Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 884 Selling oneself to pay off debts

But if you think about it carefully, there are actually many black cats, and such a flexible creature is unlikely to be caught with bare hands. This is probably just a coincidence - the cat held by the detective opposite may have been brought by the detective. .

So the security guards pretended not to see the cat again, and continued what they had just said: "But don't worry, we have driven the cat away."

"That's it..." Jiang Xia nodded and couldn't help but glance at their tool kit with the catching net: What do you mean by driving away? The cat obviously left on its own and even knocked on the door...

But then I thought about it, what does the misunderstanding between humans and cats have to do with him, a passing detective?

He is just an enthusiastic passerby who does not know the truth.

After pretending to understand the situation, Jiang Xia said goodbye to the two of them.

Wait for the two security guards to pack the tools into the car and drive away.

Jiang Xia put the knocked-out cat on her shoulders and temporarily had a handsome cat shawl.

After that, he glanced at the word "児岛" on the house plate with his peripheral vision. He remembered something and didn't go back directly. Instead, he went to the nearby vending machines.

He hesitated for a while over various drinks to kill time. . . In the end, I didn’t buy anything and took a shortcut to go back to the apartment.

When passing through the alley between the courtyard wall and the parking lot. Suddenly there were footsteps following behind.

The sound echoed in the narrow alley, getting closer and closer.

Jiang Xia originally wanted to pretend not to hear.

But the person following him didn't seem to have any intention of concealing his presence. He didn't run lightly at all. His high heels clicked on the ground, and his movements were only slightly more concealed than Gin's shooting.

Jiang Xia: "..."

He had no choice but to turn around and take a look.

Almost at the same time, a figure quickly rushed towards him and hugged his arm like a life-saving straw.

Then the woman stopped, leaned down and gasped for air, as if something terrible was chasing her behind her.

Jiang Xia helped the person with one hand and straightened the black cat that almost slipped with the other hand, and glanced behind the woman meaningfully.

Then she let out a sigh of regret: Although the person involved looked very frightened, there was no murderous pursuer behind her.

Jiang Xia lowered his head and looked at the person in front of him again, remembering that this was an acquaintance - a woman with long straight hair, a slender figure, but not weak in strength. She always came to the detective agency every now and then to look for cats. Jiang Xia had a good impression of her. In those days when he didn't have cats, he often stole Rua's stuffed dolls from his client.

In addition, in the case where Okiya Subaru was interviewed, the gems in the woman's store were robbed - this was the unlucky jewelry store manager, Chihiro Kojima.

"Manager of the Erdao store?" Jiang Xia asked with concern, "Are you okay? What happened? Speaking of which, just now I saw the alarm of a single-family house over there went off. The sign on their door happened to also have the surname Er. island."

Qiandao Qianxun dragged Jiang Xia, her heart beating extremely violently for various reasons.

When Jiang Xia mentioned "alarm", her expression suddenly became a little frightened.

But the night was getting dark at this time, and after her long hair was down, it blocked her face from the side. Theoretically, Jiang Xia should not be able to see the change in her expression.

Thinking of this, Qiandao Qianxun gradually calmed down.

She straightened up and looked at Jiang Xia, then looked at the way she came from behind, but hesitated: "Actually..."

Before she could finish speaking.

A flashlight suddenly came over and illuminated her face to face.

Followed by a stern inquiry: "I am the police, what happened here?"

Kodao Qianxun was shocked and shut her mouth tightly.

She looked over Jiang Xia's shoulder and looked in the direction of the light.

With the light behind him, his vision was blocked, but Chihiro Kodao could still vaguely see some flashing police lights. Like a police motorcycle on patrol.

This section of the road is relatively narrow, and the people living around it are more or less people of some social status.

Therefore, patrol police will pay special attention when passing by here.

Just now, the little patrolman who came to patrol the area faintly heard the sound of running and violent breathing. He suspected that something had happened, so he lit up the light to observe suspiciously.

Beams of light illuminate the alley.

After a while, the patrolman looked at the man and woman in the alleyway, lost in thought.

Contrary to what he thought, there did not seem to be any vicious incidents such as "robberies" or "hooliganism in deep alleys" - looking at the postures of the two people in the alley, it was obvious that the woman was holding on to the man. The woman was more frightened when she suddenly saw the police.

Moreover... the patrolman touched his chin and reasoned rigorously: Moreover, the lady was quite beautiful. When the man heard the police coming, he did not ask for help... No matter who was harassing whom, this was not true.

...It seems that I am overthinking it?

The panic on the woman's face just now may not be because she is afraid of the police, but she is simply shy.

After coming to this conclusion, the patrol officer was a little embarrassed and politely withdrew: "Sorry to bother you. If anything happens, please contact the police in time."

Then he turned off the flashlight, got into the car, passed through the alley, and rode away.

Jiang Xia: "..."

Kodao Qianxun was also startled for a moment. She didn't expect the police to act so decisively.

Just as she was thinking about it, Jiang Xia patted her: "How about we go sit on the bench first? Relax and talk slowly."

A few minutes later.

Kojima Chihiro fell down on the bench with weak legs. Thinking of the stupid things she had done tonight, her forehead throbbed with pain.

Jiang Xia walked to the vending machine nearby, bought two cans of hot coffee, unscrewed it and handed one to her. Her actions were full of humanistic care, as if she was still the friendly private detective.

Chihiro Kodao held the coffee with both hands and carefully absorbed the heat from it.

Feeling Jiang Xia's meticulous attitude toward customers, she drank the can of coffee slowly, feeling a war between heaven and earth in her heart.

By the time she drank more than half of the bottle, Chihiro Odao had become much more awake. She became bolder again, and gradually began to regret that she suddenly ran over and grabbed Jiang Xia.

After a while, she finally made up her mind.

"Actually, I..." Kodao Chihiro gritted his teeth, "Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that when I was walking in the alley just now, I was frightened by the echo of my own footsteps and thought someone was following me. I happened to see you in front, so I I’m catching up with you…”

Jiang Xia stood next to her, opened the can, took a sip, and nodded, with an expression like "Speak slowly, I'm listening."

Kodao Chihiro secretly breathed a sigh of relief and was about to find an excuse to end the conversation and go home quickly.

However, at this time, several messy flashlight lights, accompanied by chaotic footsteps, quickly approached from the corner.

Jiang Xia turned around and saw a familiar patrolman rushing out of the corner, followed by a group of people.

——The little patrol officer who had just met looked around and quickly fixed his eyes on Jiang Xia and Erdao Qianxun.

After a moment, the patrolman suddenly raised his hand and pointed at them firmly: "Officer Sato, it's these two people! The woman's long hair and the cat on this man's shoulder are very distinctive, so they must be right! "

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