Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 889 It’s coming, it’s coming

Conan, who was forced to listen: "?!"

Conan just stared at the corpse in the room. He felt something was wrong no matter how he looked at it, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

But now, the casual spoiler from the fake detective next to him was like a flash of lightning, suddenly illuminating the vague thoughts in his mind.

Conan quietly took away the remote control placed on the table by the Memu Police Department and moved the surveillance camera forward.

After having a goal, I took a closer look and immediately discovered the problem.

Conan turned to look at Chihiro Kodao.

Jiang Xia suddenly said such a sentence, which seemed to be like a blow to the head for Qiandao Qianxun.

She stayed where she was for a moment, with a blank look on her face.

Conan looked at Jiang Xia again. . . It feels like when facing old customers, Jiang Xia seems to speak more tactfully than when solving cases in the past.

Since Jiang Xia is embarrassed to speak clearly...

Conan, who hadn't solved a case for a long time, cleared his throat, thinking that he might be able to provide a little help to the confused Kojima Chihiro.

Conan put on a child's voice, pointed at the surveillance screen on the TV, and suddenly asked: "Auntie who puts on the facial mask, does she love beauty?"

"Yes." Chihiro Kodao subconsciously chose a better answer between Jiang Xia and Conan's words, "My mother is more fashionable than a young girl who has just grown up. She has dyed and permed hair, contact lenses, and thick-soled boots. I even tried self-tanning makeup and didn’t miss anything.”

"So that's it." Conan pointed at the "President Erdao" in the surveillance camera who went out to greet the security guard and said innocently, "No wonder this aunt is obviously wearing a facial mask and lipstick on her mouth. It turns out she is just for beauty - said Get up, the color of her lipstick is so cool, by the way, it’s the same as the one on Sister Qianxun’s lips!”

Chihiro Kodao: "!!"

She covered her mouth guiltily, realizing her mistake, her heartbeat suddenly increased.

"If you see the security guard, if it is President Erdao, then you are the only one who has time to commit the crime." Jiang Xia advised tactfully, "And if it is you, then the scope of suspects will be even wider."

Kodao Chihiro: "..." Indeed...

She hesitated for a moment, gritted her teeth, and said like she was breaking a jar:

"Yes, the person who met the security guard was indeed me in disguise. But I didn't kill anyone! She was already dead when I came.

"I originally wanted to call the police at that time, but my mother and I always quarreled, and I have read a lot of information about the case. I know..." Speaking of this, Chihiro Odao couldn't help but glance at Jiang Xia secretly, "Police I would definitely suspect the first person to report the crime, so I wanted to leave first and let others discover the situation and then call the police. Unexpectedly, at that time, the alarm in the house was suddenly triggered. I was shocked and didn't dare to leave. So In desperation, I put on a bath towel and bathrobe, and covered my face with a facial mask, intending to get through first. After the security guard left, I hurriedly arranged the scene and left the place quickly... But in short, I didn't kill the person!"

Chihiro Kodao, who loves face, omits a few details.

——For example, before and after the incident, when she was nervously observing the situation outside, she noticed Jiang Xia who happened to show up, so she changed her clothes and chased after him.

Originally, she wanted Jiang Xia to solve the case, find the real culprit, and clear her name.

But after chasing him out of the door, he was blown by the night wind, and Odao Qianxun gradually woke up. She suddenly thought that what she had just done looked too much like the murderer was destroying evidence. Even if Jiang Xia finds out the real culprit, she may still think she is stupid... Thinking of this, Qianxun Kodao looked at Jiang Xia again, and suddenly couldn't speak.

Just when she was struggling, under the leadership of an enthusiastic little patrol officer, the police found her and Jiang Xia.

"..." After hearing her explanation, everyone in the room fell silent. Some believe it, and some are hesitant. Others believe that she is quibbling because this behavior is too difficult to describe.

Jiang Xia thought for a while under the nervous gaze of Qianxun Edao: "Although it sounds a bit... unbelievable. But when people are nervous, it is indeed easy to do some things that are difficult for others to understand - mature people Detectives and police should not let go of any hypothesis, and if what Miss Kojima said is true, then Mr. Gouo Izumi has no alibi. Speaking of which..."

Jiang Xia glanced at the black cat who had already woken up from a distance. At this time, he shrank into the corner and was hiding at the feet of Izumi Wuxiong.

Then he quickly looked at Izumi Wuxiong: "Just now, when Miss Qianxun was suspected, why did you suddenly laugh happily?"

Izumi Wuxiong was standing in the corner, eating melon happily with a low sense of presence.

When he was suddenly asked, his face turned red instantly, and he said in a panic: "I, I'm just a little happy - although it's selfish to say this, but if Miss Kodao is the murderer, my suspicion will naturally be cleared."

Jiang Xia: "But just now, you were not on the suspect list. And there is something you may not have noticed..."

Halfway through reading his answer, his phone suddenly rang.

Jiang Xia was startled and looked down at the caller ID.

Then I discovered that this was a call from Kinoshita Yoko.

After a pause, a call came from the Mu Mu Police Department.

The two people connected with each other, and then heard the same thing from their mobile phones.

——In the nearby apartment building, Kaoru Kusano had his throat cut.

There were many people in the apartment. So after a short period of panic, a group of people clearly divided their duties. Some called the police, some called detectives, and some called ambulances.

When the operator at the police station heard the location reported by the caller, he remembered that there was a case in the area and the police department was handling it, so he immediately synchronized the situation so that they could dispatch a part of the police force to the apartment and control the scene in time. , protect evidence.

Whether it is the detectives present or the Mumu Police Department, they are all skilled workers when facing unexpected cases.

What's more, this new case cannot be considered a "homicide" in the strict sense - the victim has been sent to the hospital for rescue, and may be rescued later. And I heard that there was an enthusiastic detective assistant at the scene who was experienced in dealing with trauma. That person immediately helped Kaoru Kusano with simple first aid.

As a result, Jiang Xia and the Mumu Police Department were both in a calm state of mind, and their communication with the caller was also smooth.

After a while.

Jiang Xia hung up the phone under the slightly curious gaze of a group of people.

Then he quickly finished what he had just interrupted and prepared to handle the next case, taking a look at Vodka by the way.

Jiang Xia looked at Izumi Wuxiong and continued: "And just now, when I was looking for the cat, I found a slightly shiny sequin falling from the folds of your trousers - I didn't pay much attention at first, thinking it was from a plastic packaging bag. Things like corners. But just now, Miss Kojima said that the deceased President Kojima always wore contact lenses, and there was only one contact lens on the body..."

After hearing these words, Izumi Wuxiong's expression suddenly changed.

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