Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 894 It’s all Vodka’s fault. Please give me your monthly voteヽ(〃〃)~

Hoshino Terumi nodded.

She has not seen as many real scenes as Kinoshita Yoko. Although she had indeed read many case reports in private, as a serious detective fan, Terumi Hoshino immediately assumed the perspective of a detective. When she entered the bathroom just now, she instinctively observed the environment, and for a moment she even forgot to call the police...

After being reminded by Yoko Kinoshita, Hoshino Terumi took out her cell phone with a guilty conscience and dialed the police call unskillfully.

The convenience of having a large number of people is that troublesome tasks such as calling the police, calling the ambulance, and finding detectives can be done at the same time without any delay, even if no skilled workers are available.

At the same time, a straight line distance of several hundred meters away.

In the detached house where Ikuko Koshima lives.

As the police officers found another contact lens belonging to President Kojima from Izumi Wuxiong's trousers.

Quan Wuxiong's legs went weak and he fell to his knees. . .

He punched the ground angrily: "It's all that woman's fault! She shirked her responsibility! She obviously asked me to buy those stocks, but in the end she said that I caused her to lose money..."

In the past, the police department would have listened in silence and then taken the person away with either sympathy or contempt.

But now, because another case happened nearby, they needed to rush over as soon as possible to deal with it.

Just when Izumi Gouo was halfway through his words, the Megure Police Department had already hurriedly led people away, leaving only Takagi Wataru and a few other experienced police officers to deal with the follow-up matters.

When Mu Mu Police Department left, Jiang Xia quickly followed.

Whether it was as a "party attendee" or as an "enthusiastic detective", it was decided that now, he had to go back to Kinoshita Yoko's apartment to take a look.

When a group of people went out in a chaotic manner, the black cat also took the opportunity to follow him out. Then with a leap of faith, he swooped into the nearby grass and disappeared in a flash.

Jiang Xia: "..."

I was so busy thinking about the murderous intent and the case that I almost forgot about the cat... Forget it, I've touched up enough books tonight, and I've avenged the "cat's blame" just now.

Jiang Xia briefly missed the feel of the black cat, then stopped running to catch it and continued to rush to the apartment where the accident occurred.

On the way, he glanced back and saw that Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko and Conan were also following quickly.

The three classmates, although they still didn’t know what happened. But they vaguely felt that there was a case, so they instinctively wanted to help and join in the fun.

Jiang Xia had frequent contact with these three classmates and was not surprised by their choices.

He said nothing and continued to follow the police, concentrating on rushing to the apartment.

Just now in the living room, when Jiang Xia saw three classmates breaking into the door, Jiang Xia thought of this situation.

And he realized at that time that based on the average speed of the police's subsequent processing after solving the case, as well as Mao Lilan's habit of enthusiastically taking notes...

If this continues, the three of them are likely to be exposed to the celebrity party case, and then rush to the scene of the crime, and then meet Vodka who is having a party at Kaoru Kusano's house.

And Conan has seen vodka.

Tonight, Vodka just changed his clothes again, Conan will definitely recognize it...

At this time, Jiang Xia thought that if she had to use the excuse of "it's not convenient for outsiders to go to a celebrity gathering" to stop the students, she could still stop them.

But this seems too blunt and inhumane.

According to Conan's level of vigilance, in the future, as long as he, as Kudo Shinichi, inquires from the police involved in the case, it will not be difficult to find out the status of the case. Then it was learned that a suspicious strong man in black attended the party as Jiang Xia's assistant.

... Under this situation, if Jiang Xia blocks it again, it will seem too deliberate, and it is equivalent to taking the initiative to put the blame on his own back.

So as soon as this plan flashed in his mind, Jiang Xia decisively crossed it out.

In addition, sending a message asking Vodka to find an excuse to leave in advance is also risky.

——In that case, this guy who looks suspicious just by looking at his face might be highly suspected as the murderer.

At that time, Conan only needs to ask other people attending the party about the situation, and he may still guess that "vodka was at the party."

In addition, there is another unimportant reason:

I don’t know if vodka will have an additional murderous effect when facing the police at close range...

In short, Jiang Xia thought for a moment and eliminated several solutions.

Finally decided to do nothing and let everything take its course.

After all, from the very beginning, he positioned vodka as "enthusiastic fans who come to the door after self-recommendation."

In this way, even if there is Vodka near Jiangxia, as long as Jiangxia itself is not suspicious, the person with ulterior motives must be Vodka, a cunning organizational cadre: Vodka may be coveting the detective's connections, or he may be interested in the detective himself. So he hid next to Jiang Xia and observed secretly. In addition, he may have other intentions for the other people at the party and just came to gain admission to the innocent Jiang Xia.

As for Vodka’s attitude toward Uzo…

At present, Jiang Xia is a little surprised to find that Vodka's acting skills are surprisingly good. The expression control is also very good - when facing "Jiang Xia", he is not only calm, but also a bit aloof. He seems to be talkative and uncommunicative, which actually fits the image of the "mysterious man in black".

Jiang Xia: "..." Sure enough, once he left Ginjiu, he couldn't call his big brother for help anytime and anywhere. Vodka could only grow on his own and instantly became a mature and stable adult... No, no, this is not the point.

The point is, the scene will be so chaotic later, and there will be cases to distract Conan.

Even if Kudo-san goes there, it will be difficult to discover Vodka's weird attitude towards Jiang Xia, so it won't be a big problem.

In addition, if Vodka's acting skills can't stand it...

Jiang Xia thought that he could find an opportunity midway and send an old acquaintance "Anonymous" to have Conan offline in seconds.

——On weekdays, when Jiang Xia has free time, he occasionally drives his Anonymous out to do heroic deeds, and in places where members of the organization and high school students hang out, he picks up some murderous aura, rubs the camera, and leaves a mystery in the photos. corner.

With this kind of foreshadowing, now, Vodka, an organization cadre, is present, and Jiang Xia, a high school student detective, is also present... Anonymous people are used to haunting the neighborhood, and they are used to killing Conan who is trying to take risks... but they can't find any problems.

After coming to a proper conclusion, Jiang Xia decisively put Kudo-san behind and stopped thinking about it.

He and a group of policemen entered the apartment building where Kaoru Kusano was. While waiting for the elevator, he began to miss the murderous atmosphere upstairs.

"The one whose throat was cut is Kaoru Kusano, twenty years old. He lives in Room 0802... I found him, this is it."

The Mumu Police Department checked the information sent by the operator, followed the house number, and found the place.

He raised his hand and pressed the doorbell.

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