Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 895 Trying to get a job

There happens to be a hospital nearby.

In addition, just now, under the command of Vodka, a group of people called an ambulance first.

So the ambulance arrived faster than a group of police officers running to the apartment on foot.

When the police arrived, the ambulance had already received Kaoru Kusano and was sending her for rescue.

A few minutes ago, in Kaoru Kusano's apartment.

The injured have been sent away, and there is no serious detective in the house to take charge of solving the case. The group of people have nothing to do. When they called just now, the police asked them not to leave.

Finally, a group of people simply gathered at the door, anxiously waiting for the police to arrive.

Everyone has different reasons for being anxious. . .

Among them, Vodka was the most upset.

Just now, when Hoshino Terumi called the police, he actually thought about it: how about saying goodbye secretly before the police arrived.

However, before I could slip away, I received an email on my phone.

——Uzo seemed to have predicted his actions and sent a message:

[Justice detectives should not be afraid of the police, and neither should detective assistants.

Please fulfill the obligations of a good citizen and help the police solve the case. ]

Miyoshi Citizen Vodka: "..."

Although he felt that "cunning", "shameless", "heartless" and other negative words could all be placed on Uzo's head without any violation.

But I have to admit that in Vodka's impression: a considerable number of those unlucky people who were plotted by Uzo in the past entered the network at a loss without having any direct contact with Uzo.

"..." In other words, if Uzo wants to harm someone, he will definitely not use this method of "requiring the other party to stay in the danger zone" or give direct orders.

So, the other way around. If you don’t obey, you will resolutely go against Uzo’s instructions...

At that time, Vodka looked at the email from Jiang Xia on his phone.

Look again at the apartment door that seems to lead to freedom.

After struggling for a moment, he finally stopped running.

——If he ignores Uzo's email and rushes out... Vodka thought, just in such a small apartment, facing so many handsome men and beauties who are not too cruel, he has a feeling of stepping on the door of hell countless times. a feeling of.

If he ran outside, the world is so vast and there are so many emergencies... What if he couldn't escape because the dog was taken away for some reason. At that time, Uzo can show the email he sent to it, and then say regretfully, "I tried my best, but Vodka didn't listen," and put all the blame on the innocent deceased Vodka...

"..." Vodka suddenly felt angry at the thought of having to bear the blame for Uzo if he died.

He struggled for a moment and sent Gin an email explaining the current situation.

Then he decided to follow Wu Zuo's instructions for the time being: in this way, even if he was brutally murdered, at least the truth would be made public in the organization, and this little yinbi would never have an easier time.

After making the decision without hesitation.

Vodka crossed his arms, followed the example of others in the room, and blended in with the crowd, implementing the "never leave alone" survival guide he had just summarized.

But soon, Vodka suddenly remembered the persona of "Mr. Yamada" that Uzo had placed on him tonight...

Vodka: "..."

After hesitating for a moment, he broke away from the crowd and investigated the situation in the corridor in a decent manner within the sight of everyone, making himself look like what Jiang Xia calls a "fanatic detective enthusiast and detective assistant." .

——Now that you have decided to implement Uzo’s instructions, let’s just implement them to the end.

A group of people waited for a while with various thoughts.

A few minutes after calling the police, the doorbell finally rang.

——The police and Jiang Xia arrived.

in the corridor.

The Mumu Police Department pressed the doorbell, and someone in the room soon opened the door.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko stood behind several policemen, secretly tiptoed, and looked into the room curiously.

After seeing the scene clearly, the two of them were stunned.

After a moment, they turned around, hugged each other excitedly, and screamed in a low voice: "So many stars!"

The entrance hall is a bit narrow, and there are really many people gathered here at this time - there are five in the house, and outside the house, there is a group of policemen who are about to enter the house.

Conan and the three "onlookers" were unable to sneak into the room for a while.

Conan, who was left outside the gate, tried his best to raise his head, but could only see the seam of everyone's legs.

He estimated the difficulty of squeezing through between the legs, sighed quietly, and stayed where he was.

At the same time, I secretly prayed in my heart: I hope this large group of people will not destroy the scene. Leave the complete scene behind so that you can sneak in and investigate later... No, you should first pray that Jiang Xia solves the case slowly - it doesn't have to be too slow, just like the case just now, it only takes about ten minutes.

That way the truth won't be too late, and I can have a sense of participation in solving the case...

Conan thought this, but at the same time he felt very hopeless.

——The case just now was a coincidence: as we all know, Jiang Xia will solve the case in seconds as long as all the evidence comes into view. His observation and reasoning ability in finding evidence are both terrifyingly strong.

Only when the evidence is really not collected together and happens to be in a blind corner that is difficult to see. Jiang Xia's speed in solving crimes will slow down slightly.

Just like the case just now - if I hadn't been lucky enough to see the contact lens in the murderer's trousers, it would have been really difficult to determine who was the murderer, Miss Kojima or Izumi Goo.


Conan recalled the way Miss Kodao clung to Jiang Xia skillfully, and thought that these two people seemed familiar.

And Jiang Xia is obviously not the kind of cold-faced detective who is "unforgiving". He is greatly influenced by his acquaintances, and even occasionally isolates himself and becomes passive at work because of this. Jiang Xia's speed in solving the case just now may have been slowed down by Miss Erdao. This gave the other detectives present a sense of participation.

But, speaking of this...

Conan suddenly realized: everyone involved in this throat-cutting case seemed to be Jiang Xia's acquaintances...

Thinking of this, Conan suddenly became more energetic.

He rolled up his sleeves silently: Jiang Xia, have a good rest. Now it’s the home of Edogawa Conan!

Conan failed to squeeze through the door and did not see the vodka for the time being.

Miwako Sato noticed it at a glance.

Her professional instinct makes her highly sensitive to all kinds of suspicious people.

And there does seem to be a unique dark aura among the members of the organization - Sato Miwako's radar, although not as accurate as Haibara Ai, can still play a role to a certain extent.

When the criminal police officers met the people present one by one and asked about the situation.

Officer Sato listened and secretly looked at the vodka.

Originally, she felt that her actions were concealed enough.

Unexpectedly, after just two glances, the strong man in black suddenly turned his head and looked over, as if he was extremely wary and sensitive to his gaze.

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