Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 883 You plotted against me

"..." Jiang Xia drove the cat and looked at the dark back of the black cat blending into the night. The claws under her body curled up unconsciously: This cat's claws feel good when stepped on... It's a pity that it ran too fast, and it looked like He is a good and peaceful cat. There is no reason to catch the cat and trample it for no reason. Besides, there is still business to do now.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia sighed regretfully and continued to move along the original route, carefully avoiding some of the thin warning lines in the yard, and came to a place where the door of the house could be seen.

Two security guards were at the door, one of them rang the doorbell anxiously. The other one was pressing his cell phone, planning to break in and check the situation after turning on the recording.

But not before they walked in the door.

The doorknob moved and someone opened the door from inside.

The two security guards raised their heads and met a blank and pale face. . . The two of them were startled, their hairs stood up, and they instinctively raised the various explosion-proof devices in their hands.

"What are you doing?" The person who opened the door noticed their actions and said with dissatisfaction, "Do you want to attack the owner?!"


The security guards made a move, and were so excited by these words that they woke up.

After pushing the terrifying thought of "knocking on the door to reveal a ghost" out of their minds, the two slowly understood what had happened.

——The person who opened the door was, of course, not a ghost, but a slender woman.

The woman was wrapped in a white bathrobe and a white shower cap, her hair was all tied into the hat, and she had a white mask on her face. The whole body is white, and the plain skin color... makes her look particularly scary at night.

"Ah, I'm sorry, we didn't mean to attack you." The security guard came to his senses, looked at his watch, and explained, "Three minutes ago, at 8:57, we detected that your warning device was triggered, so Come over and check the situation - well, nothing happened, what happened just now?"

They held pens and wanted to record why the alarm was triggered.

The woman snorted coldly and said impatiently: "I still want to ask you! Nothing happened to me. OK, why are the alarms going off?"

Jiang Xia was driving the cat, hiding in the grass, listening intently to the conversation.

At this time, not far behind, a "meow" sound suddenly came. The sound was very long and very obvious in the night.

Jiang Xia was startled and turned back quickly.

Just in time, he saw a black cat shouting behind him, then turned around and ran away, sliding away through the grass.

Almost at the same time, a beam of light came over and landed accurately on Jiang Xia.

Followed by the security guard's voice, he nudged his companion next to him with his elbow: "Look, there is a cat in the yard! The cat probably triggered the alarm by mistake."

As they spoke, the two took out some long poles from the large tool bag and put them together several times to form a catching net - similar ones had appeared in other households before. Condition. Although the walls of these single-family homes are high and polished, it is inevitable that some cats with extraordinary talents will sneak in and trigger the alarm by mistake.

Jiang Xia looked at the approaching security guards and then at the catching net in their hands: "...?"

He actually...

Framed by a cat?

Jiang Xia was silent for a moment, driving the cat to avoid the catching net swung down by the security guard.

Then before the two of them could react, they ran to the door of the yard, raised their paws and knocked on the closed iron door, then looked back at the security guard.

"..." The two security guards looked at each other and walked to the door in surprise.

The black cat with white paws clung to the door. And with the door blocking it, the round catching net is difficult to use.

The security guards hesitated for a moment, then carefully stretched out their hands and tried to push the courtyard door out.

Just after pushing out a gap, the cat nimbly passed through the crack in the door and quickly disappeared into the night.

Security guard: "..." Is it an illusion? Why did it feel like the cat nodded politely to them before leaving...

The two of them were staring at the back of the cat in the dark clouds and snow in a daze, when their ankles suddenly felt itchy.

When they looked down, they saw another black cat slipping out of the door and running away quickly, brushing against their feet.

Security guard: "...?" Why is there another one?

The two hesitated for a moment and began to think about whether to return to the yard and continue to check for other possible cats.

But now, there is no evidence that there are other cats in the yard.

They looked back at the door and saw that it had been closed: the owner looked like he didn't want to be disturbed by the property anymore.

"..." Thinking about the owner's bad temper, the two security guards didn't go back after all.

I happened to have all the tool kits in my hands. The two closed the courtyard door and prepared to leave.

When turning around, one of them couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: "I was really shocked just now - it's so scary for a woman to put on a facial mask at night..."

"Indeed." The other one nodded with lingering fear, and after a moment, he said slightly doubtfully, "But why do I feel that this house owner is particularly scary? When she opened the door just now, I actually felt like I was seeing a monster. , I always feel like something is not quite right..."

Just as he was muttering, there was suddenly the sound of approaching footsteps.

The security guards looked at each other and shut up at the same time - service comes first, and no matter how much employees like to complain about customers behind their backs, they cannot let outsiders hear.

...However, it’s already this time, who is still lingering around?

The two security guards became alert and turned to look.

I saw a young man approaching.

When they got closer, the two of them recognized him through the stable wall lamp at the entrance of the courtyard.

——It’s the high school detective Jiang Xia who always appears on TV and newspapers recently.

...but for some reason, Jiang Xia was holding a black cat in her arms. The cat was in a daze, as if it was holding two coils of mosquito coils in front of its eyes, as if it wanted to run away, but couldn't get up. In the end, it could only lie down and let it be touched, and occasionally let out a humiliating "meow".

"Hello." Jiang Xia pinched the helpless cat's paw, shook it towards the two security guards, and said hello, "I'm visiting a friend nearby. I just saw the courtyard lights here flashing, so I wanted to come over and take a look. Situation—what happened?”

As he spoke, that weird sense of voyeurism came again. It seemed like someone was watching him secretly.

Jiang Xia raised her head, glanced at the round surveillance camera hanging at the door of the yard, and then looked away.

Opposite, the security guard breathed a sigh of relief when he discovered that the person coming was a righteous detective and not a suspicious person.

The two were surprised by the owner when they came to work late at night, and they initially complained.

But at this time, seeing the young detective being so diligent and taking the initiative to work overtime, the security guards' ambition was vaguely stinging.

One of them apologized: "I'm causing you trouble - it's actually nothing serious, it's just that two cats accidentally entered here and triggered the alarm..." At this point, he couldn't help but glance at the cat in Jiang Xia's arms and felt A bit like the one that snuck out later.

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