new concept mansions. They were built last year as a pilot project. Several large companies cooperated. The security measures are very complete. Several wealthy presidents live in them. However, because of the excessively high Courtyard walls tend to make people feel trapped, and some people feel that the security system is too high-tech and has too many cameras, making it seem like they are being watched all the time and feel insecure, so it has not been promoted.”

Speaking of this, Xiong Du remembered that Jiang Xia was investigating the stalker, and suddenly realized that there might be some perverts among rich people. Maybe the stalker is one of these "neighbors."

He suddenly became serious.

While talking, Jian Xiong Du had already walked to the balcony, pointing at several occupied houses, intending to tell Jiang Xia in detail.

But I just entered the balcony and looked outside.

I saw one of the independent houses, and the wall lamp at the entrance of the courtyard suddenly flickered rhythmically.

——Looking carefully, three short, three long, and three short... turned out to be an SOS signal.

Jian Xiong stared at the light for a moment, recognizing its meaning, but his expression showed little nervousness:

"This should be because the security device was triggered. For the 'absolutely safe' advertisement they advertised back then, the system was set up to be too sensitive. Even if it was adjusted after it was built, the sensitivity is still too high."

As he spoke, Jian Xiongdu took advantage of the lights in the single-family courtyard to take stock of the situation, and found that it was quite peaceful inside and outside the house: "It seems that this time it was also accidentally triggered - in addition to the courtyard lights, the warning device will also directly notify the owner of the house. And the security booth. After a while, a security guard should come over to check.

"Actually, this is a kind of disturbance to the owner - Xiaoxun thought about moving in at first, but later we found that if the stalker really wanted to tease her, then those people wouldn't have to go there at all. Ring the doorbell. Just throw something into the yard from a distance where the camera can't capture it, and the alarm will be triggered, making things even more troublesome."

"It sounds like the practicality is indeed average." Jiang Xia looked down at the flickering light bulb at the entrance of the courtyard and sighed with some worry:

"But it's late at night. If something happens... I'd better go over and check out the situation. Maybe I can meet the residents inside and see what kind of person they are."

Jian Xiong responded, feeling that Jiang Xia was investigating a stalker. I was immediately impressed by his efficiency and mobility. nodded.

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