Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 885 Someone was arrested for you

Miwako Sato followed the patrolman and ran closer.

In the night, she looked warily at the two "suspicious persons" in front of her, and was about to show her police ID to ask them to assist in the investigation.

But before she spoke, she was suddenly startled.

Officer Sato: "..." Although the light here was dim, she always felt that the two people in front of her looked familiar.

After taking a closer look, he recognized it: "...Jiang Xia?"

The policemen who were following him were startled, and upon hearing the name, they looked at each other happily.

...It seems like I don’t have to work overtime anymore!

There was a murder nearby.

Follow the police on their way to the scene.

Jiang Xia found her cell phone and sent a message to Kinoshita Yoko, who invited her to the party, telling her that she had something to do and had to go back later. . .

Then he looked at Miwako Sato who was walking beside him: "What happened?"

"We just received an alarm - a murder occurred in a nearby single-family house." Officer Sato glanced at Chihiro Kojima, who was following them with his head lowered, and lowered his voice:

"We just arrived at the scene when a patrol officer happened to pass by. After hearing the general situation, he reported that he saw two suspicious people. The Mu Mu Police Department asked me to come with him and follow his patrol route. Depending on the situation, look for evidence that may have been discarded. As a result, we searched around and found no evidence. Instead, we saw your shadow."

Jiang Xia nodded. The patrolman didn't seem to recognize him, which was normal - it was dark tonight, and not all police officers worked in the Metropolitan Police and liked to read the news.

However, luckily they met, otherwise he would have had to find an excuse to sneak into the crime scene to pick up ghosts.

Waited until the murder scene.

Jiang Xia raised his head and glanced at the familiar mansion in front of him.

——This is exactly where he was plotted against by that cunning black cat just now.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia couldn't help but pick up the dizzy cat lying on his shoulder and rub it a few more times.

Sato Miwako: "..."

She glanced at the cat in Jiang Xia's hand with slight confusion, wondering why he carried this with him.

But soon, Officer Sato remembered that Jiang Xia was a detective who often received requests to find cats, and he stopped worrying about such trivial matters.

She followed Jiang Xia's line of sight and found that Jiang Xia was meditating on the word "児岛" on the house plate.

So he said softly: "The deceased is a resident here, Ikuko Koshima. According to our visit and investigation - the young lady who was relaxing with you just now is the daughter of the deceased."

Just now, when they were "caught on the spot" by a small patrolman and a group of policemen, Jiang Xia and Qiandao Qianxun simply explained the reasons for their appearance here. Chihiro Kodao reluctantly showed her ID. Because the police want to know the identity.

The uncommon surname on her ID made Officer Sato change his expression slightly.

This is why the police wanted Qianxun Edao to come to the scene and cooperate with the investigation.

Jiang Xia listened to Officer Sato's words and nodded: "Let's take a look at the scene first."

Enter the door and come to the living room.

He saw a female corpse lying on the floor of the spacious living room.

It was a woman wrapped in a bathrobe, a towel around her head, and a facial mask on her face. There were heavy pinch marks on her neck, and the outline of her fingers could be vaguely seen. She must have been strangled to death with bare hands from behind.

Police Department Memu yawned and stood in the middle of the living room. He looked like he was very tired after working a lot of overtime, but he still had to work hard.

Just now, when Miwako Sato found Chihiro Kojima, she had already reported the situation back to the scene.

At this time, when the Mumu Police Department saw Jiang Xia coming in, their eyes lit up slightly.

He took a few steps closer and began to convey the facts of the case skillfully.

Megure Police Department pointed at the body on the ground, then raised his hand to signal to Chihiro Koshima, and said like an intermediary introducing him: "This is Ms. Ikuko Koshima, the chairman of an electrical company, currently living alone - at the same time , she is this... Sato should have told you, she is the mother of Miss Kojima."

Odao Qianxun resisted his slightly suspicious gaze and instinctively hid behind Jiang Xia.

But he quickly remembered something, snorted coldly, stood up, and said calmly: "Yes, I am her daughter, what's the problem?"

"It's not a big problem. We have to find evidence first..." Police Department Memu adjusted the hat on his head, found a notebook, and prepared to record it. "Can you tell us the trajectory of your actions tonight? And who can prove it for you. .”

Kodao Qianxun's face turned blue and white, staring at the corpse on the ground, refusing to speak.

The more the Mumu Police Department looked at her, the more suspicious she became.

Just as he was about to ask in detail, the door to the hall was suddenly pushed open with a bang.

An excited voice came next.

Suzuki Sonoko proudly stepped into the living room and put her hands on her waist: "Officer! We've helped you catch the prisoner. You must watch this person carefully. This person is not honest. Several times on the road, this guy almost escaped... "Halfway through her words, her voice suddenly stopped.

Then he happily said: "Jiang Xia? You are also here to help the police solve the case."

She happily skipped to Jiang Xia's side, and the door suddenly became empty.

In front of the exposed door, Mao Lilan twisted a tall man wearing glasses and pushed him into the living room.

On the way from the front door to the living room, they passed many police officers. The policemen looked at the contrasting escort scene and were stunned for a moment. They couldn't decide whether to stop or help. In the end, their minds clashed. They all froze in place and even moved to the wall, watching Mao Lilan press the person down. Entered the hall.

At Mao Lilan's feet, Conan followed with a look of helplessness.

When the two heard Suzuki Sonoko calling "Jiang Xia", they were startled and instinctively turned their eyes to look for it. Soon, they found this classmate detective who was even more of a model worker than the previous Kudo Shinichi.

Jiang Xia also looked towards the door.

His eyes fell on the strong man who was constantly struggling under Mao Lilan's hands but could not get rid of him: "This is..."

"We were shopping outside just now, and we were almost knocked down by this sneaky guy - he drove without looking at the road, and there were people on the zebra crossing who dared to drive straight ahead."

Suzuki Sonoko snorted, touched her chin with a deep expression, and imitated a detective, reasoning gracefully:

"Although he came to his senses later and stopped the car suddenly, I calculated with my fingers and felt that there must be something wrong with this guy! Sure enough - when he got out of the car to check the situation, I heard the Memu Police Department calling him, Let him come and be investigated.

"At that time, I asked a few questions casually out of curiosity. He was so panicked that he turned around and wanted to run away, so I made a decisive decision!" Suzuki Sonoko waved her little hand and said mightily, "Let Xiaolan catch him!"

Next to him, Mao Lilan held down the tall man like a chicken, and nodded while hiding his merit and fame.

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