Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 886 Why are you here too? Please vote o(〃▽〃)o

Chapter 886 Why are you here too? Please vote o(〃'▽'〃)o

Conan sighed helplessly beside him.

Jiang Xia also sighed skillfully.

Next to him, the Memu Police Department also sighed tiredly, and then walked towards Mao Lilan, intending to rescue the person in her hands.

At the same time, he cleared his throat and tried to popularize science: "Thank you for your help. However, we actually just want to invite Mr. Quan to come over and learn about the situation from him as a witness - well, you see, if he is a suspect, we will definitely not call him Instead of alerting him, he came directly to the door."


Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko smiled proudly, then froze.

Conan stood nearby and nodded resentfully like a chicken pecking at rice: He had already warned the two girls when they arrested them, but Suzuki Sonoko pushed him back and said, "Children, don't worry about adults." thing".

And Mao Lilan didn't know why, but she also got a little bit of detective impulse, and really went crazy with Suzuki Sonoko, escorting the unlucky witness. . .

Suzuki Sonoko fiddled with the hairpin on her head, a little embarrassed: "So that's it. But...well, but a celebrity in the last century said that there is often only a thin line between witnesses and suspects! We arrested people here in order to Just in case..." As she spoke, her voice gradually decreased, and she looked at Jiang Xia with a faint look, "right."

Jiang Xia: "..."

He remembered a strange legend: every time he takes a Chinese composition exam, a group of mysterious celebrities will appear in the world. They have different identities and changing nationalities. The only thing they have in common is that they can always say a famous saying that fits the topic of the composition.

"..." But now, whether the "celebrity" and the "famous saying" mentioned by Suzuki Sonoko exist or not is obviously not the point.

The point is...

Jiang Xia nodded and helped her avoid the subject of the witness in a dignified manner:

"Indeed, but the details still depend on the evidence - the police department, Ms. Chihiro Kodao, and the gentleman who was just found outside should not be the ones who called the police. Who was the first person to discover the body?"

Acquaintances, the first person to discover the body, "passers-by" who have been around the scene from time to time after the crime and were overly aggressive...

These are the objects of priority suspicion.

Once the topic turned to the case, no one really bothered about how he got here except the witness himself.

"The person who called the police is Juro Yoshioka, a subordinate of the electrical appliance company where the deceased worked." The Megure Police Department answered Jiang Xia's question and motioned to him to the sofa on the other side of the living room, where a middle-aged man was sitting. "That's it. That gentleman."

The deceased's daughter, the "caught" witness, and the deceased's colleagues.

All three are here.

Mumu Police Department walked to Jiang Xia. Maybe it was troublesome to straighten out the timeline and talk about it with his mouth. He simply handed over the notes he had made:

"Fortunately, there is a surveillance camera installed at the door of the house, which records the order of visitors' arrival and the specific time. This is how we found several witnesses."

The notes in the notebook were a bit sloppy.

The Mumu Police Department originally wanted to point to those lines and explain them to Jiang Xia one by one. But after saying a few words, I felt a little confused and got stuck.

After a moment of pause, he touched the brim of his hat nonchalantly: "It happens that everyone is already here, let's just go through the surveillance."

As he spoke, he turned to several witnesses: "Please recall what happened when you came here to visit, and whether you noticed any abnormalities during the trip."

After explaining the precautions.

The Mumu Police Department pressed the remote control switch and replayed the surveillance video during the problematic period.

This is not the surveillance next to the courtyard gate, but at the door of the house.

"The first one to come was Mr. Gouo Izumi." That was the panicked employee who was escorted back by Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko. "He was an employee of TM Securities, and the deceased was his client. Judging from the time on the surveillance, Mr. Izumi was 8 Clicked in and left at 8:40.”

Suzuki Sonoko stood next to Jiang Xia, imitating him and touching her chin in the same gesture, staring deeply at the monitoring screen.

——After all, it was she and Xiaolan who arrested her. Although the police said that Izumi Gouo was just a witness, Suzuki Sonoko felt that with her sharp eyes, there was definitely something wrong with Izumi Gouo's panic!

Staring at the surveillance camera, he watched the scene of Izumi Gouo entering and leaving the house.

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly clapped her palms: "Look! When he went in, his expression was very calm, but when he came out, his eyes were angry and very fierce. There must have been a quarrel between the two people in the room, and then Izumi Wuxiong brutally He was killed!" At the end, she did not forget to look through the crime-solving reference book beside her, and turned to look at the reliable Jiang Xia, "That's right."

Jiang Xia stroked the cat and agreed, "It makes sense."

Suzuki Sonoko immediately straightened her back. She relaxed and reached out to touch the cat in Jiang Xia's arms. After a while, I couldn't help but sigh happily: "It feels so good."

Jiang Xia nodded sympathetically.

"Ahem." Mumu Police Department interrupted, hesitating to speak, "Don't be impatient, just finish reading first."

He pressed the remote control.

Monitoring is fast forwarding.

Then the next time someone comes through the door, it resumes its normal pace.

Ten minutes after Izumi Gouo left, at 8:53, Chihiro Kojima, the daughter of the deceased, came to the door.

The doors here are all coded locks. Although Qiandao Qianxun does not live with her mother, she still knows the code.

However, before entering the password, she turned the doorknob. It was found that the door was not locked - when the deceased had an appointment with someone, she would often leave the door open to let the other person come in. This was her habit of sitting out in the office all year round.

In the surveillance footage, Chihiro Kodao was not surprised that the door was open and pushed the door open.

After her figure disappeared from the screen, the Memu Police Department pressed fast forward again and explained:

"Four minutes after Ms. Kojima entered the door, the security device in the room was triggered, and the security personnel came quickly - they arrived at exactly 9 o'clock, knocked on the door, and saw Ms. Ikuko Kojima.

"After a brief exchange, the security guards learned that the alarm being triggered was just a misunderstanding, so they caught the cat that accidentally entered the hospital and left quickly... By the way, they met Jiang Xia outside the hospital gate."

Next to them, the two security guards who were invited as witnesses nodded slightly, indicating that this was indeed the case.

Jiang Xia nodded, indicating that the last sentence was indeed correct.

However, regarding the previous part, he silently nodded in his mind.

The police department was unable to see through the detective's deep psychological activities.

Seeing Jiang Xia nodding in confirmation, he pressed the remote control and continued playing the next part.

Judging from the time of the surveillance footage, not long after the security guard left, Chihiro Kodao hurriedly pushed the door open and quickly disappeared from the surveillance range.

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