Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 888: Try your best

"I originally wanted to call the police immediately, but then I remembered this investigation report." Juro Yoshioka smiled bitterly, "If you find it after searching the scene, I will definitely become a suspect and be forced to accept the investigation. So I thought... …Get it out of the way first.”

Miwako Sato looked at him speechlessly: "You are worried that after the police discover the information, they will pursue you for embezzling public funds - your worries are right. In short, after this case is over, no matter who the murderer is, please Come with us."

"...Oh." Juro Yoshioka responded lazily, turned around, and muttered.

If you listen closely, he is mumbling words such as "Asshole police, I will kill you when we get back!" . .

The mermaid happened to pass by him. When he heard this, he couldn't help but stop and waited for a while with bright eyes.

But after a long time, the aura around Juro Yoshioka remained unchanged.

Mermaid: "..." Liar!

Jiang Xia heard her muttering complaints and turned to look at Juro Yoshioka, who was "not keeping his word", but his attitude was quite peaceful.

——Just now, he followed the police to the hall. As soon as he reached the door, he happily stepped on a whole mass of ownerless murderous aura that fell to the ground. So Jiang Xia commanded the ghosts to pick it up.

And according to Yoshioka Juro's description just now, this should be exactly what he dropped.

——Juro Yoshioka probably entered the room full of anger, "How dare the bastard president threaten me, I'll kill you!" Only to find that the person was already dead... The corpse could not be killed again, and the murderous aura on his body would naturally be wiped off on the spot.

As for now, why haven't new ones popped up...

There are many people who dare to scold the police, but not many who dare to actually take action.

This is probably like vodka when facing a powerful enemy: I can't help but curse "Sooner or later I'll kill you!", but because of lack of self-confidence, I feel that I can't do it and have no intention of taking action. So there is no murderous intention...

Jiang Xia: "..." Huh? Speaking of which, I don’t know what’s going on with the vodka.

However, judging from the reports from the murderous ghosts who stayed there. After he left, Vodka's murderous aura continued to overflow steadily, which was even more gratifying than when Jiang Xia was working hard at the scene just now.

Thinking about it, Jiang Xia couldn't help but glance at the freezer filled with delicious desserts in the living room of the Odao family.

"..." I kind of think of vodka.

But at the same time, Jiang Xia was a little worried that the existence of "Uzuo" was a factor that hindered Vodka from producing murderous intent - when he didn't leave just now, Vodka didn't take so much murderous intent. He only fluctuated occasionally when he mentioned "engagement". Most of the time, he was more like a Buddhist monk with a calm mind... I don't know what Vodka was thinking about during the time he was away. You will have to ask the ghost carefully later so that you can reuse it next time.

In addition, when talking about Bodega, there is another thing worth paying attention to.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia paused slightly while stroking the cat, and looked at the three classmates present, especially Conan.

——Based on the speed at which the police clean up the scene on weekdays, the enthusiasm and gossip of the students, and Mao Lilan's easy-going attitude of taking notes on the spot...

If another case "happens" to happen nearby, the three of them will probably rush to the scene in time.

In this way, they might encounter vodka...

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Xia looked out the window and decided to find a suitable time later to send a message to Vodka.

When Jiang Xia was worried about her colleagues.

Next to him, Juro Yoshioka was "invited" by several policemen to wait on the sofa.

Juro Yoshioka took two steps and suddenly came to his senses and realized one thing - just now, although he took out the detective's investigation report and explained the reason why he entered the house. But the police only admitted that he had committed economic crimes, but did not say that they thought he would not kill anyone.

Juro Yoshioka: "..." We must provide more clues to find the murderer, so as not to become a scapegoat.

Thinking like this, he suddenly raised his hand and pointed: "I understand, you are the murderer!"

Several people were startled and followed his gaze.

Saw Jiang Xia.

A second later, a group of people turned back silently, showing complex expressions of "Are you still awake?"

"...It's not him, it's the one behind him!" Juro Yoshioka pointed at Chihiro Kojima, who was hiding most of his body behind Jiang Xia, and snorted coldly from his nose:

"She is the same as her mother! She pretends to be soft and humane in front of others, but secretly they are more fierce than the other... In short, Chihiro Kodao is the murderer!

"Think about it with your brains! - In the surveillance just now, when the security came, President Kodao was still alive. When I came, President Kodao was already dead. In the middle, only Chihiro Kodao entered After passing her house, who else could be the murderer besides her?

"——Even though she and the deceased were mother and daughter, Chihiro Kodao had actually fallen out with President Kodao a long time ago because she was clamoring to elope with a wild man. In the past two years, her husband had embezzled a large amount of public funds. I came to President Erdao to borrow money to repair the hole. The president didn’t borrow the money, so the man went in and is still squatting in jail!

"After that, every time Chihiro Kojima saw the president, she would have a fierce quarrel - don't talk about this kind of thing to me, anyone who is a little familiar with them knows it. The quarrel must have started tonight, and she He killed the president in anger!"

Kodao Qianxun's face turned ugly little by little.

Suddenly being exposed in front of others, she was so angry that she slapped the table next to her. The high-quality mahogany table had a small crack.

Under the shocked and vigilant gazes of several police officers, Chihiro Kojima said angrily: "I told you that I didn't kill him!" At the same time, she couldn't help but roll up her sleeves, and rushed over if Juro Yoshioka dared to talk any more. The attitude of beating him up.

The police officers on both sides came to their senses and started trying to stop the fight.

Next to her, Jiang Xia, who was counting the inventory of vanilla ice cream, was also alerted by their movements and turned her head to look over.

At this moment, Chihiro Kodao, who was about to beat someone up, was grabbed by several strong men. He couldn't rush to Yoshioka Juro's side for a while.

Her brain, which was confused by anger, gradually sobered up a little.

Realize that violence will not solve the problem now. Qiandao Qianxun looked at Jiang Xia, with helpless tears in the corners of her eyes: "It's really not me!"

"...I believe you." Jiang Xia tried his best to ignore the strong policemen who were so tired that their veins popped out in order to hold Qianxun Odao back. He said gently, "However, there is one thing you must make clear first - —When the security came, the 'President Kojima' who opened the door for them wearing a bath towel, bathrobe, and facial mask, was actually you."

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